Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3942 Aren’t you here to travel?

The four people in Zhou Kan and the four people who were knocked to the ground were all handcuffed by the patrol officers. It's just that the four people who were beaten are all dead at this moment, and each one of them looks like they can't survive. Of course, they are not just pretending. It is true that Zhou Kan and the four men were not gentle, and the bodies of these four brothers simply could not withstand it.

Seeing the pitiful condition of these four people, Pan Yun directly ordered, pointing at the four people and saying: "Send the four of them to the patrol hospital for injury examination. The four who beat people are brought back to the crime squad. The other people follow me Come on, don’t waste time here.”

"Yes." Niu Sanjiang agreed immediately, and then ordered the patrol to escort the two groups of people into the patrol car.

Pan Yun was also putting on a show here, and really only asked Niu Sanjiang to lead a few people to escort the prisoners. There were only two patrol officers responsible for guarding the four who were beaten, and there were only three patrol guards responsible for guarding the four Zhou Kan people, including Niu Sanjiang. However, they were all handcuffed, and Niu Sanjiang and the others had guns in their hands, so Pan Yun was sure that the other party would not be able to escape.

In addition, these are just manpower on the surface. There are also people responsible for tracking and protection secretly. These are driving ordinary vehicles, so no one can tell the clues at all. Pan Yun pretended to leave in a hurry with the other police officers, as if there was really a big case. The capture of Zhou Kan and others this time was purely a coincidence.

Niu Sanjiang and others escorted Zhou Kan and his gang and set off immediately, rushing back to the patrol house. Although Zhou Kan and the others saw that there were only three patrolmen in the car, they did not dare to forcefully escape. After all, they were handcuffed and they didn't have the ability to break free in this situation. In addition, there were few police officers, so even handcuffing them seemed reasonable. All this was discussed in advance by Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang and Ma Sihai.

When they arrived at the place, Niu Sanjiang and two police officers escorted the three people directly to the floor where the crime team was located. Subsequently, the four people were sent to four interrogation rooms for interrogation.

Zhou Kan was sent to interrogation room No. 2. Niu Sanjiang was polite and just pinned him down on a chair instead of locking him in an iron cage. After all, it is a fighting case, and it would seem a bit fake if the person has to be locked in an iron cage. Behind Zhou Kan, there were at least two patrol officers standing to prevent this guy from acting abnormally.

Niu Sanjiang and four patrol officers sat across from him and interrogated Zhou Kan personally.

"Name?" Niu Sanjiang asked directly.

"Zhou Kan." Zhou Kan said honestly.

"Where are you from? Your accent doesn't sound like you're from Zhenhai." Niu Sanjiang asked again.

"I'm from England." Zhou Kan replied.

"People from England..." Niu Sanjiang hesitated for a moment and then said, "Then why are you coming to Zhenhai if you don't stay in England?"

"Travel." Zhou Kan said.

"You said you came to Zhenhai for a trip. Why didn't you go to the tourist attractions? Why were you parked on the side of the road in the Jixiang Villa area?" Niu Sanjiang asked again.

"It's not that the drive took too long. When we passed by there, we parked the car on the side of the road and took a rest. God knows, in just such a short time, we met a drunk man and hit us. Who can we reason with?" Zhou Kan Said aggrievedly.

Niu Sanjiang nodded and said: "Who did it? I won't listen to you here. Anyway, you both say you are justified. We have road surveillance, and we can all see what is going on. "

"Yes, yes..." Zhou Kan quickly showed a flattering look and said: "As soon as you look at the surveillance, you can tell immediately that we were wronged. The four of them drove drunk first, hit our car, and then took the lead in fighting. People. When you come here, they will file a complaint first. But I believe that the patrol is fair."

"Don't worry about this, our patrol will never wrongly accuse a good person, and we will also not let a bad person go." Niu Sanjiang said carelessly.

Then, he turned to look at the patrolman beside him, and said: "Xiao Cui, go to the monitoring room and ask if the video of the scene has been retrieved, and see who made the move first, and by the way, take a look at all of them. When did you arrive?"

"Yes, team leader." The young patrolman next to him agreed, then stood up and walked out the door.

Zhou Kan, who was sitting there, couldn't help but frown secretly when he heard that Niu Sanjiang wanted to stop by to see when they had arrived. They followed Hua Yulong's order and stared at the entrance of Jixiang Villa in two shifts. If they were discovered, it would be a bit unclear. But even though he was worried, he didn't dare to speak out now, and could only hope that the patrol would not notice this detail.

Niu Sanjiang also stopped asking now, took out a cigarette, lit one, and waited while smoking.

After more than twenty minutes, patrolman Xiao Cui finally came back. After he entered the door, he quickly walked to the opposite side of the interrogation table, and then said: "Brother Niu, the monitoring room has called in the on-site surveillance. The four who beat people were indeed the last ones. The four drunk people were the first. They fought back if they took action.”

"That's it..." Niu Sanjiang nodded.

"Captain, you heard it. We were indeed not the ones who made the first move. We admit that beating people is wrong, but we cannot let them beat us..." Zhou Kan said quickly and aggrievedly.

"Even if you were the last move and injured someone, you still have to pay compensation! However, in terms of division of responsibilities, you don't need to bear all the responsibility!" Niu Sanjiang said seriously.

"Yes, yes, much compensation should be paid, we will accept the compensation..." Zhou Kan said hurriedly.

"Since there is nothing else, let's wait for the injury test results to come out..." Niu Sanjiang said, gently waving his hand, indicating that Zhou Kan should be taken away.

Seeing Niu Sanjiang like this, Zhou Kan was secretly happy and immediately said: "Captain, can you let us go first? We are willing to pay bail."

"This..." Niu Sanjiang hesitated deliberately.

This guy's performance is also quite good.

At this moment, Xiao Cui, who was standing opposite Niu Sanjiang, said: "Brother Niu, there is such a thing..."

"What's the matter?" Niu Sanjiang asked.

"When we asked him just now, he said he was traveling to Zhenhai. When passing by the Jixiang Villa area, he felt a little tired and stopped temporarily on the roadside. We followed your instructions and checked what time they arrived. , and it turned out that they parked the car here at eight o'clock in the morning. Not only that, we also saw from the surveillance camera that when they arrived, there was a van parked there, waiting for them to arrive. A van just left. We felt something was wrong, so we quickly let it go, and then we discovered something unusual. In the past few days, their car and another van parked outside the Jixiang Villa area alternately every day. I don’t know what it means.” Xiao Cui said.

After hearing this, Niu Sanjiang's face showed doubts. He motioned for Xiao Cui to come back and sit down. Then he looked at Zhou Kan and asked, "Aren't you here for tourism? Why do you park your car at the entrance of Jixiang Villa Area every day? What about the scene?"

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