Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3949 It’s too late

A patrol car drove slowly from the direction of Zhennan District to Zhendong District. Hua Yulong was sitting in this patrol car. His eyes looked outside from time to time, sizing up the situation on the road.

The patrolman in the car did not take any measures against him, and even outside the window, no other abnormalities could be seen. Hua Yulong became more and more at ease, because he knew in his heart that if Zhang Yu planned to arrest him, there would definitely be people following him along the way, and it would never be possible for just a few patrolmen to do so.

Along the way, there were no following vehicles, which seemed very normal. The car finally entered the boundary of Zhendong District. After a while, it came to a yard. There is a sign hanging on the courtyard door, which says - Zhendong Patrol Headquarters.

The car followed into the yard. Hua Yulong immediately noticed something was wrong and said hurriedly: "Aren't you going to the patrol room? Why did you bring me here?"

The middle-aged patrol officer sitting in the passenger seat said calmly: "The case has been handed over to the Zhendong Patrol Head Office. Of course, you will be sent here."

"What! You lied to me!" Hua Yulong shouted angrily.

At this moment, the car had stopped, and a series of police officers rushed over, at least thirty or forty people. They immediately surrounded the patrol car.

The middle-aged patrolman said calmly: "I didn't lie to you. The case was just handed over, and I didn't know about it until now."

After saying that, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Seeing him like this, Hua Yulong almost died of anger. How could Hua Yulong believe the words of a middle-aged police officer? I was in the car, and I didn't see the middle-aged police officer calling me along the way. I just found out who was playing tricks.

But even if you know that you have been fooled, what's the use? Even if you regret it now, it's too late.

The door of the car was opened, and the patrol officers inside looked at Hua Yulong and said, "We're here, get out of the car."

Hua Yulong had no choice but to get out of the car. As soon as he got out of the car, two police officers came forward and held him down.

"What are you doing?" Hua Yulong shouted sharply.

"What are you doing? You'll know later." The patrolman who held Hua Yulong down said directly.

Immediately, he put handcuffs on Hua Yulong.

Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang, and Ma Sihai had been hiding in the darkness of the hotel, but when they saw Hua Yulong leaving obediently, they were not alarmed. They secretly left the hotel and followed Hua Yulong's patrol car in different vehicles. It was also carefully planned, and Hua Yulong didn't see any clues along the way.

Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang, and Ma Sihai are all here now. Pan Yun waved his hand and said, "Go upstairs!"

At that moment, Hua Yulong entered the patrol main office building under the "protection" of a group of patrol officers. Arriving at the floor where the crime team was located, Hua Yulong was immediately escorted into interrogation room No. 1.

This was an interrogation room for felons. After Hua Yulong entered, he was immediately put into an iron cage. Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang, Ma Sihai and other five patrol officers sat opposite Hua Yulong, while four other patrol officers stood behind Hua Yulong.

As soon as Hua Yulong saw this formation, he knew he was in trouble. He could only bite the bullet and said: "What kind of law did I break? You did this to me? I'm going to sue you!"

"I'll tell you what kind of law you broke!" Niu Sanjiang shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, a recording sounded.


"Mr. Hua, I am Zhou Kan. Something seems to have happened to Master Quan."

"Something happened? What happened?"

"It's like this. Taoist Quan led four Han Bings into the Jixiang Villa area and asked the four of us to stay and take care of them. As a result, after an hour passed, Taoist Quan and the others did not come back. We doubted whether this Zhang Yu would We have long expected that we might go to his home to kidnap him, so we have already made preparations."

"Um...have you ever gone to Zhang Yu's house to check?"

" be honest, Taoist Master Quan's strength is much higher than ours...if he folds in...if we go, we may not be able to get out...So, we are thinking about it first. Make a phone call to report and hear what you mean..."

"Let's do this. You guys are still waiting where you are, and I will study the policies and countermeasures here."


Hua Yulong sat in the cage and listened. How could he not hear that it was his and Zhou Kan's voices.

I really didn't expect that the patrol could be so cunning. He regretted it, he should have moved out of the Shangri-La Hotel if he had known earlier.

After the recording finished playing, Niu Sanjiang said seriously: "One of the voices in this recording should be you."

"No." Hua Yulong deliberately changed the emphasis of his words.

"It's too late for you to hide your voice now." Niu Sanjiang said lightly.

After saying that, he lightly slapped his hands twice, "Pop!"

Immediately, another recording rang.

"Hello, Mr. Hua, we are from the Jixiang Street Patrol Room. This is my ID. Does Mr. Hua know Zhou Kan, Wang Shuang, Chen Nailiang, and Jia Quan?"

"I know, they work for me. What's wrong?"

"There is nothing wrong with that... This afternoon, a drunk driver hit their car. The two sides had an argument and then started fighting. Our patrol room received a report and rushed to the scene. At this time, four people from Zhou Kan injured each other. People. After being brought into the patrol room, both parties insisted that the other party was the one who made the move first, so we could only call the surveillance camera to check the specific situation. It turned out that it was indeed the drunk person who made the move first. During the interrogation process, The four Zhou Kans did not have identity documents, and they said they were British and came to Zhenhai for tourism. We asked them for their passports, but they said they had lost them. In addition, while we were collecting surveillance, we also discovered a problem, that is, Zhou Kan The van of the four Kans has been parked at the entrance of the Jixiang villa area since this morning, and their behavior is very suspicious. Under questioning, the four people said they were here to collect debts and were waiting for the creditor at the entrance of the villa area. However, when we asked for the name of the creditor, , but the four of them said they had forgotten and only remembered the appearance. We asked the four for the IOU for verification, and they said it was in the hands of the boss. Finally, they said, Mr. Hua, you are their boss, and you also provided us with your residence. We are here just hoping that Mr. Hua can assist us in checking and providing an IOU."

"Assisting the patrol is what you should do. The four of them were right. They were indeed helping me collect debts."

"Then I don't know the name of the person who owes money, which villa in the Jixiang Villa District he lives in, and where is Mr. Hua's IOU?"

"The person who owed money was called Zhang Zichao. He owed me 5 million pounds in a casino in England. We saw that he was spending a lot of money, so we lent him the money. When we asked him for money later, he said that he had no cash on hand and needed to return to China. Real estate or antiques can be sold, or things can be used directly to pay off debts. So, I sent someone to follow him back to China. At that time, he said he lived in Jixiang Villa District, but after arriving in Zhenhai, this guy actually slipped away. 5 million pounds It’s not a small amount, so I can only come to Zhenhai in person to look for Zhang Zichao. But just yesterday afternoon, my people said that they had clues about Zhang Zichao and that he might be hiding in the suburbs south of the town, so I gave the IOU to him. He captured the people below and asked them to go find Zhang Zichao with the IOU. When they saw him, they showed the IOU on the spot and asked for money."


Today is the eighth update. Thank you all for your persistence and support for Lao Tie. Lao Tie will definitely work hard to update and repay my brothers and sisters for their support and love for Lao Tie.

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