Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4211 Fragments

Zhang Yu and Nini held hands and walked outside the cave together. Also worried about being exposed, Zhang Yu asked Nini to collect the fire beads. After all, Zhang Yu has now recovered his seventh degree of power, and he can feel everything in front of him without the need for lighting.

After there was no light, Nini was not afraid. It seemed that at this moment, as long as Zhang Yu was by her side, she felt particularly at ease.

The two people walked very slowly, but after a while, they still came to the entrance of the cave and could see the night outside. Zhang Yu quickly let go of Nini's hand and whispered: "Come out, I will become mute now."

After saying that, he quickly unplugged the output system connected to his ear.

Nini seemed a little disappointed and said in a very low voice: "It would be great if we could keep going like this."

Although her voice was small, Zhang Yu could still hear it. At this moment, Zhang Yu's heart couldn't help but tremble, and he couldn't help but think of the scene where he and Pan Yun were walking hand in hand.

However, this scene passed so quickly that Zhang Yu did not dare to think too much about it. Zhang Yu then raised his hand and made a forward gesture to Nini. Nini understood immediately and knew that at this time, Zhang Yu was the mute before, and she was still the young master.

So, Nini walked out first, and Zhang Yu followed Nini out.

It was quiet at night, and standing outside the cave, not a single person could be seen. The two of them walked up the mountain road together. After reaching the top of the mountain, they walked towards the location of the Divine Prison.

Nini is very familiar with everything on the mountain. According to the directions provided by Zhang Yu, it is easy to find the trees in front of the prison.

In the dark, there are many trees here, and during the day, the indigenous people on the island used to come here to search for and pick leaves, and the place was trampled into a mess. It is really difficult to find the traces of dragging at that time. Especially at night, you cannot use firelight, otherwise you will be easily discovered.

Zhang Yu searched in the dark, and Nini followed Zhang Yu. She didn't know what kind of clues she could find. She just believed that since Zhang Yu said he could find it, he would definitely find it.

However, there are also benefits in darkness. After searching for a while, Zhang Yu suddenly saw a white thing in the grass diagonally ahead. Zhang Yu immediately walked over, squatted down in the grass, and picked out the white things.

As soon as he got it, Zhang Yu could feel that there was a strange aura on this thing, and this aura was very powerful. After taking a closer look, he could immediately conclude that this should be a human skull.

Nini followed Zhang Yu, looked at the skull that Zhang Yu found, and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"Uh uh..." Zhang Yu made such a sound deliberately.

Nini immediately realized what Zhang Yu had told her before. She pursed her lips and whispered, "It's really worrying. You must explain it to me later."

Zhang Yu nodded immediately, then put the skull in his arms and began to search in the grass again.

Because of the discovery, Zhang Yu searched more carefully, squatting and walking forward. After searching not far forward, Zhang Yu saw a few pieces of white stuff in the grass in front of him. He immediately walked over, parted the grass, and picked out all the white things inside.

These were some small white fragments. When he held them in his hands, Zhang Yu could almost conclude that these should also be human skulls. Not only that, Zhang Yu could also feel that there was a strange aura on the skull. This aura was similar to the skull he had just seen.

"It's the skull again..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart, "Why is there a skull in this place... And there is a strange smell on it... This kind of smell should be unique to the local indigenous witchcraft. ...That means...someone has done something here before...Yes, there must be traces of a fight...If this is the case, it should not be far from the place where Nini's father was killed..."

Nini squatted next to Zhang Yu, looking worried, but she knew in her heart that her asking now was in vain. This stinky guy is just pretending to be deaf and dumb now.

She could only wait patiently, but when she saw Zhang Yu continued to squat and walk forward, she had no choice but to follow him. As Zhang Yu walked, he saw something white in the grass again.

Zhang Yu immediately walked over, parted the grass, and picked out all the white things. There are six pieces of skull here, which are relatively scattered and small. To be honest, it is really difficult to find them unless you are willing to look for them.

He put the skull in the palm of his hand and put it together with the skull fragments he had previously held. Then he could feel that the strange aura on these skull fragments was the same.

However, his heart suddenly "thumped".

He hurriedly took out the skull he had just put in his arms. This skull was much larger than the skull fragments he picked up later. He placed the larger skull in his left hand and held the other skull fragments in his right hand.

Zhang Yu closed his eyes and felt the skulls quietly. After only a moment, he could clearly notice that there was a difference between the skulls in his two hands.

The weird aura contained in the larger skull in the left hand is stronger, while the weird aura in the skull fragment in the right hand is weaker.

"It's true, these broken skulls are definitely witchcraft, and they don't belong to one person, but to two people... In other words, these two people had a fierce collision with the skull witchcraft... and both sides were injured... It's just Judging from the broken skulls, those skulls that were shattered by the shock are obviously weaker... But which of these two people is Bi Si Bang..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart again and pondered for a while. Zhang Yu vaguely realized that perhaps the slightly stronger person was Bi Sibang. If not, why would someone attack from behind?

Of course, this is just Zhang Yu's guess. Whether it is what he thinks or not needs to be confirmed. The only person who can help Zhang Yu prove this is Young Master Nini beside him.

However, Zhang Yu was not in a hurry to confirm this right away. Since there were traces of a fight here, it shouldn't be difficult to find the place where the fight took place.

Zhang Yu installed all the skull fragments, and then continued to walk forward with his waist bent. During the walking process, Zhang Yu discovered some more skull fragments. These fragments are very scattered and small, scattered everywhere.

After walking out for more than ten meters, the grass in the grass in front was obviously different. The grass before was all straight, but it was stepped down by Zhang Yu and Nini. And many of the grasses in front are lying on the ground.

Obviously, these were the footprints left by someone before Zhang Yu and Nini arrived. As for how long ago it was left, this is not clear.

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