Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4020 Working in vain

Qi Wuxuan was inevitably a little bit worried about his previous loss to Zhang Yu. Although he had already developed some fear of Zhang Yu after his first failure, he always felt that his defeat was inexplicable.

Because there was something that puzzled him very much, and that was the betrayal of Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru.

Everyone knew at that time that the Qi family would undoubtedly win. When Li Meizhen and Yuan Tianru took sides, if they made the wrong choice, they would fall into a point of no return. In this situation, where did the two people get the courage to firmly support Zhang Yu.

And Brother BOSS, the conditions he offered are obviously much higher than those of Zhang Yu. Why would Brother BOSS choose Zhang Yu?

Qi Wuxuan couldn't figure out what kind of magic power Zhang Yu had. After actually getting in touch with Zhang Yu, he discovered that Zhang Yu did have a kind of personality charm. It is this kind of charm that conquers those people and makes them willing to work for him.

Li Meizhen, Yuan Tianru, Brother BOSS, even Yang Huainian, who originally defected to Zhang Yu, and Jin Aoxiang, who was originally under Fan Shiji, all of them were impressed by Zhang Yu's personality charm. These people are elites. Although anyone with money can do things for anyone, it is definitely not easy for them to follow one person wholeheartedly.

Zhang Yu indeed has powerful Taoism, but relying solely on coercion and inducement is really not enough.

Qi Wuxuan was convinced, and this time he was really convinced.

The main patrol room in the east of the town.

There are two vans and two cars waiting outside at the moment. However, there were not many people inside these four cars, and almost everyone was waiting outside the cars. These people are naturally Hua Yunong, the female driver, Lu Bai, and the girl in white. It seems that the Tong brothers are sitting in the car.

However, three of them, Ye Jia, Wu Daoren and Quan Daoist, did not arrive.

At this moment, they saw a group of people walking out of the office building of the patrol headquarters. Soon, a group of people arrived at the entrance of the courtyard. Hua Yunong and the others could see clearly that the leader of these people who walked out was Hua Yulong. The others were those who stayed in the Jixiang Villa area but were caught by the police.

Hua Yulong's face looked very haggard at the moment, but it was no wonder that he was locked up in the No. 1 interrogation room of the patrol main room. If it could make him feel better, then he would be a ghost. Faced with the rounds of bombardment by the patrolmen, Hua Yulong basically didn't sleep much in the past few days. He has always been pampered and pampered, but he almost admitted the crime of kidnapping Zhang Yu's family.

Fortunately, he firmly believed that people outside would find a way to save him, so he did not admit it.

As soon as Hua Yulong and his party came out of the courtyard, Hua Yunong, Lu Bai and others immediately responded.

"Brother, are you okay?" Hua Yunong showed concern.

Lu Bai and the girl in white also said with concern: "Mr. Hua, are you okay?" "Mr. Hua, are you okay?"

"It's nothing." Hua Yulong didn't feel any joy at being released, but just gritted his teeth.

He then focused his gaze on Hua Yunong and said, "Yunong, why are you here?"

"Brother, after you were captured by the patrol chief, my father asked me to come to Zhenhai to take charge of the work here and do my best to rescue you." Hua Yunong said.

"Yes." Hua Yulong nodded, and then said: "I'm out now, and you don't have anything to do here. Take a rest and go back to do your work."

"Haha..." Hua Yunong smiled slightly and said, "Brother, what my father means is that you will return to England immediately after you come out of the patrol room. I am fully responsible for the matters here."

"What?" Hua Yulong was startled, then looked at Lu Bai and said, "My father really said that."

Lu Bai nodded cautiously and said, "Mr. Hua, there are some things that it seems inconvenient to say here... I think we'd better get in the car and talk..."

"That's right." Hua Yunong said, turning his head and looking hatefully at the office building of the patrol headquarters. It can be said that this is simply a great shame.

However, he did not dare to blow up the patrol headquarters. He could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, then sat in a van in frustration.

In this car, sat the Tong brothers who had not gotten out of the car before.

Hua Yulong could get in the car directly without even saying hello to Hua Yunong, but Lu Bai and the girl in white couldn't. They were polite to Hua Yunong in a symbolic way and walked into the van.

Hua Yunong didn't mind, got into a car and left immediately. The remaining people got into the car and drove behind Hua Yulong's car.

Let’s not talk about others. After Hua Yulong got in the car, when Lu Bai and the girl in white also got on, he said angrily: "After I was arrested by the patrol chief, what happened? Also, I Why did my father want me to go back to England?"

"Mr. Hua, after you were arrested by the patrol chief, we ran into big trouble. The men with black gloves wiped out all our hidden strength. Only a few of the Tong brothers and I were left in Zhenhai. No. The only way we can do it is to call the boss. After the boss heard about it, he quickly asked the lady to come to Zhenhai to carry out the rescue work. She was also responsible for presiding over the overall situation here, and also said that as soon as Mr. Hua comes out, he will return to England as soon as possible. " Lu Bai said cautiously.

"What!" After hearing this, Hua Yulong was shocked and shouted: "You are sure it was made by black gloves, not Zhang Yu!"

Lu Bai did not speak this time, but looked at Tong Baihou. Tong Baihou said: "Mr. Hua, I discovered a Western astrological formation in the secret lair at that time. I am certain that it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Yu to arrange such an formation. Also, we picked up the formation at the scene Several warheads are also the weapons used by Black Gloves. Even if Zhang Yu had the intention to impersonate, he would not be able to come up with this in a short period of time."

"Black gloves!" Hua Yulong gritted his teeth again, and then asked: "Then what method did Hua Yunong use to rescue me?"

"The person who tied the bell must untie it. The only way is to go to Zhang Yu." Tong Baihou said helplessly.

"There must be a problem between the two of them. Now it seems that it is absolutely right. What did my father think? He actually let her stay in Zhenhai!" Hua Yulong said unhappily.

"Mr. do you say this...Miss Hua didn't just ask Zhang Yu to release you...we had no choice but to agree to Zhang Yu's condition..." Lu Bai said with embarrassment.

"I promised Zhang Yu a condition, what condition?" Hua Yulong said curiously.

"Let Qi Wuyao transfer all the inheritance he has received to Qi Wuxuan." Lu Bai lowered his head and said.

"What!" Hua Yulong immediately became anxious and said angrily: "How can you agree to this condition! It was not easy for us to let Qi Wuyao get the Qi family's industry and control the Qi family's industry. Now it is given to Qi Wuxuan, then Doesn’t it mean that not only did we suffer heavy losses during this trip, but our work was also in vain!”

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