Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3935 The most important thing

Sitting in the car, Yang Chunxue, who looked haggard, turned to look at his son and said, "Wu Yao, your father just passed away, and your grandpa is like this again. I have no idea now. What should we do now?"

"This..." Qi Wuyao also frowned. He really didn't know how to deal with the situation at this moment. After thinking about it for a while, he still thought of Hua Yulong.

When he thought of this "great benefactor", Qi Wuyao's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "I have a solution."

"What can I do?" Yang Chunxue asked immediately.

"Stop!" Qi Wuyao shouted loudly.

The driver immediately stopped the car on the side of the road. Yang Chunxue was very puzzled and said in confusion: "Wu Yao, what are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, I have a solution. You go home first and I'll do something." After Qi Wuyao said this, he immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

His behavior baffled Yang Chunxue, and she watched her son take a taxi and leave directly.

With his son gone, he couldn't wait here, so he had to let the driver drive and go back to Longhu Villa first.

Qi Wuyao went straight to the Shangri-La Hotel. After arriving, he took the elevator to the presidential suite where Hua Yulong lived.

He rang the doorbell and the door quickly opened. There was a girl in white standing inside the door. This was the first time the girl saw Qi Wuyao, and she didn't recognize him. She just said, "Who are you?"

"Hello, my name is Qi Wuyao, is Mr. Hua here?" Qi Wuyao said.

"Yes, please come in." Although the girl had never seen Qi Wuyao, she did hear Hua Yulong say Qi Wuyao's name. She immediately made an invitation gesture and invited Qi Wuyao to come in.

Qi Wuyao walked straight in and came to the living room, where he saw Hua Yulong sitting on the sofa.

He took a few steps to the coffee table and said respectfully, "Mr. Hua."

"Sit." Hua Yulong pointed to the sofa beside him.

When Qi Wuyao sat down, Hua Yulong continued: "What do you want from me when you come here this time?"

"It's like this. My father died unexpectedly yesterday. My grandfather was so grieved that he fell ill all of a sudden. The doctor's consultation showed that he was in the advanced stage of heart failure and he may not survive. Mr. Hua, you are very capable. I don't know if you can be cured. Hello, grandpa." Qi Wuyao said eagerly.

Hua Yulong is capable of saving people, but he is the one who harmed them, so how could he save them? This matter is all under his control, and he will not tell Qi Wuyao at all.

However, Hua Yulong still deliberately frowned, and after a while he said: "People are born, old, sick and die. Diseases like late-stage heart failure are simply beyond the power of human beings to cure..."

"Then, what should we do..." Qi Wuyao immediately turned into a bitter face.

"If your grandfather's condition is really that serious...then what you have to do now...should be to ask your grandfather to make a will as soon as possible and leave all the Qi family's property to you...otherwise, once you Grandpa is dead, then your Qi family's property will be distributed according to the inheritance law..." Hua Yulong said slowly.

"Yes!" This sentence suddenly reminded Qi Wuyao, but he frowned and said: "My grandfather is seriously ill now. He spends more time sleeping and less time awake... I don't have many opportunities to get in touch with him. , and there are so many people at home, how can I ask the old man to make a will..."

"Now that you are here with me, who is around your grandfather?" Hua Yulong asked.

"Only Secretary Chi is in the hospital, everyone else is gone now," Qi Wuyao said.

"Secretary Chi must be your grandfather's confidant," Hua Yulong said.

"Yes, Secretary Chi has been following my grandfather since he was a child. Until now, he can be said to be the person my grandfather trusts the most." Qi Wuyao said.

"At this time, you can only rely on him. You quickly go back to the hospital to find Secretary Chi and tell him that now that your grandfather is dead, someone will always inherit the Qi family's property. You can't wait until your grandfather dies. , there is a dispute in the family. In this case, the Qi family is very likely to be destroyed. I believe Secretary Chi should also know the seriousness of the matter, and will definitely take the initiative to tell your grandfather after he wakes up." Hua Yulong said seriously.

"Then you say... Grandpa will hand over all the family's property to me..." Qi Wuyao said without confidence.

"You are now the helmsman of the family. Since your grandfather chose you, he will definitely make you his heir before he dies. However, I guess your grandfather will definitely talk to you alone before making a will. , entrust everything to you. At this time, no matter what your grandfather says, you must agree." Hua Yulong said.

"I understand, I understand..." Qi Wuyao nodded quickly.

"Also, when you talk to Secretary Chi about this matter, remember to make your position clear. You are not coveting the family's property. You are just worried that there will be disputes in the family after your grandfather passes away, which will have a great impact on the Qi family. ." Hua Yulong warned.

"I understand, thank you Mr. Hua for the suggestion." Qi Wuyao nodded again.

His father had just died, and he was very sad. His grandfather was seriously ill, which made him even more worried. But when he heard Hua Yulong mention inheriting the family business, all these sorrows and worries suddenly disappeared.

It can be said that nothing else is important now, only inheriting the family business is the most important. Compared with the Qi family's property, his father's death and grandpa's illness are nothing at all. He even wished that Qi Guang would die immediately after making his will. After all, the old man allowed him to take charge of the overall situation today. Maybe one day he did something wrong and the old man suddenly changed his mind and let his second wife have the final say. It is safest to get the family's property by yourself.

Hua Yulong nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand gently and said, "Go to the hospital quickly."

"Yes, Mr. Hua. Then I'll leave first." Qi Wuyao stood up immediately and left the room happily.

Watching Qi Wuyao leave and waiting for the door to close, Hua Yulong finally showed a smile on his face.

The continuous losses of troops and generals in the past two days have given him a headache, and now there is finally good news. Being able to take down the Qi family this time can be regarded as making up for it.

Qi Wuyao left the hotel and immediately took a taxi to Futian Hospital. When he arrived at the hospital, he hurried to his grandfather's special care ward. There were four bodyguards standing outside the ward. Qi Wuyao opened the door and walked in. Then he saw Secretary Chi sitting alone on the sofa outside, taking a nap.

Secretary Chi didn't sleep last night. He had been busy all day long. For a person of his age, his body is indeed too much to bear.

Qi Wuyao came to Secretary Chi and called softly, "Secretary Chi, Secretary Chi..."

After saying hello a few times, Secretary Chi slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Qi Wuyao, Secretary Chi said in confusion: "Wu Yao, why are you back suddenly?"

"Secretary Chi, I just suddenly thought of something, so I hurried over and wanted to discuss it with you." Qi Wuyao said in a low voice.

"What's going on?" Secretary Chi said calmly.

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