Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 416 Business rules, chopping hands (9th update, please vote)

Gambling fraud!

There is no such criminal law in the country because gambling itself is illegal.

However, fraudulent gambling can be punished by fraud in China, and the starting price is 10,000 yuan. As long as the fraud exceeds RMB 10,000, you can be sentenced to one year for fraud. Fraud has different sentences depending on the severity of the case. For example, if Liu Qiang and others collaborated to defraud Yang Xiaodong, it is estimated that the minimum sentence will be a few years, and the maximum sentence will be almost ten years.

Liu Qiang was shocked when he heard what Zhang Yu said. With Zhang Yu's strength and wealth, it is not impossible to send him to jail.

"I...this...Zhang, you have beaten me like this...what else can you do..." Liu Qiang began to soften his words.

"Hitting you is easy. Where is our Maserati?" Zhang Yu asked coldly again.

"Maserati...I don't know..." Liu Qiang wondered, looking baffled. How could he know where Maserati was?

"You are really stubborn! You still dare to deny it now!" Zhang Yu's voice became darker.

There was a man next to him. When he saw Liu Qiang denying it, he immediately became energetic and said, "Brother Zhang, use the trick just now. Don't be afraid that he won't tell the truth!"

"Yes, yes, use that move just now." "Just use that move!"... Good guy, Brother Biao's men didn't even see enough just now. Zhang Yu's acupuncture skills are really amazing, and they want to invite Zhang Yu Give a show.

To be honest, they also want to learn it. If they learn it, they can use it for a lifetime.

Those who were anxious simply lifted up Liu Qiang's legs and took off his shoes and socks in a few clicks.

Liu Qiang was confused. What was he doing? He took off his shoes and socks when he came up. But he still had a drum in his heart, it couldn't be some kind of torture.

He said nervously: "What are you going to do..."

"You didn't say anything, so I had to give him a small punishment." Zhang Yu took out two silver needles from his pocket and inserted them into the Yongquan points on the soles of Liu Qiang's feet.

Immediately afterwards, the room was filled with Liu Qiang's painful laughter, "Hahahaha...hahahahaha...hahahahaha...I, I...hahaha...what's going on...ouch...hahahaha... "

He was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. This smile moved the muscles on his face, making him grimace in pain. But even so, he couldn't help but laugh. The expression on his face was extremely weird and shocking.

Xiao Ling, the young woman, Brother Guang, and Brother Cai had never seen this before, and now they were all dumbfounded when they saw Liu Qiang like this.

They didn't understand how Liu Qiang could be like this, and they were even more worried about whether they would be punished in this way.

Zhang Yu looked at Liu Qiang quietly and said, "If you think of where the Maserati is, just tell me and I will stop. But if you don't tell me, then just smile slowly."

"Hahahaha... I don't know... Hahaha... Oops... I really don't know..." Liu Qiang didn't know whether he was in pain or laughing. Now he was crying and couldn't control it at all. This itching feeling, as well as the pain on my body and face, are even more heartbreaking.

"Spare me... hahahahaha... I really don't know... hahaha... I don't know... really... hahahaha... Maserati... I... hahahaha..." Liu Qiang began to beg for mercy. I really don’t know where the Maserati is.

His mouth was trembling now, and his speech was a little stuttered. He suddenly coughed, followed by laughter mixed with coughing, and his eyes began to roll.

"Cough cough cough... Hahaha... cough cough... I don't know... haha ​​cough cough haha... I didn't do it..."

When Zhang Yu saw this, he realized that Liu Qiang was about to go over. He hurriedly reached out and pulled out the two silver needles.

Even so, Liu Qiang let out a "Gah" sound and laughed so hard that he lost his breath.

Zhang Yu quickly grabbed his pulse, and when he saw that everything was alright, he temporarily fainted.

Zhang Yu then turned his attention to other people. Whether it was Xiao Ling, the young woman, Brother Guang, or Brother Cai, anyone who saw Zhang Yu's gaze directed towards him couldn't help but shudder.

They saw Liu Qiang's pain in their eyes, how could they not be afraid. Compared to this, a beating would probably be considered light.

Zhang Yu finally focused his attention on Brother Guang. He pointed at Brother Guang and said, "What's your name?"

"I, I... my name is Xu Xiaoguang..." Brother Guang said tremblingly.

"Did you defraud our Maserati?" Zhang Yu asked coldly.

"It's nothing!" After hearing this, Brother Guang became anxious and quickly explained: "We have never deceived Maserati at all... We are just old people, how can we have such courage... Liu Qiang must have found someone else What you do has nothing to do with us..."

When he said this, he almost cried, for fear that Zhang Yu wouldn't believe it.

Brother Cai also knew that the situation was serious and said: "Yes, how dare we do such a big deal? It's really not us. Liu Qiang must have found someone else to do it."

The young woman curled up on the bed also said eagerly: "It's true that we didn't do it. We just set up a small game to defraud money. We don't dare to set up Maserati's game."

"Really... we don't dare... we really don't dare..." Xiao Ling was the timidest, and now even Brother Cai and Brother Guang were trembling, let alone her. She was scared to tears and said tremblingly.

"My Maserati only cost more than two million yuan, but you deceived Yang Xiaodong and lost more than six million yuan. Is there anything you dare not do?" Zhang Yu asked coldly.

"Brother, what you said is that Yang Xiaodong lost over one million to us one after another, and even scored several times. Even though we owed five million in the end, we didn't expect Almighty to come out...we You are blind and blind... We will withdraw all the money... According to the rules of the road, I will chop off another hand and give it to you... Please don't make it difficult for us anymore... We really don't care about Maserati. I know." Brother Guang said, got up from the ground and took out all the money he had.

Brother Cai also quickly took out the money, and the young woman did the same. Xiao Ling was a little reluctant, but she still took out the money honestly. Their money piled together can amount to more than one million.

Brother Guang stretched out his hand and said very bachelorly: "Come on, as long as you can let us go..."

"Haha..." At this time, a man next to Brother Da Biao chuckled and said: "The rules on the road, for the few of you here, it's enough for each of you to leave one hand!"

"This..." Brother Guang, Brother Cai, Xiao Ling, and the young woman immediately looked at each other. If according to Hanzi, four people are left with four hands, then their gang is basically useless.

Don't say that if you continue to deceive people, working and eating will become a problem.

Yang Ying couldn't help but worry, chopping hands? This is too cruel. She said nervously: "Xiao Yu, why don't you just report the case and let the patrol handle it..."

Zhang Yu has now figured out that these four crooks probably don't know about Maserati. But this way, he became even more curious. If they hadn't lied to him, who else could it be? Are there so many crooks in Zhenhai?

Zhang Yu waved his hand gently towards Yang Ying, and then said to several crooks: "I don't like to use violence, so I don't want your hands, but jail is certain. If you want to spend a few years less in jail, then give it I'll be honest. You are crooks. If anyone in the industry can cheat our car, you should have some idea. After telling you, as long as you help me find the car, I can save you a few years in jail."


Special thanks to: Diaoerlangdang, Cow God King Dad, poor people will give a big reward if they read the original version, and today’s 12 monthly tickets and 300 recommendation votes.

My brothers and sisters, I know you are all waiting for today’s chapter, and Lao Tie has released it right away. Hahahaha, I’m so happy that it was on my mom’s book list today. Use your votes to kill me. I am now in eighth place, only twenty votes away from seventh place. We can kill him in one breath.

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