Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3963 Qi Wuxuan’s counterattack

That night, Qi Guang was confirmed dead and sent to the funeral parlor overnight. Naturally, people like Qi Wuxuan no longer need to stay in the hospital. They all went to the funeral parlor. They went to the funeral parlor, and Qi Wuyao naturally wanted to go as well, but people on both sides would definitely not rest together.

The funeral home provided a lounge for them on both sides, and the next step was to wait. To be honest, not only the people on Qi Wuxuan's side were worried, but Qi Wanyao's side was also worried, and neither side could sleep.

At dawn, Qi Wuxuan's cell phone rang. He took it out, took a look, and then answered it.

"Hey, Lawyer Hua, are you here?"

"Mr. Qi, my team and I have arrived outside the funeral home." A middle-aged man's voice sounded on the phone.

"Okay, I'll go out to pick you up now." Qi Wuxuan said.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Wuxuan left the lounge and came outside the funeral home.

At the door of the funeral home, there were seven people standing at the door, including men and women. As soon as the leading middle-aged man saw Qi Wuxuan, he immediately greeted him politely, "Hello, Mr. Qi."

"Mr. Qi." "Mr. Qi."... Those who came with the middle-aged man also greeted him politely.

Qi Wuxuan nodded slightly and said, "Thank you for coming here overnight. Lawyer Hua, please come in."

After saying that, he made an invitation gesture and led Lawyer Hua and others into the funeral parlor and to the lounge.

The lounge is very large, with more than thirty sofas. They sat down separately. As soon as they sat down, Qi Wuxuan said: "Lawyer Hua, I wonder if you have studied the lawsuit I talked about on the phone on the road?"

Lawyer Hua said calmly: "Mr. Qi, if according to what you said, Mr. Qi finally planned to modify the will, but he didn't have time. We conducted research in the car and believed that even if the old man talked to the person in charge of the will on the phone, Even if the lawyer said something, the lawsuit would have been fought. However, the old gentleman passed away before he even had time to make a call. In this way, only your family's unilateral version is left. According to the law, this is It is completely ineffective. Therefore, even if we sue, we will never win the case."

"We have anticipated this. Therefore, we plan to delay time and strive for a turnaround. If we must sue, will the trial court accept it, will the Qi family's property be temporarily sealed, and how long will the lawsuit last? ?" Qi Wuxuan asked.

"If you must prosecute, the trial court will probably accept the case. According to the usual practice, there should be no verdict after one session. However, it will never be more than three sessions, at best two sessions. Of course, you guys here in Zhennan After the trial court is over, you can also appeal to the trial court in Zhenhai. It is estimated that you can still fight two more times. After losing, if you want to appeal to the trial court in Beijing, this will probably be rejected directly. Of course, one prosecution, plus One appeal, two times combined, I expect it will take at least three months, maybe even four or five months," said Lawyer Hua.

"Being able to fight for so long..." Qi Wuxuan nodded with satisfaction. He then looked at the other people and said, "Secretary Chi, father, third uncle, and lawyer Hua, you have heard what he said. He can almost help us fight for it." It will take at least three months to think of a way. After grandpa’s funeral, we will start thinking of a way. We must get the family property back and we must not let this creature, inferior to a beast, succeed!"

"That's right!" Secretary Chi nodded and said.

"In fact, our third house doesn't care who is in charge of your eldest house or the second house. The old man can only give you so much, and there shouldn't be much difference. However, this guy Qi Wuyao, colluded with outsiders, not only killed the old man, but also If you harm your own father, you are nothing like a human being. Therefore, I will definitely stand by your side!" Qi Tongsheng said.

"From a legal perspective, we have no chance of winning...what else can we do..." Qi Tonghui said slowly.

"Fazi..." A middle-aged woman sitting next to Lawyer Hua said two words and suddenly closed her mouth.

Seeing that she was hesitant to speak, Qi Wuxuan quickly said: "Lawyer, if you have anything you want to say, you can just say it."

"It's like this. I just heard from you that the old man was killed. If you report the case now and order the patrol chief to conduct an autopsy, I wonder if there will be any clues. Once any problems can be found from the body, then We can make a fuss about this and ask the court to invalidate the will. In this case, without the will, the Qi family's property will be equally distributed according to the law. Of course, it is somewhat disrespectful to perform an autopsy on the old man's corpse. " said the middle-aged woman.

After hearing this, both Qi Tongsheng and Qi Lingling were moved. If they could be divided evenly, then naturally their father and daughter would benefit the most. Because under normal circumstances, no matter who is in charge of the big house or the second house, the third house can get some real estate and some cash. If it were distributed evenly, the Qi family's property could also be shared by the third and third bedrooms.

Naturally, the second fan doesn't want this to be the case, but right now, if he doesn't do this, it will give Qi Wuyao an advantage.

Qi Tonghui looked at Qi Tongsheng and said: "Third brother, if you do this, you are indeed disrespectful to your father. But now, my father has already known about third brother's conspiracy. Under Jiuquan, he must also know that we are avenging him, and he should forgive him. Ours.”

"Yes. Father will forgive us..." Qi Tongsheng said, looked at Secretary Chi and said, "Secretary Chi, what do you think?"

"You are the boss's sons. At this time, it is naturally you who make the decision. Likewise, I also support this decision. After all, the boss's revenge must be avenged!" Secretary Chi said seriously.

"Since we have decided so, let's do it. Let's report the case immediately." Qi Wuxuan said.

At that moment, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the police report number.

After the phone call was connected, he explained the situation and hoped that the police officer who answered the call could report the matter to the crime team of the police department and ask the crime team to come and conduct an autopsy.

The Qi family was so powerful in Zhenhai that the policeman who answered the phone immediately said that he would contact the crime team and ask people from the crime team to come forward to investigate.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Wuxuan said: "It won't take long for the patrol to arrive."

Not to mention, the patrol rate was quite high. It didn't take long for Qi Wuxuan to receive the call. The other party claimed to be a patrol officer from the Major Crime Team of the Zhennan Patrol Bureau and came to investigate.

Qi Wuxuan immediately went out to greet him, and the rest of the Qi family followed him out. When they arrived outside the funeral home, they saw three patrol cars. There were quite a few people coming, maybe a dozen police officers.

After introduction, the person leading the team was Lu Dai, the captain of the first action team of the serious crime team. The Qi family invited Lu Dai and others into the funeral parlor, and then said they suspected that Qi Guang had been killed and hoped that the patrol could conduct an investigation to find out the real cause of death.

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