Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4096 Modern Team Method

After Lie Ying finished counting the roster, she took the list back. She glanced at the people sitting under the podium, then turned around, picked up the chalk and wrote five words on the blackboard - Modern team method.

After finishing writing, she turned around and said: "The content of my class is called modern team method. You are all cultivators. As far as I know, you are at least proficient in some formations. Among you, there are even some Who is the master of the formation? However, there are many requirements, and it pays attention to the right time, place and people. In particular, the requirements for the strength of the formation organizer are very high. Sometimes the strength of many formation organizers is equivalent. Otherwise, the formation will be very difficult. It is easy to be broken. Especially for temporary formations, the requirements are higher. In this case, the efficiency of the modern team method will be far higher than that of many formations. Because the modern team method can fight when the opportunity arises, without There are too many factors to consider. If you can occupy the right time and place, it’s good. If you can’t, it doesn’t matter. And in terms of number of people, there are no special requirements. You can have more people, you can have less people..."

Having said this, Lieying turned around again, took the chalk and drew five circles on the blackboard.

These five circles are neither far nor close, forming a semi-arc.

Then, she faced the podium again and said: "These five circles are equivalent to five people. Such a position is the most common position in the modern team method. It can concentrate superior firepower and attack the opponent from multiple points. attack!"

Zhang Yu looked at the podium and listened to Lie Ying's story. At this moment, he suddenly thought that when Tony and others met their opponents in Wuli Village, they took this position. At that time, Zhang Yu felt that his opponent's position was very good. Although it was not a formation, he could better complete the output of force. If there are few opponents, it will definitely be difficult to resist.

Now Zhang Yu finally knew that this was the so-called modern team method. It is estimated that this position is only the simplest, and there must be more subtle ones.

Sure enough, Falcon on the stage spoke again: "This position is the most common, and it is also based on the fact that the five people as a whole are of equal strength. If we say that the strength of the entire team is high or low, and its own output method, that is The fighting methods are different, so they need to be adjusted and changed according to their characteristics.”

Lieying then turned around and wrote - A, B, C, D, E in five circles with chalk.

Putting down the chalk, she picked up the pointer again, pointed at circle A, and said: "A is in the team, good at close combat, and has the ability to fight with opponents at close range..."

Then, she pointed the pointer at circle B and said: "B is in the team and is good at sneak attacks. He has the ability to make sudden moves and kill the enemy with one move..."

Her pointer then pointed to circle C and said: "C is in the team and has the ability to perform long-range output. It can attack opponents from a long distance..."

Fierce Eagle's pointer followed to circle D and said: "D also has the ability to perform long-range output in the team, but his cultivation is weaker than C's..."

Finally, her pointer came to circle E and said: "E has auxiliary skills in the team, but it does not have strong lethality and its defense is relatively weak!"

After saying this, Lie Ying put down his pointer, turned around, looked at the people under the podium, and said again: "In this case, it will definitely not work for the five people to stand in separate positions like before. We need Combined with the situation of one's own team, while exerting the team's maximum attack power, it ensures the safety of team members. In this way, through the evolution of modern tactics, such a team is formed, for example..."

Lieying turned around again, picked up the chalk, and drew five circles on the blackboard again. Then write ABCDE in each of the five circles.

The distribution of these five circles is like this. A is placed at the front, which has the momentum of having one man in charge. Behind A is C, and D and E are on the left and right sides behind C. They are very close, obviously relying on C's protection. B is hidden behind D and E.

Lie Ying then began to explain and said: "This position is based on A. While attacking the opponent, it also serves as a barrier for our side. C serves as the main output point and becomes the second bunker. Under the cover of C, D For remote output, E also carries out auxiliary attacks under the protection of C. B hides at the end, seizes the opportunity, and shoots cold arrows at any time to kill the opponent with one blow."

Having said this, Lie Ying paused again and said: "All team formations are not the same. What I explain here is just a basis. The team's formation needs to be determined by the strength of its own team. The combination must be adjusted according to the opponent's strength, so as to maximize the power."

After listening to Lie Ying's statement, Zhang Yu couldn't help but nod secretly. At this moment, he actually thought of the staffing ratio of Wudang Taoist Temple. Pan Sheng is obviously this A. He has strong melee capabilities and can serve as the main barrier. And I am basically the C. Meng Xing'er has long-range output and can be used as a D. Of course, Meng Xing'er's strength can also be used in close combat. Ye Fenghuang, whose skill has not been fully restored, can be used as E, but Ye Fenghuang's magical weapon also has fatal killing moves.

Xiaomei can be regarded as B, but Xiaomei is not good at shooting cold arrows at close range. However, once the Yu Ruyi and Fuchen in Xiaomei's hands are suddenly shot, it is difficult for anyone to block them.

While he was thinking about it, Lie Ying on the podium spoke again: "We have a total of four groups here, with five people in each group, which can be counted as four teams. Here, the five people between each of our groups, We must understand each other in order to achieve the best position of the team. Similarly, after this group is completely matched, the twenty of you will also be a big team. If you combine them, you will also need There is a team ratio. If one day, due to the execution of a mission, the order between each other is broken up, do not affect the coordination. Yes, there are many masters among you, but we do not want to be lone heroes, we must Solve the battle at the lowest cost possible."

Hearing this, Zhang Yu nodded, fully agreeing with Lie Ying's words. I used to be a lone hero, and I really went through life and death many times, but with helpers around me, I was able to turn danger into danger in several battles. It was much safer than fighting alone.

Falcon on the stage now spoke again: "The next course is a time for each group to discuss and understand each other. Then determine the ratio of a team's position. After that is completed, we will focus on Sexual drills and changes. Okay, now each group gathers next to the group leader and discusses on the spot!"

With these words, the members of each group stood up one after another and walked towards the position of the leader of the first row. Zhang Yu was no exception and walked up directly.

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