Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3845 Friends

"Xiao Yue, what should I do now..." The old woman never stopped crying. Now that the patrol officer entered the patrol room, she looked helplessly at the girl beside her.

Xiaoyue pulled the old woman aside and said: "Aunt, don't worry. Did you see that the couple just now also lost their children? The patrol is just perfunctory with us. We have no power anyway. No one knows whether they are really investigating. I think it would be better to wait for the couple to come out and discuss it with them. After all, there is strength in numbers."

"Yeah." The old woman had no other choice but to nod.

Xiao Yue didn't want the police officer to discover her motive, so she helped the old woman walk a little further to the side and stood there waiting.

After about five minutes, I finally saw the man and woman coming out of the house. Coincidentally, they were walking in the direction where they were standing.

The woman was still crying and said with sobs in her mouth: "Do you think anything will happen to Xiao Jin if he is captured by the bad guys? Will the bad guys beat him, scold him, and deny him food... The patrolman will only say Let us not be anxious...can we not be anxious..."

"Okay, okay! Don't cry! I'm so upset now!" The man also frowned and said angrily: "It's all your fault, and I didn't say take care of the kids or buy any ice cream!"

"It's Xiao Jin who wants to eat ice cream. Who would have thought that someone would dare to snatch a child on the street in broad daylight... Wuwuwuwu... If I knew, I wouldn't even take him out..." the woman continued to cry.

The two of them were crying and walking forward, getting closer and closer to the old woman and Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue took a few steps to greet him and said, "Brother, sister-in-law, I just saw you two in the patrol room. Are your children also missing?"

"Yes! Damn it, someone dares to steal the child openly!" the man said angrily.

"My aunt's grandson and granddaughter were also missing. She came to report the crime the day before yesterday, and the patrol asked us to go back and wait for news. My aunt was worried, and she came again today, but she asked us to go home and wait again... I suspected that they Have you really checked..." Xiaoyue said with her mouth flat.

"These police officers can't solve such a small case! I really doubt they can do anything else!" the man said through gritted teeth.

"I think we must find some way instead of just waiting at home stupidly," Xiao Yue said.

"But...we have no money and power, what can we do...wuwu..." the woman cried.

"I think there are more people and more power. We have no one to take care of us in the town, so we might as well go to Zhenhai. We will always find someone to make the decision for us." Xiao Yue said seriously.

"This is a good idea..." The crying woman seemed to see a glimmer of hope. He immediately looked at the man and said, "Dawei, do you have any friends in Zhenhai who are police officers, or know the police officers... Let's see Can we find big leaders and ask them to take us seriously..."

The man immediately began to think about it, and after a while he said: "Chen Dekai always brags to me when he is drinking, saying that he has a friend who is the captain of some serious crime team, and he also said that he is number one, and a gangster used to sneak into his barbecue. When we eat Bawang meals in a restaurant, as long as we find him as a friend, the gangster will immediately become honest. When I came back today, he said that his friend will soon become a detective. I think if this is not the case, let’s go to Chen Dekai now and ask him to help contact him. Check out his friend."

"Yes, yes, you and Chen Dekai have a good relationship. Our child is lost, so he must help anyway..." the woman said anxiously, holding back her tears.

As soon as Xiao Yue heard that the man knew a senior patrol officer, she quickly said: "Brother, eldest sister, can you bring me and my aunt along with you?"

"Okay! Let's go together! No one can bear the feeling of losing a child. I suspect that these people are all in the same group. If there are more of us, let the patrolman pay attention to it!" the man said bluntly .

The four of them did not go home and rushed to the subway station immediately to take the subway.

Zhendong District Patrol Office.

In the cafeteria of the patrol main room, Inspector Bai, Pan Yun, Niu Sanjiang, and Ma Sihai were having dinner.

It's almost seven o'clock when we say we have dinner. The last time the patrol room went out in full force, they failed and no one was caught.

The south side of the town has a one-week deadline to solve the case, and the same applies to the east side of the town. After all, tape murder cases were not just in the south of the town, there were also many cases in the east of the town. Even the first case was discovered in Zhendong.

The various action teams of the serious crime team were on duty in turns, and Detective Bai and Pan Yun lived in the main patrol room 24 hours a day. However, the clues to the case were completely lost, and Zhennan was the same as them.

The four of them were at a loss. At this moment, Ma Sihai's cell phone rang in his pocket, "Ring, ring, ring... ring, ring, ring..."

Ma Sihai took out his cell phone, took a look at it, and immediately answered, "Hello, Dekai?"

"Brother Ma, it's me." A man's voice rang on the phone.

"What do you want from me?" Ma Sihai said.

"Well... I have a friend who is my childhood friend... something happened at home, and I'm wondering if you can help me..." the man on the phone said.

"Tell me first, what is it?" Ma Sihai said.

"He said it would be best to meet in person and tell him that he is at my barbecue restaurant. I wonder if it would be convenient for you to let him go..." the man on the phone said.

"I'm on duty in the main patrol room. How can I get there...just say it on the phone and let me see what's going on!" Ma Sihai said seriously.

"The thing is, my little child was lost. To be precise, he was snatched away by someone on the street. His family lives in Dayuan Town, Gukou. It is said that the patrol efficiency in the town is too high. Low, so I hope you can help and find the child as soon as possible..." The man on the phone said a little embarrassed.

"Since the case has been reported in the town, the patrol will definitely look for it. Besides, you also said that it is in Gukou. I am the patrol in the east of the town. I can't go there to investigate the case." Ma Sihai Said directly.

"The main thing is... there are more than one family in town who have lost their children, and there is also an aunt who lost two children at once... The children are the darlings of the family, and they are all worried... Otherwise, look at the situation in Gu Is there any friend here who can help me say hello... Brother Ma, I have been a friend for many years... I am a young boy, but he is quite a nice person... You must help me..." The person on the phone said bitterly He said hahaha.

"I can understand this feeling. After all, I am also a father. Okay, I'll call my classmates in Gukou and ask you not to worry about it. If there is any news, I will call you. Ma Sihai said.

"Thank you, Brother Ma...Thank you, Brother Ma..." the man said quickly.

Ma Sihai hung up the phone. Detective Bai and Pan Yun at the same table didn't take it seriously, but Niu Sanjiang asked casually: "Sihai, what's the matter? Why is it related to Gukou?"

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