Zhang Yu saw Agou sniffing under a tree, and he moved closer to it. Immediately afterwards, he could faintly smell the smell of burnt corpses. Although the smell was very light, Zhang Yu was still sure that it was definitely the smell of burned corpses. After all, Zhang Yu has done this kind of thing a lot.

Upon discovering this, Zhang Yu looked at the ground carefully and soon discovered that there was a layer of black ash on the ground. The black ash was in the shape of a person.

Cheng Jue and Ye Fenghuang also came to watch. After seeing it, Ye Fenghuang said in a low voice: "It seems that someone was burned to death here. And judging from the smell, it shouldn't have been long. It hasn't been a day, so it's hard to believe Well, that’s what happens tonight.”

"Someone was burned to death here...this...why..." Xiaomei said in confusion.

"Why, it's really hard to say..." Zhang Yu also said in confusion.

But at this time, Agou suddenly ran out again and came to a tree not far ahead, where he started sniffing again.

Zhang Yu and the others followed quickly. When they arrived at the place, they could smell the smell of burned corpses and saw the black ashes of human figures on the ground.

After they arrived, Agou quickly ran to a nearby tree and sniffed again. In this way, Zhang Yu and the others followed Ah Gou to six trees one after another, and found the same situation here.

At this moment, they were almost halfway up the mountain.

Several people were very puzzled and couldn't figure out what was going on. After walking some distance further, they were halfway up the mountain. Suddenly, the pointer on the compass in Zhang Yu's hand pointed forward. But when he walked over, the pointer followed suit and pointed backward.

Seeing the pointer like this, Zhang Yu was immediately sure that Bao Jiayin must be underground nearby. He immediately turned the compass over and the pointer pointed downwards. Sure enough, the pointer immediately pointed to the place he had just passed.

Zhang Yu turned around and walked over, and when he came to the vertical position of the pointer, he stamped his feet. The bottom was very strong, and there was no sound of space at all. Zhang Yu understood that although Bao Jiayin was down here, it should be very thick, maybe it was the belly of a mountain. The entrance to the mountainside is not here.

This is what the horoscope chart is like. Although it can locate people, it can only locate them. It is not responsible for finding the entrance.

Zhang Yu frowned slightly, he couldn't dig down from here, God knew how deep it was. Moreover, once it collapses, the falling rocks will definitely hit Bao Jiayin's head, and may even kill him directly.

But since the person was here, the entrance shouldn't be too far away, so he turned to look around.

"Woof..." At this moment, the dog at his feet barked softly.

Zhang Yu lowered his head and whispered, "Did you discover anything?"

"Woof..." Agou barked softly again, and immediately ran towards the mountain.

Zhang Yu waved his hand and quickly followed Ah Gou, and the others also rushed after him. Although they ran fast, their footsteps were not loud. After running upward for a distance, Agou ran to the left again.

Several people followed it, and after a while, they saw a dark cave exposed on the hillside. Zhang Yu and the others came outside the cave, and he immediately smelled the smell of burnt corpses. Zhang Yu lowered his head and glanced, and through the moonlight, he could see the ashes of four human figures.

"There are four here...what's going on..." Ye Fenghuang also saw four humanoid ashes and said doubtfully.

Of course, she spoke very quietly.

"Could it be that someone arrived before we arrived? The four people who died here, I suspect, were most likely the gatekeepers of the other party... The six bodies found under the tree might be from here. Secret whistle..." This time, it was Monk Chengjue who spoke.

"This is not right...who could be able to find this place before us...could it be that the other party has other enemies..." Meng Xing'er said vaguely.

"It's really confusing... But I think we should go in quickly now and find Bao Jiayin and Leng Lingxue first. We must not let anything happen to them... If there is a fight inside, it will be very dangerous..." Zhang Yu whispered.

He agreed very much with Cheng Jue's statement. The six people who died under the tree were probably the secret sentries here, and the four people who died at the door were probably the gatekeepers. All of these people were dead, and their corpses were destroyed. Obviously, the person who killed these people must be a master.

Since the person who found this place did this, it means that he is not the same group as the person hiding in the cave, and maybe he is an enemy. If the enemy comes looking for him, it will definitely be a fierce battle.

Zhang Yu previously thought that Zhu Jiuzhen was working with Han Guang Group and deliberately attracted him. Looking at it now, it’s a bit confusing. Who would be the person who was hiding in the cave and led him here, and who would be the person who found this place first and killed him?

Although he couldn't figure out what was going on, Zhang Yu directly showed the money sword. He held the compass in his left hand and walked towards the cave first.

Even though he knew there was definitely danger inside, Zhang Yu couldn't ignore Bao Jiayin and Leng Lingxue. He must find the person immediately and must not wait for reinforcements.

Seeing Zhang Yu go in first, Agou was inseparable. He scurried and got in front of Zhang Yu. Its prediction of danger is better than that of ordinary people, including Zhang Yu.

The other people also showed their magic weapons and followed Zhang Yu into the cave. This cave is not very wide, but it can accommodate four people entering side by side.

After walking for more than ten steps, you can't see anything inside the cave. Zhang Yu and the others did not use lighting instruments, because if they did so, it would be easy for people in the cave to spot them first.

On the contrary, with Agou leading the way, if there is an ambush ahead, they will find each other first. Of course, Zhang Yu couldn't rely entirely on Ah Gou. He closed his eyes and looked at everything here with his inner eye.

He could definitely feel it. At least twenty meters ahead, there was not even a sound of breathing.

After walking some distance, Zhang Yu suddenly felt that the surrounding area seemed to become wider. He opened his eyes, but it was too dark and he could not see anything. At this time, he couldn't be blind, because the darkness here made it impossible for him to see where the pointer on the compass was pointing.

Zhang Yu put away the money sword and showed a piece of talisman paper. With a soft "pop" sound, the talisman paper hit the air and was immediately ignited. However, the formed fireball did not fall to the ground, but was suspended there. Being able to do this was something Zhang Yu could only do if he was stronger than before.

With the light, they can immediately see everything around them. This place is indeed different from before. It is a mountainside with an area of ​​about thirty square meters. And within the heart of the mountain, there are actually four passages.

"What kind of place is this...why are there still four roads..." Meng Xing'er said with a frown.

From the situation here, it can be seen clearly that this is definitely not an ordinary cave.

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