Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3830 Explosion

"Chi chi chi chi..."

The surrounding trees were burning rapidly, with green flames all over them, and thick smoke rising from them.

Zhang Yu glanced around, and he could clearly see that the trees that were set on fire were almost burned out.

Especially the Audi car in front was burning. Zhang Yu knew that the car might explode after a while.

If you want to ask for rain to extinguish the fire, it will probably be too late. Moreover, once you ask for rain and the rain falls, the smell left by the other party will disappear completely.

He is not wearing robes now, so if he wants to put out the fire directly with his true energy, it is obviously impossible. Zhang Yu tried to wave his palm towards a tree nearby. Although he brought out a gust of wind, it could not extinguish the green flame at all. After all, this was no ordinary fire. Zhang Yu estimated that even if he was wearing robes, he might not be able to put it out directly.

After hesitating for a moment, he immediately retreated out of the woods and shouted, "Agou, let's go out first."

After saying that, he ran away. When Dahei saw him running out of the woods, he naturally knew that the danger still existed, and quickly followed Zhang Yu's footsteps, and together they quickly left the woods and came to the road.

As soon as we came to the highway, we heard a loud "boom", which was the sound of a car exploding.

Zhang Yu turned around and looked into the woods. In the middle of the woods, there was a sea of ​​azure-colored fire. Fortunately, this fire is different from ordinary fire. It burns very fast. When many trees burned, they were burned out before they had time to spread.

Even so, it is shocking.

At this time, patrol cars turned around and stopped on the side of the road. The car door opened, and the police officers came out of the car one by one. They were all dumbfounded when they looked at the thick smoke and flames. You know, they didn't understand before why their superiors asked them to retreat quickly. Now, they finally know what's going on.

It's just that this azure-colored flame is really too weird. It looks a little frightening and makes people feel terrified.

Soon, two patrol cars came around Zhang Yu from behind and stopped. The doors opened, and Zhou Jiahui, Song Feng, and Tai Wannian got out of the cars respectively.

Zhou Jiahui's face was full of surprise, just like other police officers. On the other hand, Song Feng and Tai Wannian were calmer. After all, they knew how powerful Zhang Yu and Agou were. Since Agou had foreseen the danger, something would definitely happen.

The three people came to Zhang Yu's side. Zhou Jiahui looked at Zhang Yu and stammered: " could it be like this...this fire...why is it still such a's too...weird" ...How on earth did this burn..."

As for why the fire suddenly broke out and was still such a fire, Song Feng and Tai Wannian knew that there must be some mechanism or trap in the car. However, they didn't know exactly how it happened, so they were very curious. They both looked at Zhang Yu, waiting for Zhang Yu's answer.

Zhang Yu said directly: "As soon as I opened the door, a hidden weapon flew out of the car, and azure-colored dark fire emerged from the hidden weapon. It was very domineering. Fortunately, I hid quickly and was not plotted against. However, the surrounding trees were shot by Hellfire and immediately ignited. The Audi car also burned inside, which shows that the opponent has been fully prepared for it. Fortunately, you did not check this car before. "

After hearing this, Zhou Jiahui couldn't help but secretly feel happy, but he was still surprised by the flames here. He couldn't help but said: "You just said...this, this is hell do you say this..."

Song Feng and Tai Wannian followed Zhang Yu and had seen strange things, so they would not make such a fuss like Zhou Jiahui. Similarly, Song Feng also secretly called it a fluke. Fortunately, he had previously told Zhou Jiahui not to check the car left by the criminal, but to wait for him to come over. Otherwise, the police officers who were next to the car at the time might not have been spared.

"How do I put this... It's that this kind of fire is different from ordinary fires. There are certain chemical ingredients added to it... Otherwise, you see, this fire burns very fast, and the trees have been burned down before it spreads. Alright..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

His explanation is actually somewhat nonsense. After all, if it is said that this is a hidden weapon left behind by evil magic, it will inevitably make ordinary people who do not understand the market feel frightened. It's even possible that you don't believe it. But what he said seemed to be an understatement, but it could also make things right.

"So that's it..." Zhou Jiahui nodded, feeling relieved. He then lowered his head and looked at Agou at Zhang Yu's feet, and couldn't help but said: "You are such a powerful dog. You can predict such a situation." Danger……"

"Animals are sometimes like this. Their prediction and vigilance of danger are far better than humans. Just like any earthquake or mountain landslide, animals will be alarmed early and then be the first to escape from the danger zone." Zhang Yu said calmly.

At this moment, the flames in the woods ahead have been extinguished, leaving only puffs of smoke.

Zhang Yu then pointed there and said, "The fire has been put out. Let's go over and have a look now."

"Okay." Zhou Jiahui immediately nodded in agreement.

At the moment, Zhang Yu, Zhou Jiahui, Song Feng, and Tai Wannian took the lead in walking towards the trees. Zhou Jiahui's patrol officers, as well as the patrol officers who had followed Song Feng into the bushes, all hurriedly followed.

They entered the woods, that is, there were a few trees in front of them. When they entered the inside, where they parked before, there were no trees around, it was just a white field. All that was left was the car after the explosion, which was completely gone and was even still emitting black smoke.

Seeing such a scene, Zhou Jiahui and Song Feng frowned slightly. Song Feng looked at Zhang Yu and said, "It exploded like this... Do you think we can still find the person now..."

"I don't know about this. It all depends on Agou..." Zhang Yu lowered his head and looked at Dahei and said, "Agou, smell everywhere and see if you can find anything."

"Woof woof..." Dahei barked twice immediately, then rushed to the side of the car and wandered around the car. While surrounding it, he sniffed the surrounding smell.

The car had just exploded, and apart from the smell of gunpowder smoke, there was no other smell.

Agou found nothing around the car and could only slowly walk outside. The surrounding trees were all burned, and the smell of gunpowder smoke still lingered. Agou couldn't find any clues here, so he could only continue to circle outwards.

Everyone else was looking at Ah Gou, intending to follow him to have a look, but when they saw Zhang Yu, they were standing there, motionless. If the owner is like this, it will be difficult for other people to follow Agou.

There was a reason why Zhang Yu stood still. If there are so many people following Agou, the smell will inevitably increase. As a result, it will also increase the difficulty for the little guy to find the smell. It's better to just stand here and let Agou find it by himself.

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