Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3975 Negotiation

The four people went up to the second floor to check. They found some weapons, mobile phones, wallets, etc. in the bedroom on the second floor. In addition, two more warheads were found, both from the Flynn Golden Eagle submachine gun.

Then, the four people went to the third floor and found a warhead in the same way. There was no one else in the villa. After the four of them wandered around, they returned to the first floor.

Standing in the large living room on the first floor, the girl in white said: "Mr. Lu, now Mr. Hua is locked up in the main patrol room, and this place has been raided by black gloves again. What should we do?"

"Black gloves... I'm afraid it's not necessary..." Tong Baihou said suddenly.

"Why not?" Lu Bai looked at Tong Baihou.

"If it's the people with black gloves, why did they keep the formation since they all left after they finished doing it? If leaving this formation, wouldn't it be tantamount to exposing their identity." Tong Baihou said with some doubts.

"Then if it wasn't Black Gloves, who else could it be?" Lu Bai said doubtfully.

After all, Lu Bai didn't know that Hua Yunong asked Zhang Yu to take action, and judging from the methods used here, it was obviously impossible for Zhang Yu to do it.

"I wonder if it could be Zhang Yu?" Tong Baihou guessed.

"Zhang Yu..." Lu Bai pondered, and said: "This Zhang Yu, can he also know the Western astrological formation... and also, can he have a Flynn Golden Eagle submachine gun..."

"That's true..." Tong Baihou nodded and said: "It is impossible for Zhang Yu to do such a formation. I broke the formation. I can see that it is a typical Western astrological formation... And this Flynn Golden Eagle submachine gun is not something Zhang Yu can get even if he wants to..."

"I think it's probably black gloves!" Tong Baixian said.

"Brother, why are you so sure?" Tong Baihou asked.

"The opponent did not remove the formation when they left. There may be many reasons. For example, the person who set up the formation died. After all, there are many experts in the villa. It is also possible that the opponent left the formation just to kill him. The reason why no one is ambushing us here is probably because we suffered heavy losses after a fierce battle and cannot stay." Although Tong Baixian was impulsive, he didn't really have no brains at all.

"These may indeed exist..." Tong Baihou nodded and said: "If the opponent is really black gloves, then our situation will be a bit bad... Mr. Lu, you have always been resourceful. If you want to see, we How should we deal with it now..."

"All our people are missing, so some of them must be dead. It is also possible that some of them have been captured. For the current plan, I think the only way to go is to report to the boss." Lu Bai said solemnly.

"But Mr. Hua..." Tong Baixian said worriedly.

"The arrest of Mr. Hua must also be reported to the boss. We only have a few people left. With the current manpower, if we rush into the patrol room, it is very likely that we will not get in or out. In addition, Mr. Hua will also There is danger. Therefore, we can only report it to the boss. Whether it is a beating or anything else, the boss has to give the order. Even if we go to patrol the main room to snatch people out, we have to ask the boss to send more people from England. " Lu Bo said seriously.

Tong Baihou nodded and said, "That's all it can do now. Let's go first. After we get in the car, we'll call the boss."

Besides, Zhang Yu and others, after dealing with the people in the villa, took the car back to Wudang Taoist Temple.

Meng Xing'er drove slowly when she came here, but when she returned this time, it was already late at night and there were few cars on the road, so she could go much faster.

When they returned to Wudang Taoist Temple, it was almost three o'clock in the middle of the night. Everyone went back to rest, while Zhang Yu went to sleep in the guest room.

Zhang Yu hadn't had a good rest in the past few days. It was rare that he solved another problem. Zhang Yu slept more soundly this time.

I don't know what time it was, but Zhang Yu's cell phone suddenly rang, "Ring, ring, ring... ring, ring, ring..."

Hearing the ringtone of his cell phone, Zhang Yu opened his eyes and picked up the cell phone on the bedside. Just looking at it, he saw it was an unfamiliar phone number, and he immediately answered, "Hello, hello."

"Hi, it's me." A woman's voice rang on the phone.

Zhang Yu heard it immediately. The voice was very loud. He followed up and said, "So it's you. What do you want from me?"

"Of course there is something important. Where are you?" Hua Yunong made a pleasant voice.

"I'm at the Taoist temple, where are you?" Zhang Yu said.

"I just burned incense in the main hall of your Taoist temple, where would be a better place for us to meet." Hua Yu said with a smile.

"You have already arrived at the Taoist temple..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Go to Li Mingyue and ask him to take you to the Jing'an Hall in the back. I will call him here."

"Okay." Hua Yunong agreed.

Zhang Yu hung up the phone and immediately called Li Mingyue and told Li Mingyue that a woman would come to him later and asked him to invite her to Jing'an Palace to meet her.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu immediately got up, freshened up briefly, put on the Bagua fairy clothes, and headed to Jing'an Hall.

Jing'an Hall is a place where tourists stop. Zhang Yu quickly went there. By this time, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

When he arrived at Jing'an Hall, he saw that Hua Yunong and Li Mingyue had already arrived and were waiting for him in the hall. As soon as Li Mingyue saw Zhang Yu arriving, she immediately greeted him. Zhang Yu nodded and indicated that Li Mingyue could leave.

Li Mingyue said goodbye and left, closing the palace door behind her when going out. Currently, there are only two people left in the hall, Zhang Yu and Hua Yunong. Today, Hua Yunong is wearing a black dress and looks very solemn.

Zhang Yu said a few polite words to her, and then sat down on the futon. Zhang Yu then said: "Yunong, you said there is something important, but you don't know what it is?"

"Awesome..." A charming smile appeared on Hua Yunong's face first, and then he said: "It is said that you now know the Western astrological formations, both formations and warheads. My father has completely convinced me that I Big brother’s men were all killed by black gloves.”

"It's just a small skill, nothing worth mentioning." Zhang Yu said humbly.

"You don't have to be modest. You are already nervous and don't dare to go too far in Zhenhai. By the way, it was your idea that my eldest brother was caught by the Zhendong patrol chief." Hua Yu said with a smile.

"This is really not..." Zhang Yu said: "I just asked the patrol chief to help me catch those people who were staring at my door. I didn't expect that the patrol chief was so capable. Through phone recording and following the clues, I found your eldest brother and charged him with kidnapping."

"My eldest brother is having a really bad time, and he was caught by the police. Zhang Yu, I came here on my father's order to negotiate with you." Hua Yunong said with a smile.

"Negotiation... It seems that all this is in your calculation..." Zhang Yu also smiled and said: "Then what does your father want, and what do you want me to do?"

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