Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 410 Visiting to demand debts

"What are you doing! Pay back the money quickly!" Brother Huang said coldly.

The game of cheating is over, the next step is to find out.

"I...I have no money..." Yang Xiaodong said pitifully.

"No money! Damn it!" Brother Huang's eyes widened and he said angrily: "You dare to borrow money from me if you don't have money. What you mean is that you don't have to pay back the money you borrowed from me!"

"I really don't have any money now..." Yang Xiaodong was completely frightened by Brother Huang's posture.

"Brothers, did you hear that? He borrowed five million from me, and now he says he has no money. It's up to you." Brother Huang said lazily.

"Damn it! You are really looking for death!" "Come on, come on!" "Take him into the house!"...

At that moment, four men dragged Yang Xiaodong towards the bedroom while cursing. Yang Xiaodong was so anxious that he quickly looked at Liu Qiang and shouted nervously: "Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang..."

Liu Qiang looked distressed, pointed at Yang Xiaodong and said: "You, you... I'll let you take it easy... You, you... you owe Brother Huang five million... you can't help but pay it back... ugh …I can’t control you anymore…”

After saying that, he stamped his foot heavily, turned around and left.

Seeing that he was gone, Yang Xiaodong was completely dumbfounded and quickly shouted: "Brother Qiang, Brother Qiang..."

With a "clang" sound, the door was closed, and Liu Qiang's shadow was gone.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xiaodong was dragged into the bedroom inside, and the sound of "ping pong" immediately sounded in the room. Along with this sound, there were Yang Xiaodong's screams and begging for mercy.

"Ah..." "Ah..." "Brother... don't hit me... please... ah... wuwu... don't hit me... please spare me..."

"You idiot! It's fine if I don't beat you, just pay me back!" "Yes, pay me back!"...

"Bang bang bang bang..."

"I still...I still..." Yang Xiaodong finally couldn't stand it anymore and cried and shouted.

With these words, the beating and scolding in the room stopped, and Yang Xiaodong was quickly dragged back to the living room by four men.

Looking at Yang Xiaodong at this moment, he has a bruised nose and swollen face, not to mention how miserable he is. The clothes on his body were also torn off, and there were also colorful hangings in many places.

"Brother, he said to pay back the money." A man said.

Brother Huang immediately said carelessly: "Where is the money?"

"Bang." The man kicked Yang Xiaodong on the arm and cursed, "My eldest brother is asking you, where is the money?"

"I, my sister-in-law is rich...I will take you to find her..." Yang Xiaodong said pitifully.

"Okay, I'll excuse you guys, let's go get the money with this guy." Brother Huang stood up and stretched his waist.

"Let's go! Get the money!" "Get the money!"... All the men roared one by one. Looking at their posture, they really looked a bit like tigers coming out of the gate.

They already knew Yang Ying's details. And this step is even more in the process of calculation.

Although gambling debts are not protected by law, they can even be punished for gambling. However, Brother Huang didn't gamble, he just lent money to Yang Xiaodong. The loan was protected by law, and he didn't even calculate interest from you.

Therefore, even if it is a mang, you still need to understand certain laws.

At Jiabao Agency, Yang Ying and the salesmen had just had lunch, chatting or playing on their mobile phones, waiting for customers to come to their door.

At this moment, two vans suddenly arrived outside the door, followed by a dozen or so fierce-looking people who got out of the vehicles and rushed directly towards the agency.

With a "clang" sound, the store door was pushed open.

Yang Ying and others were obviously shocked when they saw this scene. No one dared to say anything for a while. They really didn't know what was going on?

"Which one is Yang Ying?" Brother Huang, who was walking at the front, shouted loudly.

"I am..." Yang Ying said nervously: "What do you want from me?"

"Do you recognize this person?" After Brother Huang finished speaking, he waved his hand forward, and then someone pulled Yang Xiaodong out from behind.

When Yang Ying saw the current Yang Xiaodong, she almost didn't recognize him. He was beaten and his face was bruised and bruised.

"Sister-in-law..." Yang Xiaodong cried immediately after seeing his relatives.

Yang Ying didn't know what was going on, but when she saw her nephew being beaten, she immediately stood up and shouted: "Xiaodong, don't be afraid! What do you mean, why do you beat someone? Believe it or not, I will tell the patrol room Call up!"

"Looking for the patrol? Even if the patrol comes, we have to pay back the money first! This guy owes us five million!" Brother Huang shouted confidently.

When she heard that she owed five million, Yang Ying was shocked again, "Five million... Xiaodong, what's going on? How can you owe someone five million?"

"Sister-in-law... I... I went to gamble..." Yang Xiaodong burst into tears and immediately stammered the whole story of gambling and the process of owing money.

After listening to his story, Zhu Dafei on the side was really smart. He immediately jumped up and shouted: "Gambling debts are not protected by law! Mr. Yang, let's report the case!"

"Damn it! You want to die!" "Do you have the right to say anything?"... Immediately, several men glared at Zhu Dafei angrily.

"Damn it! I didn't gamble, and he didn't lose to me. I just reported the crime. I still don't believe it. I don't have to pay back the money I borrowed!" Brother Huang didn't know what he was doing, but he still shouted like this.

Then, he added, "You dare to refuse to pay back the money, so you won't have to do this business in the future!"

In fact, he was really worried about Yang Ying reporting the crime. As long as the patrol interfered, he didn't know what would happen. Therefore, the last sentence was to scare Yang Ying.

Yang Ying has seen a lot of things now. This incident came unexpectedly, which made her a little nervous before. But now that she has calmed down, she is no longer so scared.

Speaking of black and white, is there anyone they don't know? Of course, those are all Zhang Yu’s friends.

And she could see clearly that these people were conmen who set up a trap to deceive Yang Xiaodong. Maybe my Maserati was deceived by these people.

Yang Ying smiled slightly and said, "I don't have that much money now. I'll make a call and see how much money I can get."

After saying that, she picked up her mobile phone.

Brother Huang couldn't stop him. After all, he was here to ask for a debt. Whether the other party was looking for someone or reporting a crime, he had to let it go. You can't just smash up the store, or kidnap Yang Ying away. That wouldn't be a debt, it would be better to just kidnap him.

Therefore, Brother Huang shouted nonchalantly: "You go ahead and fight! Hurry and ask someone to bring the money, otherwise, I will make your place uneasy!"

Yang Ying ignored him and dialed Zhang Yu's mobile phone number.

At this moment, Zhang Yu was in Wudangzhai. There was a chessboard on his table, and the chessboard was full of chess pieces.

He was studying the star formation, and he was only scratching the surface, but the formation laid out by Jack Liu yesterday gave him some inspiration.

Fang Tong was sitting next to him. The little girl was full of thoughts today, wondering if Zhang Yu had any thoughts about her.

"Ring ring ring..."

Zhang Yu's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that it was Yang Ying's number. He immediately answered, "Hello, auntie?"

"Xiao Yu... something happened in the store..."

"What happened?" Zhang Yu was surprised.

"Xiaodong owes someone five million from gambling, and they come to ask for money. Come over quickly and give them money. Maybe it has something to do with Maserati." Yang Ying said a little implicitly.

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