Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4059 You come and I go

"Come on, Taoist team!" "Come on, Taoist team!" "Kill the little devil!" "Come on, Ronaldinho!" "Come on, Ronaldinho!"...

When the Taoist team regained the ball, the stadium erupted into shouts like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

Kazuo Maeda, who was sitting among the fans of the visiting team, subconsciously looked at Yumi Cha Nobu next to him, as if to say, can you do this? Why did the Taoist team score so quickly?

However, Che Xinyumi didn't notice him at all. At this moment, she was completely focused on the two little people on the Tai Chi mirror. The air flow from their hands, one black and one white, went straight to the lighting.

In the blink of an eye, the two silk airflows came to the lighting. Then the black silk airflow entangled the Tai Chi mist that Cha Xinyumi had previously inspired. The white silk airflow also followed the green career luck flow. Tangled up.

The airflows of these two threads did not intersect originally, but now, they began to intertwine. Two clouds of mist, one black and one white, are constantly rotating and moving closer to the green flow of career luck. The green career luck flow originally became more intense after receiving support. When I was first entangled, something changed all of a sudden. The mist couldn't help shaking, and it even slowly moved a little closer to the Tai Chi mist.

Zhang Yu, who was activating the Money Sword Formation in the conference room, immediately noticed the slight change.


Zhang Yu's expression couldn't help but change. He could feel that his formation's airflow was being violently pulled. This kind of pulling is extremely weird, and it seems that it won't take long before you can forcibly merge your own formation with the opponent's formation.

Of course, although it was force, the other party's tricks were actually extremely clever. Zhang Yu could fully realize that the other party was using the yin and yang method, which was Tai Chi.

Zhang Yu also knew how to use this method. I still remember that Zhang Yu used this method to superimpose Rockenwell in England.

Fortunately, now, the opponent actually used this method to forcefully superimpose the formation he arranged. You know, the key to formation superposition is on the formation eye.

The eye of Zhang Yu's formation is at the lighting. Even if Zhang Yu uses the money sword to create the big four-elephant formation again in the conference room, it can complement the original formation, but the formation is the formation, and the eye of the formation is the most important. Importantly, if the formation eye is broken, then the formation will also be broken.

Similarly, the key to formation superposition lies in the formation eye. The formation's eyes were completely exposed, and the opponent's methods were also very clever. Fortunately, the opponent just wanted to superimpose formations. If he wanted to break the formation, Zhang Yu's formation might have been broken.

"Instead of choosing a relatively easy way to break the formation, I chose to perform a more difficult formation superposition, and even under my nose. What does this guy mean?" Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

"Provocation! The little devil is provoking!" Zhang Yu suddenly had such an idea.

After all, he is an expert in this field. If it were him who encountered this kind of thing, his first choice would definitely be to break the formation. Because as long as the luck-improving formation here is broken, the luck of both teams will basically be on the same level. Of course, it is also possible that due to the formation being broken, the luck of the home team players will be weaker than that of their opponents.

The opponent forcibly overlays the formation and wants to control the formation. If this is achieved, the formation that improves career luck will be controlled by the opponent, which in turn can greatly increase the luck of Kawasaki Frontale players.

Dare to do this, you must have strong strength, otherwise, don't even think about it. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yu had another thought, that is, his opponent had been here before the game, found the formation, and was fully prepared. If you had just arrived here and were not prepared, you would never be able to directly stack formations at once.

At this moment, Zhang Yu couldn't help but think about what happened last night. The provocation of the little Japanese ninja is most likely just a cover-up, just a small chess piece. Secretly, some experts went to the stadium and found out everything inside the stadium. This master must have found the formation eye at that time, but he did not break the formation. He developed such a method of formation superposition.

"You little devil, play this trick with me! Okay, then let me see whether your island country's formation is more powerful or our Taoist formation is more powerful!" Zhang Yu immediately gritted his teeth and thought. The big four elephant formation was directly removed and replaced with a money sword, which fell into Zhang Yu's hands.

Zhang Yu sat down cross-legged, and the money sword in his hand immediately spread out and turned into 108 copper coins. He first placed 8,864 copper coins in eight directions on his body. This kind of placement is naturally the Bagua orientation. Zhang Yu then placed the eighteen copper coins in a circle around him. Finally, he took back eight copper coins and held nine copper coins in each hand.

Soon, he started to talk plausibly. As he was talking, eight hundred and sixty-four copper coins in the shape of eight trigrams were suspended first, followed by a circle of eighteen copper coins. Waiting for these copper coins to float in mid-air. After settling down, the copper coins on Zhang Yu's palms slowly floated up.

The nine copper coins in both hands were tightly packed together, looking like two swimming fish.

When all the copper coins were formed, they began to rotate slowly, and two streams of air slowly emanated from the copper coins.

These two airflows are one yin and one yang, one black and one white. They look much thicker than the two thin airflows of Cha Xinyumi.

That's right, the formation Zhang Yu deployed at this moment was exactly the same routine he used to superimpose the Rockenwell Twin Stars formation.

Two streams of air quickly drifted out of the window and went straight to the lighting that served as the eye of the formation.

In the blink of an eye, the yin and yang airflow arrived at the place, but as soon as it arrived, the yin and yang airflow immediately entangled the two thin airflows. There were two black and white air currents emitted from Zhang Yu's formation. The black air current entangled the white filaments, and the white air current entangled the black filaments, and then began to pull hard. Look, what that means is to forcefully separate the two thin air streams from the two air masses.

The two thin air streams originally planned to force the two mist together, but now, they directly met their opponents. The two thin air streams had no choice but to let go of the two clouds of mist, and entangled with Zhang Yu's two air streams, pulling each other. Look at the meaning, they all want to tear the opponent apart.

Zhang Yu and Che Xinyumi were not close to where the formation eye was, so they couldn't see what was happening at the scene. However, both of them could feel the changes in the scene.

Che Xinyumi's face became particularly solemn at this moment. She could clearly feel that the two airflows were pulling on her two thin airflows.

"It's this move again..." It was not difficult for Che Xinyumi to guess that the move used by Zhang Yu was exactly the same move that broke Rockenwell's formation.

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