Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3894 Disappearance

After Director Quan made the arrangements, he immediately took four men and slipped into the Jixiang Villa area from the courtyard wall.

Hua Yulong had already arranged for someone to inspect the inside of the Jixiang Villa area and knew where Zhang Yu's family was. Before arriving, Director Quan systematically planned the route. The direction they took happened to be towards the backyard wall of Zhang Yu's house.

They were very fast, and it was obvious that not only Taoist Master Quan was a practitioner, but the other four men also had a certain level of strength.

After a while, the five people came to the backyard wall of Zhang Yu's house. The courtyard wall is not short, it can be two meters high, but this height is nothing to an expert.

The five people squatted down. Taoist Quan looked at a man and said, "Dong Qi, go into the courtyard and check. If there is no one, just knock on the wall gently."

"Yeah." Dong Qi said in victory and stood up. He jumped lightly, grabbed the wall, and climbed in gently and deftly.

Taoist priest Quan and three other men squatted outside and waited, but four or five minutes passed by without hearing Dong Qi's knock on the wall. Not only that, there was no movement at all in the yard.

A man finally couldn't bear it anymore and whispered: "Taoist priest, what's going on? Dong Qi has been in there for a while, why is there no movement at all?"

"I'll lean on the wall and take a look." Director Quan said directly.

He stood up, put his hands on the wall, and stuck his head over. Looking into the yard, there was not a single person in the yard. I could only see a room on the second floor of the villa with the lights on, but the curtains were blocked.

As for other things, there was nothing. Dong Qi, who had gone in before, was nowhere to be seen.

Director Quan couldn't help but wonder where Dong Qi went after he entered. Based on Taoist Priest Quan's cultivation, he can be sure that there is no atmosphere of formation in the courtyard.

He looked at it for a while, and when he found nothing else, he gently lowered his body and squatted down.

Seeing him coming down, a man asked in a low voice: "Taoist Master, how are you? What did you find?"

Taoist priest Quan whispered: "There was nothing unusual in the yard, and I didn't feel the breath of any formation. However, I also didn't see Dong Qi. I really don't understand where this kid went, and why there was no movement at all. No."

"This..." The man was stunned for a while.

The other two men were like this, one of them said: "Taoist Master, what do we do now?"

Taoist Master Quan hesitated for a moment and said, "I'll go in and take a look. You guys are waiting for my news."

After saying this, he stood up again, immediately grabbed the wall, and flew over the courtyard wall.

His movements were very light, and when he landed, he made almost no sound.

However, as soon as Izumi's feet landed on the ground, the scene in front of him disappeared and was replaced by darkness.

The darkness disappeared in an instant and became dim. In the dimness, Taoist Quan could see that the surroundings were surrounded by stone walls and there was no door. He had obviously entered a stone chamber. He raised his head, and there was a stone wall above him. At this moment, Taoist Director Quan realized that this must be an illusion, and he should have entered a formation.

This formation is obviously a combination of trap formation and phantom formation, but I don't know if there is any murderous intention in it. Also, the reason why Dong Qi, who came in before, disappeared was found. He must have been trapped in the formation just like him. As for why he didn't see Dong Qi after entering the formation, Taoist Quan could also think that this was the brilliance of the formation, which could directly isolate those who entered the formation.

He knew that he had been deceived. Zhang Yu must have guessed that they would come to kidnap his family, so he arranged a formation in advance to deal with them. However, there is nothing we can do now. Now that we are here, we have to find a way to get out of here.

He immediately moved his steps, walked to the stone wall, and reached out to touch the stone wall. The stone wall was cold, and he knocked a few times. There was a heavy sound on the stone wall, which was obviously extremely thick.

Director Quan immediately pulled out the long sword from his back and shot it towards the diagonal wall. With a "swipe" sound, the long sword sank into the stone wall and disappeared. Seeing this, Izumi took a few steps to grab the place where the sword disappeared, and reached out to touch it.

However, even though the sword he had just struck entered the stone wall, when he touched it, it was indeed a real wall.

"Asshole!" Izumi Daochang cursed bitterly. He was now more aware of the power of this formation. That is, the surrounding area is obviously empty, and magic weapons and the like can pass through, but it is impossible for people to pass through. You can only find the Shengmen, or the location of the Formation Eye.

But here is just an inconspicuous-looking stone chamber. There is nothing else out of the ordinary. The formation eye will be there and the mechanism will be somewhere.

After a while, Director Quan stabilized his mind and began to carefully examine the situation in the stone room.

The three men were waiting for Director Quan outside, and another three or four minutes passed.

It can be said that the three of them have not heard any sound since the director Quan Dao entered the courtyard.

After waiting for such a long time, the three of them were inevitably a little impatient. A man said: "The Taoist priest has been in for a while, but he is also missing like Dong Qi who went in earlier."

"No way..." Another man said: "The Taoist master is highly cultivated, how could he disappear so easily? I think he must be fine."

The third man said: "The Taoist Master is powerful, but Zhang Yu is even more powerful. You have to know that even the masters around the eldest young master have fallen into Zhang Yu's hands, let alone the Taoist Master."

The first man said: "That's what I said, but as the Taoist priest just said, there is no formation in the courtyard. Even if Zhang Yu is hiding in the dark and no matter how strong he is, he can't just let out any movement and directly Let’s deal with the Taoist Priest. If you say that Zhang Yu can deal with Dong Qi silently, I believe that. If you want to deal with the Taoist Priest silently, I definitely don’t believe it.”

The second man said: "Otherwise, the three of us will go in and have a look, but we must go in one by one and be careful."

"Okay." The third man said.

The three guys stood up together, grabbed the wall at the same time, and leaned out half of their bodies. The three of them looked inside and saw that there were no traces of Director Quan and Dong Qi anywhere. The situation inside is exactly the same as what Director Quan previously described.

"I'll go in and take a look first," said the second man.

He turned over and landed lightly into the courtyard. For a moment, his eyes were also filled with darkness.

The two men lying on the wall watched helplessly as their companions landed and disappeared in an instant, faster than evaporation.

When the two saw this scene, they were immediately dumbfounded.

"It's's just gone..." the first man stuttered.

"I think... we'd better not go in... go back and inform the eldest young master..." the third man said, also trembling.

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