Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4215 Of course not willing to give up

Seeing Yun Kil come out with a ring, Barcelon said curiously: "High Priest, what is this?"

"This is the weight for the young chief's victory tomorrow." Yun Kil said, sitting down at the previous position, and then handed the ring to Barcelon.

Barcelon took the ring, just looked at it, and then said: "This is made from the Vulcan Stone."

"The chief really has good eyesight." Yun Kil said proudly: "Because of the rush of time, I can only use the Vulcan Stone to refine a small witchcraft and add my witchcraft power to it to activate its power. . The young chief only needs to wear this magic weapon, and he will be able to easily deal with Orser and Negus tomorrow."

"It is naturally not difficult to win with the witchcraft refined by the high priest. However, according to the rules, in order to ensure safety, tomorrow's contest is not allowed to use witchcraft. It is just a pure contest of witchcraft. If Dajitu wears this ring If he plays, he will inevitably be discovered by Jingdong An and Rice, and there may be some trouble. At least they two will never admit it," Barcelone said.

"Chief, please rest assured. The ring is worn on your hand. No one will check it before the fight. After the fight, if the young chief defeats the two, the witchcraft on it will be exhausted and it will become an ordinary ring. ring. If Jingdong An and Rice are dissatisfied, they can check it and find that it is just an ordinary stone ring. They have nothing to say. The key is that the young chief put the ring on his finger and used witchcraft to urge it. When moving, be sure to control it carefully and never expel all the magic power in the ring. In this case, the opponent may be killed. Once casualties occur, it will not be good. Also, It would be best to let Orser and Negus go together, so that after defeating the two, there will be no trace of witchcraft left on the ring, no one can find evidence, and both of them will suffer equally. Injuries are harmless to each other." Yun Kil said slowly.

After hearing these words, Barcelon nodded, then looked at his son and said, "Dajitu, do you understand what the high priest said? Remember, you can win, but you can't take human life."

"Dad, don't worry. I understand what the high priest means. When we meet tomorrow, I will ask these two guys, Orser and Negus, to come together and directly injure them without leaving any trace. Traces!" Dajitu said confidently.

Among the woods.

Nini proposed to make the evidence public and find the real culprit, but Zhang Yu objected.

In Nini's opinion, this must be Zhang Yu's fear of exposing his identity.

However, Zhang Yu naturally had his own opinions. He looked at Nini and said in a serious tone: "Nini, after your father dies, your tribe will be even weaker and will be at the mercy of others. It's just that each tribe is in the way. Since other families are here, it’s really inconvenient to take it by force. But once you say it, it will give the other three tribes an excuse to purge the masters of your tribe. They can kill your mother and the high priest Wusu openly. And they said it was to avenge your father. When all the masters of your tribe are completely dead, your tribe can only be enslaved by the other three families. As for the Mayan inheritance they want to get, there is no need to make any excuses. They only need the three families to decision."

"This...this..." Good guy, Nini almost cried in fear when she heard Zhang Yu say this. She said worriedly: "Does it mean that even if I have clues to find the real murderer, I can't say anything now... If this is the case, how can I avenge my father..."

"I'm not sure whether I can tell you in the future, but right now, you absolutely can't tell me." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Then, what should I do..." Nini said aggrievedly: "Could it be that, as my mother said, I can only endure it..."

"Of course you can't tolerate it blindly, you must also take action." Zhang Yu said.

" should I act..." Nini looked at Zhang Yu with pleading eyes.

"There are two murderers in total. We can barely lock down the person who plotted against your father, but the other one is elusive. I think everything that happened on the island must be part of the calculations of these two people. They have even been able to Anticipate what is going to happen next, and set up plans to finally solve these problems and reap the maximum benefits. Therefore, what you have to do is to disrupt the other party's plan. Only if their premeditation fails to succeed, will they You will emerge from the chaos. Once you can force the real mastermind to collide with the three Barcelon families, causing both sides to suffer losses, you will have the opportunity to avenge your father." Zhang Yu said seriously again.

"Yes." Nini nodded heavily and said, "What you said makes sense. We must destroy their plan. But...can we do it with just the two of us..."

Nini is still worried, and in her eyes, no one on the island is trustworthy now. Only Zhang Yu can reassure her. That's why she said, "It's just the two of us."

Zhang Yu's eyes showed a look of confidence. He smiled slightly and said: "If the other party wants to completely achieve its goal, it must meet one condition, and that is to try to make the three tribes kill each other for profit. But if it can be said that it can not appear for the time being. In this situation, the other party's goal cannot be achieved for the time being, and they will definitely find another way. Tomorrow is the day when the three young chiefs compete. If one of the three young chiefs is killed on the spot, what do you think the consequences will be like? "

"It would be better if they all died...but..." Nini frowned and said, "If someone dies, there will definitely be a fight..."

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded affirmatively and said: "In the contest between the three young chiefs, the three chiefs will definitely make rules to avoid casualties. However, the murderer will definitely find a way to cause casualties. So the simplest way is to stop this. A contest.”

"Stop this to stop it...this is what they have agreed can we possibly have a way..." Nini said in confusion.

"The methods are all thought up by people." Zhang Yu said confidently: "One of the reasons why the three young chiefs took action was to marry you. If you can't make a decision, they will treat you as a trophy."

"Yes." Nini nodded aggrievedly.

"That'll be easy..." Zhang Yu said with a faint smile: "When they have to compete tomorrow, you can directly stand up and express your willingness to marry a certain young chieftain. In this way, they won't be able to fight. What?"

"Ah?" Nini was shocked, shedding tears and said aggrievedly: "Are you willing to let me marry someone else..."

As soon as these words came out, even Nini herself was wondering why she said such words.

Zhang Yu immediately said: "Of course I won't give it up..."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Zhang Yu felt confused, but after all he had said, Quan thought he was comforting Nini. He followed up and said, "It seems that according to your rules, your father has just passed away. Even if the marriage is settled, it is impossible to get married immediately, right?"

"That's right." Nini nodded.

When Zhang Yu said, "Of course I wouldn't let it go," she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart.

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