Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4052 Inspection

"You mean, this guy has already escaped in a roundabout way..." Meng Xing'er said.

"Nine times out of ten it will be like this... Ninjas are really cunning..." Zhang Yu said helplessly, and then said: "Let's not stay here anymore, it's late at night, go back and rest. By the way, put that Bring the weapons of these three guys and don’t leave them here.”

At that moment, the five people went up the mountain again. Halfway there, they picked up the weapons left by the three burned ninjas. It's nothing more than three ninja swords and a lot of ninja darts.

These things all have a strange aura on them, and I don’t know how they are refined. Of course, the spiritual energy on these is not very rich. It is not difficult to see that the strength of these three ninjas is just that.

When Zhang Yu walked up the mountain, he was still listening carefully, but there was indeed no movement at all.

When we returned to the Taoist temple, it was already five o'clock. After staying up all night, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. Zhang Yu knew that Xia Yuechan and her son were already asleep at this time. It was not easy to take care of children and it should not affect Xia Yuechan's rest. So, he simply went to the guest room below and found an empty room to sleep.

Today is the second round of the AFC Champions League knockout match between Wudang Daoguan Football Team and Kawasaki Frontale.

As early as these two days, major sports portals have launched relevant reports on this game. The content is basically the same, which is about whether the Taoist team can make a comeback after falling behind 0-6 in an away game. This time they return to home court.

Similarly, there are also posts about this game in major forums and forums, and there are a lot of different opinions.

There are many similar posts in Zhenhai Zhengang Tieba. It can be said that because both teams are in Zhenhai, there is inevitably a competitive relationship. Especially when Zhenhai Zhengang lost to the Taoist team.

But everyone is Chinese, and the Taoist team is playing against an island team, so there are many people who support it in terms of caliber.

Poster: Tonight, the Taoguan team VS Kawasaki Frontale, I am cheering for the Taoguan team anyway, I don’t know if everyone is saying it or not.

Second Floor: As long as it’s against the Japs, I support it, and I hope the Taoist team can make a comeback at home.

Third floor: I also support the Taoist team, but they lost 6 away games and the main players were red cards and suspended. Even if they return to the home court, it will not be so easy to make a comeback.

Fourth floor: Isn't that right? The Taoguan team was very brave last year, but this year, the characteristics of the Taoguan team have been discovered. When many teams face the Taoguan team, they will put a bus in front of the goal and do not play against the Taoguan team. . The Taoist team's advantage of not being able to outrun is no longer big. Kawasaki Frontale has a 6-goal advantage and only needs to defend the penalty area. It is estimated that it will be difficult for the Taoguan team to come back. But winning the game, I don't think there is any problem.

Fifth floor: I have arrived in Guangming Town. I will go to Wudang Taoist Temple to burn incense and watch the game in the evening. I hope to cheer for the Taoist team at the scene and kill the little devil.

Sixth Floor: I envy the big guys who can go to watch the game live. I also want to go to the home court to cheer for the Taoist team. But even if the Taoist team lost 6 games in the island country, the home tickets would have been sold out.

Seventh Floor: No matter where the fans are in Zhenhai, they all support the Taoist team. Everyone works together to cheer for the Taoist team and destroy the little devil tonight.

Eighth floor: We lost 6 away games, how can we make a comeback? I just feel that Zhengang fans should not support the Taoist team. I even hope that the Taoist team loses. We won 3-0 in the AFC Champions League in our last game, and we will definitely advance to the next game. If we want to win the championship, I don’t think Kawasaki Frontale poses a threat to Zhengang. On the contrary, the Daoguan team is the biggest threat. If the Taoist team advances, it is very likely to become the biggest obstacle to our Zhengang championship.

Ninth Floor: The viewpoint above is too narrow. Although they are mortal enemies of Yongcheng, they are their own team after all. When facing off against a Jaap, you must keep your guns aligned.

Tenth Floor: Yes, the Eighth Floor's view is too narrow. Winning depends on real strength. If the Taoist team is playing against our Zhengang team, I will definitely support Zhengang, but if it is playing against the Little Devils, I definitely hope that the Taoist team will eliminate the Little Devils.

Floor 11: The Daoguan team is a fake team. They lost to Kawasaki Frontale by 6 goals in the last game. It was too fake. Cooperate with the dealer, how much money will be lost. I guess I might still lose this game.

Twelfth Floor: I don’t care what you think, I support the Taoist team anyway. People have arrived in Guangming Town and went to Wudang Taoist Temple to offer incense this morning. Although I didn't buy a ticket, a big screen has been set up in Jindu Plaza, so you can watch the game here at night.

Compared to the heated discussion on the Internet, Wudang Group was actually very calm and did not invite anyone to watch the game as usual. Similarly, the Zhendong Executive District Office did not invite anyone to watch the game.

After all, this is just a knockout match, not a final, so there is no need for any fanfare.

Executive Office, CEO Wen Qiong's office.

As usual, Wen Qiong was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper after going to work in the morning.

The match between Wudang Daoguan and Kawasaki Frontale is not only available in sports newspapers, but also in many newspapers and periodicals. After all, it is a local team in Zhenhai, and it is a life-or-death battle, so reporting is inevitable.

Wen Qiong looked at the newspaper and murmured in his heart, how could the Taoist team lose six in one fell swoop when they were in the island country.

However, Wen Qiong is still very confident in Zhang Yu. In her opinion, as long as the competition is held in Zhenhai, all kinds of magic will be performed.

"Ring ring ring..."

At this time, the office phone on the table suddenly rang.

I've just come to work, so if I have anything to do, I won't call at this time unless it's particularly important.

Wen Qiong immediately grabbed the phone and said calmly: "Hello, hello."

"Chief Wen, this is David from the administrative district." A middle-aged man's voice rang on the phone.

Wen Qiong naturally knew who David was. He was the administrator of the Zhenhai Administrative District Office, specializing in sports. In terms of level, he is definitely higher than Wen Qiong, but Wen Qiong not only has the backstage, but is also the CEO of a party, so to a certain extent, the real power in his hands is higher than that of the other party.

Wen Qiong really didn't expect that an administrator in charge of sports would call her. She immediately said politely: "It turns out to be Administrator Dai. What instructions do you have?"

"Don't take the instructions seriously. It's like this. Not long after this year, isn't it the Asian Cup? There will definitely be a home game in Zhenhai, but which stadium it will be in has not been determined yet. Isn't there Taoguan and Kawasaki today? As for the striker's game, just last night, Mr. Lippi, the head coach of the national team, came to Zhenhai and said he wanted to conduct an on-site inspection of the stadium and players. First, we will watch the Taoguan team's game, and tomorrow we will watch the Zhengang team's game. We We will rush to the east execution area of ​​the town at noon. I don’t know if Chief Wen has time, and we will go to Guangming Town together then." David said.

After hearing this, Wen Qiong felt happy. She knew in her heart that the home stadium of the Asian Cup would be either Zhennan or Zhendong. As long as you are selected, you can basically win the title of special economic execution zone in this plan.

Wen Qiong said immediately: "Okay, no problem. I will wait for Executive Officer Dai and Coach Li in Zhendong."

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