Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3890 Strange Friend

Qin Xiyun took the money sword in his hand and "swiped" the ground. The coins scattered and all rushed into his sleeves.

Then, he took out a large stack of talisman papers from the box. These are all talisman papers refined by Zhang Yu. There are all levels of talisman papers, but there are very few blue talisman papers, followed by bright yellow ones.

Qin Xiyun took three blue talisman papers, ten bright yellow talisman papers, and then some other talisman papers. Putting these in his arms, Qin Xiyun stood up and said, "These are enough."

"That's all..." Ye Fenghuang couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Qin Xiyun taking just these things.

"It's more than enough to deal with some rats." Qin Xiyun said confidently.

"Brother Qin, wait a moment while I move the box back." Ye Fenghuang said.

"Yeah." Qin Xiyun nodded.

Ye Fenghuang immediately covered the box, picked up the box and walked back.

The conversation she just had with Qin Xiyun was heard by Xiaomei and Pan Sheng who were practicing at the same time. The two of them had stopped and saw Ye Fenghuang holding the box and going to Sun Zhaoyi's room. Xiaomei immediately approached him and said, "Sister Fenghuang, what's going on? Someone is going to arrest someone at Zhang Yu's house... I'll go with you. Bar……"

"Senior Sun asked me and Brother Qin to go, so you can stay. The Taoist temple also needs people. God knows if those people will go to the Taoist temple and run wild. We can't all leave." Ye Fenghuang said.

"That's true..." Seeing this, Xiaomei nodded.

Ye Fenghuang carried the box back to Sun Zhaoyi's room and told Sun Zhaoyi what the Great Protector had chosen. Sun Zhaoyi just nodded and asked her and the Great Protector to set off now. However, Sun Zhaoyi still asked Ye Fenghuang to find Wang Jie first and asked Wang Jie to arrange a car to take the two of them to Zhang Yu's house.

Wang Jie often comes in and out of the backyard, so Ye Fenghuang also has his phone number. Ye Fenghuang called Wang Jie and asked Wang Jie to prepare a car and wait at the foot of the mountain. He and the Great Protector walked down the mountain road from the back door.

After leaving Sun Zhaoyi's room, Ye Fenghuang took the Great Protector out of the back door and walked down the mountain along the road. When going down the mountain, she first called Zhang Yu and told Sun Zhaoyi's arrangements.

Zhang Yu, who was on the other end of the phone, immediately felt at ease when he heard that the Great Protector was being asked to go to his home. You must know how strong Qin Xiyun is. Even if his kung fu has not been fully recovered, he can still make people come back with his formation skills.

After Ye Fenghuang hung up the phone, he called Yang Ying again. He had lived in Zhang Yu's house for some time and was familiar with everyone. She told Yang Ying that she was going home to stay at night, and there was also a friend of Zhang Yu. As soon as Yang Ying heard that she was coming back to live, she was naturally happy and immediately said that she would ask someone to prepare more dishes and have a big meal.

When I arrived at the foot of the mountain, I saw an Audi car parked there. The person sitting in the car was Wang Jie. After Ye Fenghuang and the Great Protector got in the car, they asked Fatty Wang to drive directly to Zhang Yu's house.

There was no conversation all the way, and it was already evening when we arrived at Zhang Yu's house. Wang Jie did not enter the door, and left after sending the people to the place. Ye Fenghuang went in with the Great Protector. The bodyguard at the door knew Ye Fenghuang, so he opened the door immediately. Ye Fenghuang asked about it and learned that Yang Ying had returned.

Ye Fenghuang brought the Great Protector to the door of the villa. After ringing the doorbell, the door opened and it was Yang Ying who opened the door. When Yang Ying saw Ye Fenghuang, she was overjoyed and said, "Senior sister, you are back. Come in and have dinner. We were all very happy when we heard you were back. We hung up your phone and went home to prepare."

After saying that, she took Ye Fenghuang's hand and led him into the entrance hall.

But at this time, she also saw the Great Protector, who was dressed in white robes and had dull eyes. He looked like he was blind and very weird.

But she had also heard from Ye Fenghuang before that he was going to bring a friend of Zhang Yu, and she thought that this friend must be Zhang Yu's friend. Seeing it at this moment, Yang Ying immediately realized that she had seen this man at the foot of Panjiashan, and he was indeed with Zhang Yu.

Yang Ying then greeted the Great Protector and said, "I have seen you in Panjiashan. Please come in and sit down. The food is ready. Let's eat together."

"No." The Great Protector shook his head slightly and said, "I won't go in to eat. I'll just eat outside when some is brought out to me."

"How can this be done!" Yang Ying immediately said eagerly: "You are Xiao Yu's friend. Now that you are at home, if you don't come in to eat, if Xiao Yu comes back and finds out, you will have to fight for me."

Ye Fenghuang also said: "Yes, Brother Qin. If you don't eat the food prepared specially for us by the little aunt, Zhang Yu will definitely think that the family has not provided good hospitality."

"Then...Okay...but you eat first, don't wait for me, I'll take a walk in the yard first..." Qin Xiyun said slowly.

"This..." Yang Ying frowned a little, thinking to herself, what kind of temper does this person have? Why is he so weird?

However, Ye Fenghuang understood what the Great Protector was thinking, and expected that the Great Protector must be planning a formation so that he could meet the enemy at night.

So, Ye Fenghuang said: "Brother Qin, you look around first. Auntie and I will go in first."

"Yes." The Great Protector nodded, then turned around and started strolling in the yard.

Ye Fenghuang and Yang Ying entered the villa without closing the door. When they came to the living room, they saw Luo Chen, Fang Tong, and Xiao Jiejie there. When the three girls saw Ye Fenghuang coming back, they were all very happy. They all stood up and ran over to laugh.

Xiao Jiejie suggested that we have dinner right now and we have prepared red wine tonight so we can have a good celebration. But Yang Ying immediately stopped her, saying that Zhang Yu's friend was here and was visiting the yard, and we were waiting for him to eat together.

Even if the Great Protector told them to eat first, how could Yang Ying really eat first? Isn't this a joke?

The guys sat on the sofa and chatted, which was very lively. But an hour passed after this chat, and the Great Protector did not come in.

Yang Ying and the others were a little hungry. The little girl Fang Tong said, "Why doesn't this friend of brother Zhang Yu come in? Otherwise... let's call her..."

"I'll greet him." Ye Fenghuang stood up immediately.

Yang Ying also stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

The three of Xiao Jiejie also got up and wanted to go together, but Yang Ying told them to just go to the restaurant and wait. When Zhang Yu's friends come in, we'll start dinner.

When the three girls saw this, they went to the restaurant to wait together. Yang Ying and Ye Fenghuang walked towards the door together.

The two walked out front and back, Yang Ying walked in front and went out first, and Ye Fenghuang followed behind.

But as soon as Ye Fenghuang went out, he found that his vision went dark and Yang Ying was no longer in sight. Immediately afterwards, the darkness disappeared and became very dim, and he was actually in a stone room. This stone chamber has no door and looks extremely solid.

"This..." Seeing this, Ye Fenghuang was obviously stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that this should be the formation arranged by Qin Xiyun. She quickly shouted: "Brother Qin! Brother Qin! Where are you?"

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