Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3883 Dog Food

Seeing that Hua Yunong couldn't get through Zhang Yu's call, she became extremely anxious. After hesitating for a moment, she simply got out of bed, went to the closet, took it out, and quickly put it on.

Afterwards, Hua Yunong left the room. There are two bedrooms in this presidential suite. Hua Yunong walked to the door of the other bedroom, raised his hand and knocked on the door, "Bang bang bang..."

Soon, footsteps were heard inside, the door opened, and the female driver stood inside the door.

"Miss Hua, what's the matter?" The female driver was wearing very little, but in her sleep, she suddenly heard such a hurried knock on the door that she didn't even bother to put on clothes.

"Give me the car keys." When Hua Yunong spoke, he had already extended his palm.

"Miss, wherever you want to go, I will take you there." The female driver said quickly.

"No, I'll just drive myself. Don't let anyone know that I left the hotel. I'll go back as soon as possible." Hua Yunong said.

"That, that's good... Don't worry, Miss..." After the female driver said that, she immediately went back inside, found the car key, and handed it to Hua Yunong.

Hua Yunong took the car keys, turned around and left.

Guangming Mountain, Wudang Taoist Temple.

The bright sunshine shines into the side hall, and it is already dawn. Zhang Yu still didn't open his eyes and was still sleeping soundly.

The sun shone on Zhang Yu's face, making him a little uncomfortable and he slowly opened his eyes. This time, he slept very comfortably. He stood up and stretched for a long time.

He then glanced at his watch, and then he was stunned. It turned out that it was already 11:40 noon.

"Why is it so late..." Zhang Yu exclaimed in surprise.

You know, the deadline for solving the case is getting closer and closer, and time is extremely tight. He originally planned to take a nap, get up early, meet Song Feng and the others, and hurry down the mountain.

It's good now, I just slept like this for half a day. But yes, after a good night's sleep, people's spirits are indeed very good. However, Zhang Yu was somewhat puzzled. At this time, no one called him. He took out his cell phone from his pocket and saw that it was turned off. Press and hold the power button, and it will immediately appear that the phone is out of battery.

Zhang Yu then understood why no one called him and he couldn't get through. But yes, I have been working day and night for the past two days. Today's mobile phones, even if they are not used very much, can only last less than two days. He then picked up his backpack and walked out of the side hall, where he saw Pan Chonghai, Pan Sheng, the Great Protector, Ye Fenghuang and others all eating. Although the Great Protector always sits under the camphor tree and meditates, day or night, he is still a human being and has to eat.

As soon as he came out, everyone else saw him. Pan Chonghai immediately greeted Zhang Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, you have woken up. Come over and eat quickly."

As soon as he heard about eating, Zhang Yu was also hungry. It was already that time anyway, so he had to eat his food first. He walked over quickly, and Ye Linglong stood up to serve him food.

"Woof woof woof..." At this moment, the dog in the bag started barking.

Zhang Yu knew that the little guy was hungry. He had no choice but to say: "Old man, is there any extra food here? Dahei is hungry."

Everyone knows Dahei and knows that this guy can eat. After all, he has lived here before.

Pan Chonghai said with a smile: "This guy's rice bowl is still here. Just wait, I'll get it food..."

After saying that, he got up and went into the kitchen.

As soon as he saw that there was something to eat, Zhang Yu took Agou out of the bag and threw it to the ground.

Zhang Yu sat on the chair, and soon Pan Chonghai and Ye Linglong came out together. Pan Chonghai brought a large bowl of rice. Everyone knew that Zhang Yu could eat it, so the bowl he used was an extra-large one, which could hold three bowls of rice for others.

Ye Linglong brought out a large basin, which was big enough for a child to take a bath. The basin was filled with dog food.

When Zhang Yu saw this, he thought to himself, this little thing is no longer a dog, can he still eat dog food?

However, Agou didn't seem to be polite. He barked and rushed over. Ye Linglong put the basin down, and Dahei started eating. It seemed to be quite delicious.

"Does it really eat dog food?" Zhang Yu couldn't help but say.

"Do you think this is ordinary dog ​​food..." Pan Chonghai said immediately: "In order to raise it, I made special dog food, which is pure meat... I originally thought that I wouldn't need to raise it here, so there is no need. After restocking, there are still four bags left... This pot only has two bags... This guy has always been very good at eating... No, this one is so small..."

Only then did Pan Chonghai notice Agou's current appearance.

Pan Sheng had never seen Agou transform, so he said in confusion: "Yes...why is it so small? It's not the same as before..."

"Woof woof woof..." The dog on the ground raised his head and barked twice.

It seemed to know that the people here were not outsiders, and its body immediately swelled up and turned into its true appearance.

Xiaomei and Ye Fenghuang had seen it last night, but others had not. When I saw this, I couldn't help but be stunned, "What...what's going on..." "How can it get bigger and smaller..." "What kind of dog is this..."

The blind guardian said slowly: "Ever since it put on the eclipse ring, it is no longer a dog, but a wolf king. I think shrinking is one of its innate skills. With this skill , it can make people not be wary of it, and it can attack suddenly and kill with one blow."

"Senior is indeed well-informed." Zhang Yu said immediately.

"This is just my guess... But it is a dog, but it can wear the eclipse ring and become the wolf king... It is really incredible..." the Great Protector said slowly.

Everyone was eating together. After a few bites, Zhang Yu thought about the fact that his cell phone was out of battery. Without a mobile phone, that would be quite inconvenient.

He looked at Pan Chonghai and said, "Old man, do you have a spare mobile phone here for me to use? Mine is out of battery."

"There are several of them, I'll get them for you." Pan Chonghai said with a smile.

The old man entered his room, quickly took out two mobile phones, returned to the table, handed them to Zhang Yu, and said with a smile: "They are all fully charged, two are enough."

"One is enough!" Zhang Yu also said with a smile.

He took a mobile phone, took out the pin, and took out the card inside. Then he took out his own mobile phone and put his card in it.

With the mobile phone, Zhang Yu felt at ease and continued to eat.

Zhang Yu ate quickly, and Dahei ate even faster. By the time Zhang Yu finished his large bowl of rice, Agou had already finished the large bowl of dog food and lay down at Zhang Yu's feet.

It turned into its true form, Dahei, with such a big mouth, and the speed was much faster than when it was a puppy.

Zhang Yu asked Agou to shrink, picked it up, and put it in his bag. Then he said goodbye and rushed to the guest room in front.

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