Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3863 Helper

Song Feng started the car and saw Zhang Yu talking on the phone, so he didn't bother him. After Zhang Yu hung up the phone, he asked, "What are we going to do in Guangming Town?"

"Something big happened there. I heard Inspector Pan say before that two children were missing in Guangming Town and they wanted to ask me for help. Since I came here with you first, I asked them to use surveillance to check first. They found out that the kidnapper I went to the direction of Shouzi Mountain in the town. After tracking it, I found the car parked at the foot of Shouzi Mountain. The patrol officer went straight up the mountain, but he never returned and lost the news. Inspector Pan and his people rushed there again , went up the mountain to search again, but... people also lost contact..." Zhang Yu said with a frown.

"There is such a thing..." Song Feng frowned, and then said: "Then let's rush there right away... By the way, the people in the car... I'll make a call and have someone come and pick them up..."

Immediately, he dialed Lu Dai's number and asked Lu Dai to send someone over. The two parties would meet at a designated place halfway and then hand over.

Naturally, Lu Dai didn't hesitate and agreed immediately. Song Feng continued to drive, and after an hour or so, they met at the designated guide. The two criminals captured by Song Feng, as well as the elderly and children, were handed over to Lu Dai and asked him to take the criminals back to the patrol room and help send the elderly and children home.

The old man and the child got out of the car, but Cheng Jue did not leave. He just gave the old man a few words and stayed.

The car started again and Song Feng took the shortcut to Guangming Town.

Cheng Jue listened to Zhang Yu's statement before and didn't say much. This time there was no one else in the car. Cheng Jue said: "Master Zhang, just now you said that the patrolman disappeared twice in Shouzi Mountain in Guangming Town. I think this matter may not be simple."

Zhang Yu was sitting in the passenger seat. When Cheng Jue said this, he immediately turned his head and said, "Master, what do you think?"

"Everyone knows that your Wudang Taoist temple is in Guangming Town. The other party caught children in Guangming Town and then went to Shouzi Mountain. The car was parked at the foot of the mountain. When the patrol went in, it disappeared directly. It was obviously intentional. If my guess is right, the other party's target must be you." Cheng Jue said.

"It's very possible..." Zhang Yu said: "I ruined the other party's good deeds one after another, and even hurt Han Guang, causing Han Guang's junior brother to bite his tongue and commit suicide. The other party must hate me deeply. My identity, Han Guang, too It’s clear that they trapped the patrolman and lured me to rescue them, and their purpose was to kill me!”

"I think killing you is just one of them. I'm afraid they have other plans..." Cheng Jue said slowly.

"What the master means..." Zhang Yu muttered, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said: "The children they captured must not have been transported to their destination. The other party is worried that I will interfere with it and ruin their good deeds!"

"It's very possible..." Cheng Jue nodded.

Tai Wannian was also sitting in the back row. After listening to the conversation between the two, he couldn't help gritting his teeth and said: "These people are not only vicious, but also so cunning!"

"Brother, the master's analysis is very reasonable... The other party obviously wants to lure you into a trap. Even if they can't kill you, they may transfer the captured children while you are rescuing people. What are you going to do now? ..." When Song Feng said this, he was a little hesitant.

"No one knows where the children they captured later are. Since they are waiting for me at Shouzi Mountain, I might as well go and meet them! The person who goes to Shouzi Mountain will definitely be a master! If If you capture someone, you may get unexpected rewards!" Zhang Yu said through gritted teeth.

Although he also believed that the other party would probably secretly transfer the child he captured later tonight, he had to save Pan Yun.

The other party was ruthless, and if he didn't go, Pan Yun would probably die. Also, as Zhang Yu said, it is not that easy to find those children who were secretly kidnapped by the other party. The other party had spread suspicion and hired people to snatch away so many children. Even if he continued to search using his horoscope, he would probably find someone like the recently rescued He Xiaojie.

Therefore, Zhang Yu had to save Pan Yun first no matter what.

"What Mr. Zhang said is reasonable. There must be masters sitting in Shoushi Mountain, waiting for Mr. Zhang. Previously, the poor monk had promised Mr. Zhang to eliminate demons and defend the Tao together. This time, the poor monk went with Mr. Zhang to see what he was like. The background!" Chengjue said seriously.

"Thank you, Master!" Zhang Yu said immediately.

Although he has never seen Cheng Jue take action, he can roughly guess that this monk is definitely a master. Otherwise, he would not be able to find people. With this monk helping him, Zhang Yu believed that he would have a better chance of winning when he went to Shouzi Mountain.

"Zhang Zhenren, you're welcome. Amitabha, it's so good, so good..." the great monk said, clasping his palms together, and then said: "My Buddha is compassionate and has the wrath of thunder..."

Zhang Yu didn't say anything anymore. He also knew that when they reached Shouzi Mountain, there would be a deadly battle. There must be a formation on Shouzi Mountain. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang and other patrolmen to get in and out.

When entering the battle to save people, the other party will inevitably take the initiative and gain the advantage. Going alone is very dangerous, but with Cheng Jue's help, you will have a better chance of winning. It's just that this Cheng Jue is not one of us after all. Even if he finds out the details of Cheng Jue and knows that he is a good person, the two meetings between him and Cheng Jue are somewhat unexpected.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu suddenly felt a little regretful. In fact, Cheng Jue should not be allowed to go with him for such a thing. If there is a problem with this Chengjue, it will really be detrimental to yourself.

But Cheng Jue just offered to help, and he agreed, so he couldn't suddenly regret it. After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu had some thoughts in his mind.

When he talked about this matter with Sun Zhaoyi in the Taoist temple, Sun Zhaoyi once said that he should not underestimate the enemy, and it was best to bring Xiaomei and Ye Fenghuang with him.

Ye Fenghuang's cultivation level has recovered a lot, and he is even more proficient in Qimen Dunjia. Xiaomei's skills are very powerful, and she has received guidance from Sun Zhaoyi. If he brings them together, his chances of winning will be greatly increased. Even if Cheng Jue really has a problem, it will be easy to deal with it, and he can even give him a spoonful of it.

He made up his mind, but Zhang Yu didn't say it right away. He just sent a text message to Ye Fenghuang's mobile phone, telling Ye Fenghuang and Xiaomei to go down the mountain and wait opposite the patrol room in the town. He would be there in about two hours. When the time comes, we will take action. In addition, he also specially warned that he must bring a magical weapon. The opponent in this operation is very strong.

Not long after the text message was sent, Zhang Yu received a reply from Ye Fenghuang, which was just a short sentence - Don't worry, we will leave in a moment.

After notifying Ye Fenghuang, Zhang Yu put his cell phone in his pocket and said, "I didn't even rest last night. I'm very tired now. Let's close our eyes and rest our mind."

After saying that, he closed his eyes.

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