Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4224 Another sacrifice

"Yes." Nini nodded.

"Wu Sutai... Could it be that... he did something inside... or found something..." Zhang Yu muttered.

"What did he find..." Nini couldn't help but said, "What will he find..."

"I don't know now, but I think it's necessary for the two of us to take a closer look here." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Nini nodded immediately.

"Let's go over there first." Zhang Yu pointed to the right.

Both of the prisons were made of wooden piles, with skeletons hanging upside down on them. This is still the case today.

Zhang Yu and Nini walked over together and found nothing unusual. On the ground in the last row, there were skulls. These skulls seemed to be in order. Zhang Yu had seen them when he came here last time, but he did not ask about them.

This time, Zhang Yu asked aloud: "Nini, what are these skulls on the ground for?"

"My father practiced them all. When they were normal before, they were all floating. Maybe it's because my father died, so these skulls fell to the ground." Nini said.

"So that's it..." Zhang Yu nodded, and then asked: "So, the Divine Prison has always been your father's place of cultivation?"

"Yes." Nini said.

"The Divine Prison is where your father practices... Then where does the high priest practice..." Zhang Yu asked again.

"The high priest is practicing in the cave over there..." Nini pointed to the stone wall on the right and continued: "It's on the way we came here. Turn to the right and you'll find the Divine Prison. Go to the left and you'll find the high priest's residence. It’s a cave…”

"In other words, the Divine Prison has always been the place where the chiefs practiced...the high priest did not practice in the Divine Prison..." Zhang Yu said.

"This is not..." Nini said.

"How?" Zhang Yu became curious.

"In the earliest days, the Divine Prison was the place where the high priest practiced. But after the old priest was deified, the great priest Wusu had limited cultivation and could not obtain the Mayan inheritance. My father was anxious and went to the Divine Prison to practice in person. "Nini said.

"There is such a thing..." Zhang Yu pondered and said: "By the way, in your tribe, how can you become a sacrifice, and how can you become a high priest... Is it passed down from father to son... or something... …”

"That's not the case. According to the rules passed down from the tribe, the chief can get married and have children, and so can everyone else, except the high priest. Each generation of high priest selects five disciples from the tribe to teach. Before the high priest becomes old and deified, one of them will be designated as the high priest, and the other four disciples will be the priests. The priests can get married and have children, but the high priests cannot. Also, the children born of the priests' marriage must be sacrificed. ." Nini said.

"What kind of rule is this?" Zhang Yu asked in confusion.

"Even with the rules handed down from our ancestors, I don't understand why the high priest can't get married and have children. At that time, I also asked my father, if the high priest can get married and have children, wouldn't our Mayan heritage be lost. As a result, I Dad said that the Mayan inheritance belongs to the tribe, not the family. If the high priest can get married and have children, then the inheritance in the future will not belong to the high priest's family. In this case, what else does the chief do?" Nini said.

As soon as he heard this, Zhang Yu understood the truth. The chief is the leader of the tribe and has the highest authority, while the high priest only serves the tribe. The chief can be passed down through the family. If the high priest can also be passed down through the family, his strength will definitely surpass that of the chief. Who will have the final say in the tribe in the future, but there is no guarantee that the chief may be replaced. After all, according to Nini, it seems that only the high priest can get the Mayan inheritance. The children of the sacrifice must be sacrificed as soon as they are born. This rule is indeed cruel. It is probably because they are worried about the strength of the sacrifice lineage.

In order to prove this point, Zhang Yu asked again: "Are the witchcraft methods practiced by the chief and the witchcraft practiced by the high priest the same?"

"It seems different... But looking at the witchcraft that Grand Priest Wusu cultivated, it is actually not much different from what my father practiced... I don't know exactly what the difference is..." Nini said.

"From what you said, high priests often receive Maya inheritance, and that's why they become very powerful. The high priest will accept five disciples, and only one of these five disciples will become the high priest. Who will be chosen as the high priest? Priest, do you have anything else to say? If these five disciples have not obtained the Maya inheritance, will there be a big gap in their strength?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I don't know who to choose as the high priest and what the rules are. It seems that even my father doesn't know very well. But as you said, the high priest with the Mayan inheritance will definitely be the most powerful and have the Absolute strength. If there is no high priest with Mayan will not be too powerful...just like the high priest Wusu, although he is the most powerful disciple of the old priest, but according to my father, in fact, the other four The cultivation level of this priest is not much worse than that of Grand Priest Wusu..." Nini said truthfully.

"Are other tribes like this too? They don't seem to have Mayan heritage?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

"I heard from my father that all tribes were originally Mayan exile tribes. Only our family received the Mayan inheritance, and other families did not. Therefore, the rules for the high priest and sacrifices are basically the same. But some tribes are even more stringent, and even the priests are not allowed to get married, just like the Barcelon family, the high priests and priests are not allowed to get married," Nini said.

After hearing this statement, Zhang Yu secretly said in his heart that the sacrifice seemed very beautiful and powerful, but it was just on the surface.

Zhang Yu even came up with the idea that the chief was equal to the emperor, and the high priests and priests were actually eunuchs. No matter how powerful the eunuch is, if you have no descendants, you can only serve the emperor honestly.

However, the inheritance of the high priest is very strange and he has great strength. Why must he abide by this rule?

Zhang Yu couldn't understand this, but then he thought of the "sacrifice" that Nini said.

The reason Nini let him in was to sacrifice, and the children of the sacrifice must be sacrificed as soon as they are born, so what kind of sacrifice is it?

Although this was not serious business, Zhang Yu was curious after all and couldn't help but said: "Nini, you just asked me to come in to offer sacrifices. What's going on? Also, the children of sacrifices must be sacrificed as soon as they are born. Again, how to say?"

"The sacrifice I asked you to come in, not only to sacrifice my own blood, but also to sacrifice your life. To sacrifice the children of the sacrifice as soon as they are born means to kill them and offer them to the true God." Nini said seriously. said.

"Killing them as soon as they are born... This, this is too cruel..." Zhang Yu said with a frown.

"Because they are sacrifices...the children of the sacrifices are to be dedicated to the true god..." Nini said very seriously.

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