Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3816 A full-scale attack!

On the way back to the patrol room, Zhang Yu and Song Feng sat together. Song Feng was very curious about what Lin Wu had told him. He whispered: "Brother, is this man Lin Wu who killed the undercover patrolman and ran away?"

"That's right." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

"Why is he hiding here? Could it be that...the tape murder case is related to him..." Song Feng said incredulously.

"It was Han Guang's people who did it." Zhang Yu also whispered.

Seeing Zhang Yu's confirmation, Song Feng couldn't help but feel surprised. He never imagined that the tape murder case would be committed by Han Guang's people. You know, Han Guang has been arrested, and these people under his command have no time to escape. They dare to commit such a major case. They are simply seeking death.

Song Feng said curiously: "Hasn't he already run away? Why would he stay in Zhenhai to do such a big case? This case can't be Han Guang's order...Han Guang...but he is still in the serious crime department Where is it..."

"Let's put it this way, this case was really not done by Han Guang. There is also a second boss on their side who said that Shenlong has always seen the beginning but not the end. Didn't you say before that Lin Wu and the others all ran away? Is this a very unusual thing? Someone should be in cahoots with them. This is absolutely correct. It was the second boss who conspired with them, and he was the one who instigated these people to arrest these women. However, Lin Wu and the others did not kill anyone, they just The people were handed over to the second boss, and later the bodies were sent back according to the second boss's wishes." Zhang Yu said in a low voice.

"Did I say that..." Song Feng took a breath and whispered, "Then where is the second boss? Can you tell me?"

"I didn't ask this. I only knew that Lin Wu and the others sent the captured woman to a bus in Linjiaping. Later, they went there to pick up the body. However, Lin Wu knew where the other runaways were hiding. We can catch all these people in one place. In addition, we can also call Linjiaping's road surveillance to see where this bus went." Zhang Yu said in a low voice.

"Okay..." Song Feng immediately showed excitement and said, "Finally we have a clue! This time, we must capture all of these people!"

The van drove all the way back to the patrol headquarters and came to the crime squad. Song Feng directly ordered that Lin Wu and others be isolated and interrogated individually. Especially Lin Wu, who was responsible for the interrogation with Zhang Yu, and of course Tai Wannian.

Lin Wu and the others had already thought that they had been arrested by the patrol, but now that they had arrived at the patrol's main room, there was no doubt. It is impossible to deny it intentionally. After all, I have said so much before, and it is too late not to admit it now. In addition, Song Feng used both hard and soft tactics, promising Lin Wu that as long as he told everything, he would be considered guilty of meritorious service and would plead with the court for mercy. After thinking about it, Lin Wu marked the hiding location of his friends on the map.

There are twenty dens in total that he marked.

After reading it, Zhang Yu said: "Is that all there is to it?"

"This... is not..." Lin Wu said slowly.

"Where are the other dens?" Zhang Yu asked seriously.

"The other dens are in the Zhendong District. I don't know much about the situation there. Although we made unified arrangements at the time, I can't say that I have memorized them all. In other words, I am more familiar with the locations in the south of the town. That's why we can mark them all out at once.'s actually not difficult to find other dens. As long as you find the place where the car is hidden, the person must be hiding nearby...because according to the second boss, the patrol will definitely I found the escape vehicle and followed the surveillance to find the vehicle, and then I would check the passing vehicles. I would never have expected that the person was hiding nearby..." Lin Wu said carefully.

"You two bosses are quite capable of counter-reconnaissance," Zhang Yu said.

Song Feng looked at Zhang Yu and said: "There should have been a lot of escape vehicles found in the east side of Zhendong. I don't think it's better than this, so I'll inform the other side and let's all act together tonight."

"That's right!" Zhang Yu said, took out his cell phone and dialed Pan Yun's phone number.

After the call was connected, Zhang Yu went straight to the point and told Pan Yun what happened.

Pan Yun discovered many more bodies one after another, and followed the surveillance videos to find some vehicles. Now, as soon as I heard that the criminal was hiding in a house not far from where the car was hidden, I was so polite. I immediately said that I would mobilize people and go to arrest the person.

After the two parties discussed it, Zhang Yu hung up the phone.

Naturally, Song Feng couldn't be idle. He already knew where the criminal was hiding, so he had to rush to arrest him.

Of course, twenty hiding spots would definitely not be possible with just the manpower of the crime squad. Because although Lin Wu marked the location where these people were hiding, the specific house number and which house they were in were unclear unless he personally led the way.

This time it was a unified action. Lin Wu was alone. If he went here, he could not go to the other side. Fortunately, these dens are relatively remote, and there are not many families living there. As long as they are surrounded, people will definitely not be able to escape.

The chief detective of the Zhennan Police Patrol Office had previously told Song Feng that the Police Patrol Office had dedicated personnel to be on standby 24 hours a day to cooperate with the Crime Team in arresting people at any time. Song Feng made a phone call to the chief detective, and then summoned all the heads on standby in the main patrol room, including the captains of the major crime team, for a unified meeting. However, after the meeting, Song Feng gave a special order that all the patrol officers on duty should gather together first, turn off their phones, supervise each other, and not even go to the toilet.

When the people attending the meeting came to the conference room, Song Feng directly arranged the tasks. All departments cooperated with the serious crime team to arrest people. Which team was responsible for which den was clearly arranged.

Arrangements were made, and all the patrol officers were dispatched.

He arranged tasks here, and Zhang Yu and Tai Wannian were not idle either. The two of them and Lin Wu stayed in the monitoring room and called up Xujiaping's road surveillance to look for the bus that took away many women.

Not to mention, hard work pays off, and with the current level of science and technology, Zhenhai is covered with surveillance from urban areas to rural areas.

With the help of Lin Wu, they quickly found the bus. The bus turned down the dirt road from the road in Jienanling and then disappeared. Then, they called up yesterday's surveillance, and the bus happened to be on the highway from this location.

Zhang Yu asked the patrol officer in the monitoring room to help find the local topographic map, and found that the location where the bus came off the road was not far from Jie Nanling. In other words, the person was most likely taken to Jie Nanling.

Upon discovering this, Zhang Yu and Tai Wannian were extremely excited. When the two of them saw that somewhere in Jienanling, it was most likely the second boss's hiding place.

They found this out, and Song Feng also finished the meeting and returned to the monitoring room. When the two met, Zhang Yu told Song Feng what he had discovered. Song Feng did not hesitate, took the reserved Lu Dai and a team of men, and set off to search for Jie Nanling.

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