Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3918 Eight Directions Astrolabe

The magic weapons and spells Yang Lin used before were somewhat evil. But this time the Eight Directions Star Disk was revealed, and there was no evil spirit in the aura it exuded, but only the vast aura.

Not only that, this vast aura is also very compelling, directly putting an invisible pressure on Zhang Yu, Ye Fenghuang, and Meng Xing'er nearby.

Ye Fenghuang had the Shadow Sword in her hand, and she immediately shouted: "This magical weapon is powerful, don't give him a chance to take action!"

After saying this, Ye Fenghuang did not hesitate and immediately activated the Shadow Transformation Sword to shoot at Yang Lin.


The Shadow Transformation Sword turned into seventy-seven forty-nine sword shadows and headed straight for Yang Lin.

Standing under the chessboard, Yang Lin refused to dodge. He raised his right hand, stretched out two fingers, and shouted: "The stars in all directions are for my use, as fast as the law!"

Following his voice, the black and white stones on the chessboard instantly dispersed and protected around Yang Lin. These chess pieces were arranged in an orderly manner, like a big net protecting Yang Lin's body.


Forty-nine sword shadows came to the chess piece, followed by a collision sound, and then saw the shadow sword flying directly backwards. The dagger flew so fast that Ye Fenghuang didn't even wait to see it clearly. With another "dang" sound, the Shadow Sword had already hit the stone wall behind.

Yang Lin's thoughts were obviously focused on the Eight Directions Star Chart. Meng Xing'er was fighting with the fire dragon. With a "chi", the fire dragon was finally torn apart by her nine white lights.

However, Yang Lin no longer took this seriously and shouted: "You all die!"

Following his voice, the chess pieces guarding him began to rotate slowly, and their speed gradually changed. As the chess pieces rotate faster, the vast aura emitted becomes stronger and stronger, and even contains a strong murderous aura.

Zhang Yu had a feeling that these chess pieces would be shot out at any time. When the chess pieces were shot out, it would probably be their death.

It was impossible to run, and there was no getting away. Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment and then shouted loudly: "Everyone, come here quickly, stand in the Five Elements position, and use all your strength to block his magic weapon!"

Cheng Jue, who had broken Han Guang's limbs, and Xiao Mei, who was healing A Gou, had already discovered the changes here.

The two of them could also feel the vast aura and murderous aura surrounding them. Cheng Jue did not hesitate, and immediately waved his hand, and the cassock wrapped around Han Guang was taken back by him. But he didn't leave directly. First, he stepped heavily on Han Guang's dantian.

"Ah..." Han Guang screamed, and he closed his eyes. He didn't know whether he was dead or unconscious.

Xiaomei left Agou, quickly picked up her magic weapon, and then rushed towards Yang Lin.

Zhang Yu saw Xiaomei and Chengjue coming over one after another. Fortunately, the Bafang Tianxingpan needed some time to prepare before attacking. Zhang Yu also retrieved the money sword and the seven-star sword, and then shouted: "Sister Fenghuang stands on the gold level, Xiaomei stands on the wooden level, Xing'er stands on the water level, Master stands on the fire level, and I stand on the earth level! The five of them work together to stop him. Magic weapon!"

"Okay!" "Okay!" "Okay!" "Okay!" Ye Fenghuang, Meng Xing'er, Cheng Jue, and Xiao Mei agreed immediately.

The five people quickly stood in their respective positions, and Zhang Yu followed up and said: "Step on the Five Elements Steps and turn to the right!"

"Okay!" "Okay!" "Okay!" Ye Fenghuang, Xiaomei and Chengjue agreed immediately.

But Meng Xing'er said, "How to walk the Five Elements Steps?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yu was so sweaty. However, although Meng Xing'er received the inheritance of the nine-tailed fox, she was not proficient in the art of Qimen Dunjia. Being able to know where the water level is is already good, and asking her to turn according to the Five Elements Steps is just a joke. Although Xiaomei is also a novice, fortunately, after being trained by Sun Zhaoyi, when playing against Pan Sheng every day, both of them can practice footwork.

Zhang Yu originally wanted to use the power of five people to activate the Five Elements Formation, which would increase the power of the five people's magic weapons. At this moment, seeing that Meng Xing'er couldn't walk the Five Elements Steps, she had no choice but to say: "Then stand in your correct position!"

As soon as he said these words, Yang Lin, who was surrounded by five people, said sternly: "You are so stupid! You all just die!"

"Swish, brush, brush..."

In an instant, the black and white stones swirling around him suddenly scattered in all directions, hitting Zhang Yu and others.

Zhang Yu and the five others were already ready. Ye Fenghuang, who was standing in the gold position, immediately forced out all his energy, threw the ruler in his hand to his body, and began to rotate continuously. Xiaomei, who was standing in the wooden position, stirred up the floating dust, and the dust tails of the floating dust flew forward to block the incoming chess pieces.

Meng Xing'er, who was standing at the water level, had nine white lights emitting from her back, and rushed towards the chess pieces that were coming from her. Cheng Jue, who was standing in the fire position, shouted loudly, "Kasaya has the magical power to subdue demons!"

He pulled off his white cassock, and the cassock just moved forward to block the incoming chess pieces.

Zhang Yu, who was standing on the ground, had just retrieved the money sword. The money sword spread out and turned into a large net to meet the incoming chess pieces.

The magic weapons of the five people emitted five streams of air, all of which were constantly rotating. The chess piece that was shot was suddenly blocked by the magic weapons of five people, and could no longer move forward.

Although it is just a five-element stance that forms a simple formation, which is not as powerful as stepping on the five-element steps to activate the formation, it is still a formation that can combine the skills of five people into one place to forcibly block the attack. piece.

Five people joined forces and were able to block the Bafang Tianxingpan. At this moment, Zhang Yu also realized that no wonder Zhu Jiu could really run away. It turned out that it was already certain that as long as Yang Lin was forced to take out this magic weapon, Zhang Yu and the others would be doomed.

It can be said that if Zhang Yu hadn't reacted quickly and immediately formed a formation, and if Yang Lin hadn't activated the Bafang Tianxing Pan which needed time to simmer, five people would have been killed on the spot. If you want to resist this magic weapon alone, there will probably be only one result, and that is death.

On the way to Jie Nanling, six buses were approaching quickly. These six buses are all full of people. According to the full capacity standard of fifty people, there are almost three hundred people.

On the bus at the front were Yuan Zhenren, Lu Zhenren, Xiong Jian and other abbots, abbots and other masters from various Zhenhai Taoist sects.

After Lu Zhenren discussed Taoism in Haihua Mountain, he went into seclusion and never showed up again. But this time, he took action in person.

The reason is simple. This time, Director Qin personally came forward to help the police handle the case. It was Lu Daoren who went to the meeting at that time. When Lu Daoren returned to Yangchunguan, he reported the matter to Zhenren Lu. After Master Lu heard about it, he was somewhat reluctant and did not want to send anyone there. Why don't I send someone? It's really unjustifiable and I can't explain it to Director Qin. Sending some crooked melons and split dates to make up the numbers would obviously lead to infamy, and there was also no way to explain it. After all, each other knows what kind of strength each family has and cannot fool others. If elites are sent out, Lu Zhenren is also worried that he will suffer losses, because if he does not come forward, everything will have to be decided by Zhenren Yuan, and people from Yangchunguan may be asked to take the lead. In order to avoid injury, Lu Zhencai had no choice but to take action in person. Only with his presence could he assess the situation and determine when to take action and whether to charge forward.

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