Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4089 Leng Lingxue’s breakthrough

Usually, this kind of unwritten magical weapon is generally connected with the true energy, or can only be used by those who are destined to use it.

What is the purpose of this writing brush? We can only use Zhenqi to understand it first. As for the strong Yin Qi on the brush, this is actually not that important. After all, there is also a strong Yin Qi on Zhang Yu's Huangquan Order. Any magic weapon does not distinguish between good and evil, only the person who uses it depends on whether it is good or evil.

So, Zhang Yu simply input the true energy into the writing brush. Once he entered it, it was fine at first, but after a while, he could feel a strong spiritual energy and a strong yin energy coming out together, and he immediately became All the Yin Qi he input was dispersed.

Through this, Zhang Yu can basically confirm that with his own strength, it is basically impossible to strengthen his mind and use his true energy to combine with magical weapons. At least it's unlikely now.

He put down the brush and picked up the pamphlet next to him. The cover of the booklet is made of silk, which also has a strong ancient flavor. This breath is very similar to the breath on the brush, and it should be from the same era. What's more, the booklet also contains strong aura and yin energy, which is generally no different from the one on the brush.

Zhang Yu looked back and forth again, and there was nothing written in the booklet. The booklet is more like a book, a bit thick, but compared with the "Holy Lesson" on the side, it is still far behind. It is at most one-third as thick as the "Holy Lesson". Zhang Yu thought about it and wanted to open the booklet, but he couldn't open it at all.

Later, he tried to input the true energy into the booklet, but was also shaken away by the spiritual energy and yin energy inside.

It can be seen that Zhang Yu has no use for these two magical weapons. Generally speaking, Zhang Yu would look down upon such unusable magic weapons. After all, the black market had become corrupt, so what use would such a magic weapon have?

However, "Holy Lessons" was not his, Paris asked him to exchange it for Dhruv. Anyway, it's not your own thing, so just change it.

Zhang Yu looked up at Dhruv and said, "These two things look good, but it's a pity that I can't use them."

"Uh...this is your Eastern magic can you not use it..." Dhruv said a little nervously.

It looked like he was afraid that Zhang Yu wouldn't change with him.

"There are many magical weapons in the East, and not everyone can control them. To be honest, I really can't use these two magical weapons. I don't know about Mr. Dhruv, and There are no other magical weapons." Zhang Yu said again.

"Other magical instruments..." Dhruv frowned and said, "There are only these two Eastern magical instruments in our warehouse. The teacher can keep them in the warehouse, so they are pretty good Eastern magical instruments. As for other , it’s really gone... If Zhang Daozhang feels it’s not enough, then... I can use money to make up for it..."

Judging from Dhruv's appearance, it was true that there were no more oriental instruments, and Zhang Yu did not intend to embarrass Dhruv. After all, the "Holy Lessons" did not belong to Zhang Yu.

"Money... haha..." Zhang Yu smiled contemptuously and said, "I no longer care about this kind of thing..."

As he said that, he picked up the "Holy Lessons" on the coffee table, made two gentle gestures, and then said: "Dhruv, I can return this to you, but I hope you can take care of yourself in the future!"

"Definitely..." Dhruv nodded hurriedly and said.

"Holy Lessons" was of great importance to him. Basically, it could be said that no matter what Zhang Yu said, he had to hold on and not dare to say any nonsense.

Zhang Yu was still in a hurry to go home, so he had no time to waste time with him, so he threw the "Holy Lesson" towards Dhruv and said, "We'd better never see each other again!"

After saying this, he picked up the judge's pen and booklet on the coffee table with his left hand and put them into his arms. The man stood up, turned around and walked towards the door.

Now, Dhruv no longer cared about Zhang Yu, and hurriedly took the "Holy Lessons" thrown by Zhang Yu, his body trembling with excitement.

Zhang Yu walked out of the private room and went straight out of the banquet building. Qi Wuxuan was standing outside the banquet building. When he saw Zhang Yu coming out, Qi Wuxuan immediately said: "Brother, how are you?"

"That's it. I have to go home now. Can you arrange a car for me?" Zhang Yu said carelessly.

"Are we still polite to each other? I'll ask someone to prepare a car." Qi Wuxuan said.

At that moment, he asked Zhang Yu to get on the sightseeing car. When the car was driving out, he called the driver to pick up the car in the parking lot.

When we arrived at the entrance of the villa, the driver had already driven the car and was waiting there. Qi Wuxuan did not tell the driver where to go, but only said that everything would be according to Zhang Yu's instructions.

Zhang Yu got into the car, and Qi Wuxuan waited until the car left and saw no shadow, then got on the battery car and went back. Zhang Yu went home all the way and when he arrived at the Jixiang Villa area, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

He got off the car at the gate of his courtyard so that the driver could go back. When the security guard at home saw him coming back, he quickly opened the door.

Zhang Yu walked into the courtyard and could see that there were not many lights on in the villa, but the lights in the chess and card room on the second floor were on. Apparently the girls were still playing mahjong. He walked straight towards the villa, and when he passed the tree where the Great Protector had been resting, he would inevitably turn his head to take a look.

Just taking a look, I didn't see the Great Protector. Zhang Yu knew well that in this formation at home, the Great Protector was not someone who could be seen casually. You can only let people see it when you want it to be seen.

Because I am going to train for a month, and for such a long time, I need to make arrangements at home.

Zhang Yu didn't know the formation of the Great Protector like the back of his hand, but it was pretty much it. As soon as his thoughts moved, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then he appeared in a dark stone room.

In the stone room, the Great Protector was sitting cross-legged in meditation. Leng Lingxue was sitting cross-legged opposite the Great Protector. Her left arm was placed on her lap, and her right hand was raised to pinch her fingers. On her index and middle fingers, there was a blue stream of air that was constantly rotating.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly wonder, Leng Lingxue had just practiced with the Great Protector for a few days, how could she learn to control Qi so quickly.

"Brother Zhang, you're here." Just when Zhang Yu was stunned, the voice of the Great Protector rang out.

"Senior, I'm here." Zhang Yu said immediately.

"What's the matter?" the Great Protector asked.

"Something happened. I need to participate in a one-month training camp at the Confidential Investigation Bureau. I probably won't be able to go home during this month, so I came to see my senior specifically, hoping that he could help take care of me. Family matters." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"This is easy to say. Since I live here, I naturally have to take care of you." The Great Protector said gently.

"Then thank you, senior." Zhang Yu said and glanced at Leng Lingxue again. Leng Lingxue was still meditating. I don't know if she was too immersed in it, but she didn't react at all, as if she didn't notice his arrival at all.

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