Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3972 Clean and neat

As the screams subsided, Zhang Yu saw Xiaomei walking out of another room. As soon as Xiaomei came out, she said directly: "Everyone in the room has been taken care of."

"Let's look around on the first floor." Zhang Yu said.

At this time, the downstairs was quiet, but the sounds of fighting and screams could be heard upstairs.

"Ping ping ping pong..." "Bang bang bang bang..." "Ah..." "Ah..." "Oh my god..." "Ah... I'm dead..."...

Zhang Yu and Xiao Mei searched the first floor and searched carefully, but saw no one else.

However, this kind of villa usually has a basement, so the two of them immediately went downstairs and went to the basement to search. In fact, if there was such a loud noise upstairs, if there was someone in the basement, they would have heard it and reinforcements would have come up.

As expected, there was no one in the basement, but the two found a lot of weapons, all of which were guns and ammunition.

Zhang Yu didn't pay attention to these. He immediately went up to the first floor with Xiaomei and rushed towards the two of them.

At this time, there was no movement on the second floor. There was no movement on the third floor. When I arrived on the second floor, I saw Pan Sheng and Ye Linglong also searching the rooms one by one. There were many corpses lying on the ground. These corpses either had five skeletons cut out of their bodies, or five holes were cut out of their heads.

Naturally, Pan Sheng and Ye Linglong also saw Zhang Yu. Pan Sheng said unhappily: "It's not fun at all. Among so many people, we only met one decent one."

Zhang Yuxin said, That’s because you are very capable. But yes, even if the Hua family has strength, it is impossible to say that all of their subordinates are masters. Most of them rely on firearms. Having several masters such as Wu Daoren and Ye Jia is considered to be quite strong.

The four people searched the second floor together, and after going around, no one was seen alive. There was no movement on the third floor now. Zhang Yu and the four of them went up to the third floor together.

Like them, Ye Fenghuang and Meng Xinger, who were in charge of the third floor, were also searching for survivors. There were many corpses lying on the ground on the third floor, but unlike the first and second floors, there were several strangely dressed guys on the third floor, who must have some skills. But in front of Ye Fenghuang and Meng Xinger, it seemed that they were not enough.

Zhang Yu and four others also helped in the search, and apart from finding some acceptable magic weapons, there was no one alive. Zhang Yu wrapped these magical artifacts, and then everyone worked together to connect the bodies together. Zhang Yu took out the fire talisman and set fire to the corpses. Soon the corpses were burned to ashes.

However, Zhang Yu did not let the ashes stay, but removed them all and cleaned them up.

Going down to the second floor, it was still the same, and all the corpses on the first floor were also cleaned up. What is more troublesome is the weapons in the basement. There are so many ammunitions. If they are burned all at once, they are bound to explode. If they were taken away, their car wouldn't be able to fit it. It would be a good idea to leave it to Pan Yun and the others, but the problem is that the patrol room only found weapons and no one was encountered. In fact, it is not clear.

After thinking about it, I decided to keep him. Because even if Black Gloves comes to kill people, it is impossible to say that they will take away all the weapons here as if they are moving. In doing so, the target is simply too big.

Zhang Yu then left the villa, came to the formation, and carried the suitcase in. He took out the prepared Flynn Golden Eagle submachine gun from it, and then started shooting everywhere. Since he was wearing a silencer, there was not much movement. Hua Yunong prepared three magazines for him. Zhang Yu shot one on each of the first, second and third floors. There were bullet holes and shell casings everywhere on the walls and underground.

Next, the six people began to clean up again, picking out most of the warheads and cartridge cases, deliberately leaving a few scattered ones in inconspicuous places, as if they had not noticed them.

After cleaning up, the six people left the villa, walked out of the formation, came outside the courtyard, left the villa area, got in the car and left.

They did such a big thing in the villa area, but they didn't make any noise in the villa area. It can simply be said that his merit and fame are deeply hidden.

Shangri-La Hotel.

Qi Wuyao and Yang Chunxue are both here now and have not returned to Longhu Villa. The main reason is that I feel guilty and afraid and dare not go back. Yang Chunxue was resting in a suite at the moment, while Qi Wuyao was in the presidential suite where Hua Yulong lived before.

In the presidential suite, there were four other people, Lu Bai, Tong Baixian, Tong Baixian, and the girl in white. It was almost midnight, and everyone couldn't sleep. Qi Wuyao was pacing back and forth in the big living room.

Seeing him wandering back and forth, Tong Baixian said angrily: "Don't always wander around in front of me, it's so annoying!"

Qi Wuyao quickly stopped and said aggrievedly: "I didn't want to either, but...Qi Wuxuan and the others are so abominable...they even reported the case and asked the police to do an autopsy..."

"Let's just do an autopsy. What's so scary..." Tong Baixian said directly: "We brothers took action, it's clean..."

"Ahem!" Lu Bai immediately coughed twice before Tong Baixian finished speaking.

However, it was still too late for him to cough. Upon hearing this, Qi Wuyao quickly said: "You two brothers took action... What does this mean... Could it be that my grandfather's death... has something to do with you..."

At this moment, Qi Wuyao couldn't help but become a little nervous.

Hua Yulong didn't tell him about killing his grandfather and father before, and neither did Lu Bai. Everything seemed like an accident. But even if it was an accident, Qi Wuyao felt guilty, as if he had done something wrong.

"Why do you care so much!" Lu Bai said angrily: "The Qi family's property will be yours soon! Don't you know that if your grandfather had not died at that time, he would have changed his will. Moreover, You told me that Zhang Yu went to the hospital to treat your grandfather. In your heart, are you worried that your grandfather will really be cured by Zhang Yu?"

"Uh..." Qi Wuyao immediately lowered his head. It was absolutely true, it was indeed him who called Lu Bai, for fear that Qi Guang would be cured by Zhang Yu.

"The forensic autopsy will only take three days at most, so don't worry. I asked you to find out the whereabouts of Mr. Hua, but you didn't find out!" Lu Bai said angrily again.

"I have already asked people to check, and told them that money is not an issue, as long as Mr. Hua can be found." Qi Wuyao said.

Coincidentally, as soon as he finished speaking, the cell phone in his pocket rang, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

Qi Wuyao immediately took out his mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, and said immediately, "It's Lawyer Xu calling. There should be news."

He answered and said, "Hello, Lawyer Xu? Have you found any information about Mr. Hua?"

Lawyer Xu's voice immediately rang on the phone, "Mr. Qi, it has been found out that Mr. Hua was arrested by people from the Zhendong Patrol Headquarters Crime Unit, and he seems to be detained in the Zhendong Patrol Headquarters. "

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