Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4099 Summary

"What's going on?" "Why are they all wooden people?" "Those white lights are so weird!" "It seems something is wrong. The people of Tianzhu won't win easily!" "Look at those four spinning black people. People, they seem to have special means!"...

Everyone in front of the TV screen was already shocked by the scene on the screen. It can be said that they originally thought that the Kuanglong and others of the Tian group had a chance to win, but the sudden change was really unexpected.

Zhang Yu was also observing everything on the screen, especially the series of changes brought about after the four men in black turned, which attracted him deeply.

"The positions where these four people are standing represent the Jiaomu Jiao, Jingmuyan, Kuimulang and Doumuxie in the Twenty-Eight Constellations..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

Zhang Yu knew so much about the Twenty-Eight Constellations that he would often use them even in the Four Symbols Formation. The twenty-eight constellations are divided into four directions: southeast, northwest, and the seven constellations in the east are Jiaomujiao, Kangjinlong, Ditu raccoon dog, Fangri rabbit, Xinyue fox, Tailfire tiger, and Jishui leopard. The Qisu in the south are Jingmuyan, Ghost Golden Sheep, Liutu Deer, Xingri Horse, Zhang Yuelu, Winged Fire Snake, and Zhenshui Earthworm. The seven constellations in the west are Kui Mu Lang, Lou Jin Dog, Wei Tu Pheasant, Pleiades Chicken, Bi Yue Wu, Gou Fire Monkey, and Shen Shui Monkey. The seven constellations in the north are Dou Mu Xie, Ox Taurus, Female Earth Bat, Xu Sun Rat, Wei Yue Yan, Room Fire Pig, and Wall Water Dog.

Jiaomujiao, Jingmuyan, Kuimulang and Doumuxie are the leaders of the seven constellations in each direction. At present, the four men in black in the formation have not moved, and in front of them, there are eight men in black to protect them.

Obviously, Jiaomu Jiao, Jingmuyan, Kuimulang and Doumuyan should be considered as the formation eyes. What's more important is that these four men in black obviously have the means to assist in healing. As a result, if we don't deal with these four men in black, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with these guys at all.

The black-clothed wooden men who had fallen to the ground now all stood up, and they all rushed towards Kuanglong and the other four remaining people. Kuang Long and others immediately launched an attack on their opponents, and several wooden men fell down in an instant. However, these wooden men seemed to be very cunning. Among them, four more fought with the viper in one phase, and the remaining few were They rushed towards the fire phoenix together.

This time, both Kuanglong and Qingluan were smart, and when they saw the man in black attacking Huofeng, they quickly came to help. Unfortunately, there were too many men in black who rushed towards Huofeng. Huofeng was still injured and knocked to the ground. These men in black were also knocked to the ground by Kuanglong and others one after another.

Kuanglong seemed to see the problem. After defeating the man in black this time, he did not stop and directly ordered to rush to the opposite side.

The eight men in black who were standing in front of Jiaomu Jiao, Jingmu Yan, Kuimu Lang and Doumu Xie hurriedly stepped forward to resist, but Jiaomu Jiao, Jingmu Yan, Kuimu Lang and Doumu Xie started to turn again.

The white light from before emerged again, covering the fallen man in black. These men in black rose up again because there were only three people left in the Tian group. When faced with the siege of so many men in black, there was no way they could stop them. Qingluan was the first to be knocked to the ground, followed by Viper. Kuanglong supported it for a while, and finally lay down injured under the beating.

When they all fell, the man in black, who represented the twenty-eight stars, automatically returned to the team, set up a formation, and stopped attacking the five people in the Tian group.

The TV screen also turned off at this moment.

Zhang Yu and others watched everything on the TV, and were all secretly frightened. If it were them who broke the formation, would they be able to stop it?

The answer is really hard to say!

In less than five minutes, the large iron door on the far right opened, and a group of men in white uniforms filed out. These men worked in pairs, all carrying stretchers, and on the stretchers lay Kuang Long and others.

The men in white uniforms carried the stretcher to Zhang Yu and the others, then put it down together and turned back to the big iron gate.

Zhang Yu and others all lowered their heads to look at the five mad dragons. These five looked disgraced and looked seriously injured.

"Are you okay?" Lieying looked at Kuanglong and said.

"Nothing!" Kuanglong gritted his teeth, turned over and got off the stretcher, and stood up with force.

Viper, Qingluan, Fire Phoenix, and Suzaku also propped themselves up and stood up slowly. In their eyes, they could not help but show annoyance and pain.

Seeing all five people getting up, Lie Ying nodded slightly and said: "You are the first to go in and challenge. You don't understand the clues inside, so it is inevitable that you will suffer a little. I hope you will not be discouraged."

"No!" Kuang Long said through gritted teeth.

"We just didn't expect that they actually had such a trick. If we had known about it earlier, we would not have suffered a loss!" Viper said bitterly.

Qingluan, Huofeng, and Suzaku didn't say anything, but they were obviously still unconvinced.

Lieying didn't look at them anymore, turned around and glanced at the others, and said: "After this simulated competition, I wonder what your experience is? Now you can speak freely."

Upon hearing this, Kun Peng, the leader of the Earth Team, said: "In my opinion, the key to this contest is the four people in the Twenty-Eight Stars, Jiao Mujiao, Jingmu Yan, Kuimu Lang and Doumu Xie. They are the center of the formation. If you want to break the formation, you must kill the four of them. Otherwise, the other wooden men can stand up endlessly. After causing damage to your own side, it will definitely get worse. It gets weaker and weaker, and the final result is the same as Tianzhu."

Banhu, a member of the Xuan group, followed up and said: "I think it's not just that. The instructor once talked about assistance and protection when we formed the team. I think the position of the Tian group's team is very problematic. Suzaku was the first to be hit. Unfortunately, her defense ability is actually very weak. However, the Tian group did not protect her, so she was the first to be knocked down, thus weakening the group's combat effectiveness."

As soon as these words came out, many people present nodded.

When Suzaku heard this, she felt it was particularly harsh, but she didn't say anything because she was the first to be knocked down.

Bai Ying of the Earth Group also said: "Those of us, we all think that our cultivation is not weak, and we can fully assume the C position, which is the task of attacking and protecting our companions. Just like in our group, everyone thinks that they have Such strength. But once you really confront a strong enemy, your strength will be truly exposed. So I think this simulation exercise is indeed very critical, allowing us to understand ourselves. Who among the teams falls to the ground? Suitable for standing in the C position, who needs to hide behind the C position.”

These people all think that they are acting well. Everyone feels that they do not need protection from others and are fully capable of standing in the C position, acting alone, and even protecting others. But after the battle of Tianzhu, someone immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

Bai Ying's statement made many people at the scene nod their heads.

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