Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4006 Hard work fee

"This..." Taoist Master Quan obviously hesitated after hearing what Taoist Wu said. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Then according to Taoist Fellow... you have now surrendered to Miss Hua..."

"Exactly." Wu Daoren nodded immediately.

Taoist priest Quan immediately turned around and looked around, and soon saw Hua Yunong and Ye Jia already standing in front of Zhang Yu. He then looked back at Wudaoren and said, "Where is Ye Jia?"

"Ye Jia has naturally surrendered to Miss Hua." Wu Daoren said bluntly.

However, in order to make Taoist Quan agree more happily, Wu Daoren added: "As far as I know, there are not many people around Mr. Hua, only the Tong brothers and Lu Bai are left. The other people are all here. All the people in the base were killed by Black Gloves. Part of the reason why the boss agreed to Zhang Yu's conditions was because of the sudden appearance of Black Gloves, so the boss didn't want to cause more trouble, lest all of us in Zhenhai be killed by Black Gloves. Hua Sir, the situation is very clear this time."

"In this case... then, then I am willing to join Miss Hua..." Director Quan said immediately.

He knew clearly in his heart that it was absolutely impossible for Wudao people to talk nonsense about this kind of thing. In addition, Ye Jia is a disciple of the great shaman and has a very high status. If even Ye Jia had taken refuge in Hua Yunong, then what were he waiting for?

Seeing Taoist Master Quan's promise, Taoist Wu was overjoyed and immediately said, "Fellow Taoist, I don't know if you are full now. If not, please eat more."

"I'm full, I'm full... I was very hungry before, but now that I'm eating something, my stomach feels bloated and I can't eat anymore..." Taoist priest Quan said.

"Now that we are full, let's go to see the lady together." Wu Daoren said.

"Okay." Taoist priest Quan agreed and stood up.

He and Wudaoren walked towards Hua Yunong together, and soon came to Hua Yunong's side.

Hua Yunong was chatting with Zhang Yu. After the two arrived, Taoist Wu immediately said with a smile: "Miss, Taoist Quan is fine."

What this guy said was a double entendre, how could Hua Yunong not understand what it meant.

Taoist Quan then said: "Thank you, Miss Hua, for the rescue. I am very grateful."

"It's just a simple task, Taoist priest, you don't have to be polite. Before I introduce him to the Taoist priest, this is Mr. Zhang Yu, the owner of this place." Hua Yunong looked at Taoist priest Quan and said with a smile.

Taoist priest Quan had seen Zhang Yu's photo before.

He was ordered to kidnap Zhang Yu's family, but the result was great. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he fell into the trap and didn't even see a single figure. I don't know how many days I've been sleepy. I didn't have enough water to eat, and I almost starved to death here.

Seeing Zhang Yu at this moment, Taoist Quan seemed a little embarrassed. He said bravely: "I have heard about Taoist Zhang for a long time. It is really a blessing to meet him today."

"You're welcome, fellow Taoist. It's an honor for me to get to know fellow Taoist." Zhang Yu clasped his hands and said with a smile.

Taoist Master Quan also quickly clasped his hands and said with a smile: "I have caused a lot of troubles before, and I am guilty of this. Thanks to fellow Taoist for showing mercy, I am very grateful."

He knew in his heart that Zhang Yu's cultivation level was definitely far above his own if he could arrange such a formation. Not to mention just trapping him, if he wanted to take his life, he would probably be dead after countless back and forth.

The two of them exchanged some polite words, and the other four men in black regained some strength after drinking water and eating sandwiches. They got up from the ground and walked to Hua Yunong.

The four of them came to Hua Yunong again with embarrassment on their faces. Hua Yunong paid no attention to the four of them, thanked Zhang Yu again, and then said: "Mr. Zhang, then I will go to the patrol main room to pick up my brother tomorrow. The mountains will remain green and the water will flow forever. We will see you later."

"See you later." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Hua Yunong deliberately showed it as if she was not familiar with Zhang Yu. She then turned around, waved her hand, and walked towards the parking place.

Ye Jia, Taoist Wu, Taoist Quan and the four men in black quickly followed. Everyone knew that Zhang Yu had suffered a big loss this time and he was really lost. Fortunately, even the Great Shaman failed, which showed that their failure was not particularly incompetent.

Everyone got in the car, which immediately started and left the villa courtyard of Zhang Yu's family.

As he watched the car leave, Zhang Yu took out his cell phone and dialed Pan Yun's number.

The phone was connected, and Pan Yun's voice sounded, "Hello, Zhang Yu?"

"It's me, what are you busy with?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"What else can I be busy with, just look at that kid. The entire patrol office is on standby. For those who don't know, they thought we had some big shocking case. Zhang Yu, our detective still wants to find you, that kid. He hasn't said anything all this time, why don't we send him to the court now, and we can convict him based on the existing evidence." Pan Yun said carelessly.

"That's it...I'm going to withdraw the case now, can you let those people go..." Zhang Yu immediately said with a shy face and a smile.

"Let go!" Upon hearing this, Pan Yun immediately said unhappily: "What do you mean, you think our serious crime team is run by your family. If you say to arrest people, you will arrest them, if you say to let them go, then let them go. !”

"Mainly... the other party is a dangerous person, and also, the matter between me and him has been settled... Therefore, I will withdraw the case and thank myself and Inspector Bai... and also apologize by the way. ..." Zhang Yu said with a shy face again.

"Just thanking and apologizing is enough. Shouldn't you show some expression? Let me tell you, we are really tired because of your affairs." Pan Yun said carelessly.

"Absolutely, definitely...that...I'll treat your whole group to dinner..." Zhang Yu said quickly to please.

"Bah!" Without thinking, Pan Yun on the other end of the phone simply spat, and then said: "You think we are beggars, haven't we ever had a meal... Besides, you have no authority to be the chairman of the group and treat us so much. The patrolman is having a meal, and if word gets out, it may be said or not... We don't dare to eat your food..."

"That's true." Zhang Yu couldn't help but nodded and said, "Then what do you say?"

"Let me tell you..." Pan Yun, who was on the other end of the phone, was obviously thinking about it. She immediately said: "Last time in the obstacle rally, I heard that your group's cars are quite good, and they also specialize in supplying special forces. I don't think so. Well, if you donate some cars to our serious crime team, it means our work is not in vain."

"Damn... Beauty Pan, when did you learn how to do business..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but say.

"Nonsense, our crime team worked very hard all day in order to arrest people, and even the explosion-proof patrols in the execution area were dispatched. If you don't pay some hard work, how can I explain to the superiors, at least everyone will not be happy." Pan Yun Dali said carelessly.

"Can't you tell? You also know that everyone is happy... By the way, is this what Auntie taught you..." Zhang Yu said with doubts.

In his impression, Pan Yun would definitely not be able to come up with such an idea based on Pan Yun's rough strokes.

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