Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3857 Life is coming soon

Facts have proved that miracles do not happen often. Zhang Yu went to the third home where the child was missing, got the child's underwear and birth date, and used the fortune-seeking technique again, but it still ended in failure.

This time, Zhang Yu was able to conclude that the other party had really broken his fortune-seeking technique, rendering this trick ineffective.

After leaving this house, Song Feng chatted with He Shaobin for a while and then left. This failure has already indicated that the eight-character fortune-seeking technique is no longer effective.

After getting into Song Feng's car, Song Feng started the car. Not far away, he said, "Brother, what should we do now? Where should we go?"

Zhang Yu no longer cared about it in his mind. He hesitated and said, "The children captured by Han Guang and the others must not be enough. The ones they captured before should have been sent back. Then what tricks did the other party use to make my child angry?" The tracking technique no longer works. However, since they don’t have enough children, I think they will definitely take action. Now all the patrol offices and patrol offices are aware of this matter. Once such a case occurs, it will be reported immediately. In this way Come, we will definitely be able to contact the child's family as soon as possible. I believe that after they catch the child, they will never dare to send it to the final destination immediately. They will still transport it to a den like last night, and then Send them to the destination together. So, we still have a chance!"

"Yes." Song Feng nodded slightly and said, "For now, this is the only way..."

While the two were talking, the mobile phone in Zhang Yu's pocket suddenly rang, "Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Pan Yun calling. He immediately answered the call, "Hello, Inspector Pan?"

"It's me." Pan Yun's voice rang on the phone, "Zhang Yu, have you found the child?"

"I almost forgot about this problem. The children have been found and are all safe. They have now been handed over to the Zhenxi Patrol Headquarters." Zhang Yu said directly.

"It was handed over to the Zhenxi patrol room..." Pan Yun was obviously stunned for a moment and said in confusion: "Why was it sent there?"

"The main reason is that there are also missing children here in Zhenxi. We came to check the situation and sent the children to the Zhenxi District Patrol Office. When the time comes, they will be responsible for handing over." Zhang Yu said.

"You guys are really good... But why did a child get lost in Zhenxi? These people... are too arrogant..." Pan Yun said angrily.

"Isn't that right... By the way, you should also pay attention over there. If there is a loss of a child, you must inform me..." Zhang Yu warned.

"I know this. This morning, our boss held a meeting for us, saying that Operation Thunder was announced by the superiors, with Song Feng as the leader of the case handling team. All units must assist and cooperate without any mistakes. Moreover, the superiors also specially made statistics They reported cases of missing children in various jurisdictions and said they would report them as soon as they were discovered," Pan Yun said.

"That's good." Zhang Yu said: "Brother Ma is by my side, I will let him go back later. In addition, I will call Brother Tai and tell the family that the child has been found and will be sent back soon. "

"Okay." Pan Yun agreed.

The two chatted casually for a few more words before hanging up.

As soon as Zhang Yu hung up the phone, Song Feng's cell phone rang, "Ring, ring, ring..."

He quickly answered via Bluetooth and said, "Hello, hello."

"Hello, Detective Song, I'm Liu Ke from the patrol house on Longtai Street." A middle-aged man's voice rang on the phone.

"It's Inspector Liu. What do you want from me?" Song Feng asked.

"Didn't the above say that whenever there is a child kidnapping case in the jurisdiction, you will be notified immediately? Just this morning, near the Little Red Riding Hood Kindergarten in our jurisdiction, an aunt was sending her grandson to the kindergarten. Suddenly a motorcycle appeared on the street and he The child was snatched away!" the middle-aged man said.

"What!" Song Feng was shocked when he heard this and said, "Is this the area under the jurisdiction of your patrol room?"

"It's from our patrol room..." The middle-aged man on the phone was obviously a little confused. If it wasn't under the jurisdiction of his patrol room, could he call you?

"I know, where are the child's parents?" Song Feng asked immediately.

"Still in our patrol room, as soon as I heard about such a case, I immediately called you to report it." Liu Ke said.

"In this case, you leave the child's parents in the school, and I'll rush over right away!" Song Feng said.

"Yes, Detective Song." Liu Ke said.

Song Feng hung up the call. He answered it using Bluetooth, which was hands-free and could be heard by Zhang Yu and Ma Sihai.

After Song Feng died, Ma Sihai said immediately: "Brother Zhang really guessed it right. The other party was really quick to snatch the child away early in the morning. But this is just right. Let's just follow the clue and take advantage of them. It’s too late to send the person back to the destination, so find the child first.”

"That's what I think." Zhang Yu said excitedly.

I had lost the clue just now, but I didn't expect that the clue would arrive so quickly.

Song Feng was also happy. Although losing a child was not a good thing, the current situation was like this. If we couldn't find clues along the child, it would be extremely difficult to rescue the previously lost child and find the Han Guang Group.

"Ring ring ring..." At this moment, Song Feng's cell phone rang again.

Song Feng answered and said, "Hello, hello."

"Hello, Detective Song, I'm Zhou Jiqing from the patrol room on Dongping Street." A middle-aged man's voice rang on the phone.

"It's Inspector Zhou. What do you want from me?" Song Feng said.

"There was a kidnapping case near Little Oasis Kindergarten. Someone was riding a motorcycle and snatched away a child who was crossing the road. The child's mother was right next to her, but she couldn't stop her at all," Zhou Jiqing said.

"What? Such a case also happened in your jurisdiction!" Song Feng couldn't help shouting.

"Yes... didn't it say above that whenever such a case occurs, we will report it to you immediately..." Zhou Jiqing said.

"That's right!" Song Feng said eagerly: "Are the parents of the child in your patrol room?"

"Yes." Zhou Jiqing said.

"Keep people here, don't let them go first." Song Feng said.

"Yes." Zhou Jiqing agreed immediately.

Song Feng hung up the phone. This time, before anyone else could say anything, he gritted his teeth and said, "These people are simply crazy. They only committed crimes in remote and remote places in the past, but now they dare to go to the city and rob!"

"I think they are red-eyed because of what happened last night! The more they act like this, the more it means that this person's life span is approaching!" Zhang Yu said with certainty.

"Yes, I think they are red-eyed too! This should be their last act of madness. It won't be long before they are all caught in one fell swoop!" Song Feng gritted his teeth and said with red eyes.

He didn't sleep all night yesterday, and his eyes were already bloodshot.

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