Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4080 Killing Intention

"What did you say!" After hearing Muto Yasu's statement, Hanazawa Onmyoji was startled and his voice immediately rose.

Not only him, but even the middle-aged man in white robe standing next to Yasushi Muto was shocked and looked at Yasushi Muto in astonishment.

"The Great Onmyoji...Miss Yumi...was...killed by Zhang Yu..." Yasushi Muto knelt on the ground and choked with sobs.

"This is impossible!" Hanazawa Dai Onmyoji said, his right hand suddenly reached out, and two thin threads, one black and one white, instantly floated out of his palm, directly binding Muto Yasu.

Naturally, Muto Yasushi couldn't see this. He only felt an invisible force that suddenly pulled him into the bamboo house. By the time he reacted, he was already kneeling in front of the Great Onmyoji Huaze, and the distance between the two people was only two steps away.

"The Great Onmyoji..." Seeing that the Great Onmyoji was so close to Hanazawa, Muto Yasu couldn't help but feel a little nervous and said cautiously.

"You said Yumi is dead, but where is her body?" Hanazawa Dai Onmyoji asked in a deep voice.

"The body...the body was burned by Zhang Yu...only ashes are left..." Yasushi Muto stammered.

"Being burned by Zhang Yu..." Huaze Great Onmyoji said in a deep voice again: "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"I...I didn't see it with my own eyes..." Yasushi Muto stammered again.

To be honest, before he came to see Huaze Da Onmyoji, he had already prepared all the rhetoric. Anyway, he wanted to put all the shit pots on Zhang Yu's head, and then Huaze Da Onmyoji takes action to kill Zhang Yu.

However, Hanazawa Dai Onmyoji's question seemed to go against common sense. He did not ask about the process at all, but went directly to ask about the corpse first, making the words he had originally thought of unable to be used for a while. In addition, the great Onmyoji was really terrifying, which made Yasuya Muto extremely nervous.

"You didn't see it with your own eyes, so how did you know that Yumei was killed by Zhang Yu and that her body was burned after she died?" Huazawa Dai Onmyoji asked sternly.

When he said this, his eyes were like a goshawk, staring intently at Muto Yasu's eyes.

Muto Yasushi himself is also a ruthless character, but being stared at by Hanazawa Daiyinyouji like this made his body feel hairy and his vest was covered in cold sweat.

"Miss Yumei was observing the formations arranged by Zhang Yu on the court. I don't know whether she was noticed by Zhang Yu or she suddenly happened to go to the court at night. When they met, they started to take action... Then, Zhang Yu Yu left the stadium alive, and I never saw Miss Yumei again... After Zhang Yu left, I specially led people to search inside the stadium, and I also didn't see Miss Yumei... So I doubt that Miss Yumei must have The corpse was destroyed by Zhang Yu..." Muto Yasu said carefully.

This was originally a routine prepared before, hoping to lure Zhang Yu to the stadium, and then let Zhang Yu and Che Xinyumi take action to fight to the death. It's just that Mr. Shence failed and did not lead Zhang Yu to the stadium at all. Even Mr. Shence himself almost lost his life.

But this statement is what Muto Yasushi thinks is the best, because if it is said that it was done elsewhere, it is somewhat unreliable.

"You mean, Zhang Yu arranged a formation on the court?" Huaze Da Onmyoji said coldly.

"That's right, my people went to the stadium to visit and found that there was a scent of formation there. So, I reported it to Miss Yumi." Muto Yasu said more fluently this time.

"Which night did Yumi go to the stadium?" Hanazawa Daiyinyouji asked again in a deep voice.

"The night before yesterday, the night before the game." Muto replied.

"Didn't any of you go with her at that time?" Huazawa Great Onmyoji asked again.

"I sent Miss Yumi to the stadium, but when we got there, she didn't let me accompany her and entered the stadium alone." Yasushi Muto said quickly.

"Did you see Zhang Yu when he entered the stadium?" Huaze Da Onmyoji asked calmly.

"I saw it..." Yasushi Muto said.

If he said he didn't see it, how could he prove that it was Zhang Yu who killed him, so he could only answer like this.

"What time was it at night?" Huazawa Onmyoji asked again in a deep voice.

"It was probably around 12 o'clock in the evening." Yasushi Muto said.

"It's already that time. There should be no one around the stadium. I don't think Zhang Yu's cultivation will be able to detect your presence. Also, since you found out that Zhang Yu was coming, why didn't you notify Yumi?" Hua Ze The Great Onmyoji stared at Yasu Muto and said.

"I don't know if Zhang Yu found me. But at that time, I called Miss Yumi, but the phone was turned off." Yasushi Muto said.

"That means that after Zhang Yu entered the stadium, you never thought of any way to help Yumi?" A look of murderous intent flashed on Hanazawa Dai Onmyoji's face.

Seeing the unkind look on his face, Muto Yasu felt a sudden shock in his heart and said hurriedly: "Because I didn't expect that Zhang Yu would run to the stadium late at night, so I didn't have many people around me. Moreover, before setting off, I also specially I asked Miss Yumi for her opinion on whether to bring more people to follow, but she said no... so that after Zhang Yu entered the stadium... I, I saw that I couldn't contact Miss Yumi... even if... even if I wanted to I want to help Miss Yumi... but I am also powerless..."

"Yumi went to Zhenhai this time. She told me that you invited her there... Since you saw Zhang Yu entering the stadium, you should have thought that the two of them would probably start a fight, so why didn't you go and have a look... ..." Huazawa Onmyoji's voice became increasingly cold.

"I, I... I didn't expect... the consequences would be so bad... Please, the Great Onmyoji can forgive me..." After saying this, Muto Yasu bent over and knocked his head to the ground.

"Excuse do you want me to forgive you..." Huazawa Dai Onmyoji's voice became colder and colder, "Yumi was asked to help me, and now you are back, and you didn't even help me with her body. Bring it back... Tell me, should you leave something with me..."

"The Great Onmyoji... that... I..." Muto Yasusu originally thought of inciting the Great Onmyoji Huaze to go to Zhenhai and kill Zhang Yu in a rage, but he never expected that the anger would be directed at him first. In desperation, he hurriedly said: "This matter... the Emperor ordered me to do this... I just came to invite Miss Yumei to Zhenhai on the Emperor's order..."

"Has the Emperor said that if you are in danger, you only need to save your own life and don't need to care about Yumi's life or death?" Hanazawa Dai Onmyoji said in a colder voice.

"This... I never said that..." Muto Yasu said tremblingly.

"Since the Emperor has never said such a thing, then why do you still have the nerve to come back alive?" Hanazawa Dai Onmyoji said slowly.

"I...I..." Yasushi Muto was completely panicked. He could completely feel the murderous intention of the great Onmyoji Huazawa.

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