Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3814 Major clues

"The dragon has seen its head but not its tail..." After listening to Lin Wu's words, Zhang Yu groaned, then deliberately showed disbelief and said: "Your big boss Han Guang is so famous, how come he is your second boss?" Are they hiding there? Are you telling the truth? It really makes people a little suspicious..."

"My hero, what I said is true..." Lin Wu quickly said: "The second boss has always been like this. We have followed Boss Han for so many years and have only met him three times in total... We also asked Boss Han , why this second master rarely shows up, I have never heard of it in the world. What the second master said is that our strength... cannot be shown on the surface... We thought it made sense, so we didn't ask any more questions... "

"So that's it..." Zhang Yu nodded slightly, and then said: "Then where did you send my sister after you captured her?"

"We just sent them to Xujiaping in the evening. There was a bus waiting there, and we put them directly on the bus." Lin Wu said honestly.

"Why are you still using the bus... This is so conspicuous..." Zhang Yu stared at Lin Wu.

His eyes were shining brightly at this moment, full of majesty.

When Lin Wu saw Zhang Yu's appearance, he shuddered unconsciously, and quickly said cautiously: "The main reason is that there are more people in action. When I arrived, there were other arrested women in the car. It seemed that they were unified." Transport away..."

"Where was it shipped?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I really don't know about this. After we put the people in the car, we left." Lin Wu said carefully.

"Then when was my sister's body sent back to you?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Just yesterday, the second master asked us to wait at Xujiaping, and then the bus came. Each of us picked up a corpse, and according to the second master's wishes, we sent the body back to the deceased's home. Of course, we just said If it can be delivered to your home, try to deliver it to your home. If you can't deliver it, just deliver it to your doorstep. Don't let anyone discover it." Lin Wu said honestly.

"Then why did you escape here after sending people away? Is it a pre-arranged route?" Zhang Yu asked coldly.

"It was indeed arranged in advance... Before we ran away, the second boss specially called us together to arrange this matter... The whole operation was all arranged by him, and it had nothing to do with us... Let's just say To be honest, if it weren't for his pressure, we wouldn't have dared to do such a thing..." Lin Wu said bitterly.

"Why are you still under pressure from him?" Zhang Yu asked calmly.

"You don't know that our boss Han Guang is ruthless, and this second boss is even more ruthless than Han Guang. When Han Guang led us to conquer the world, once we encountered ruthless trouble, it was not convenient for us to take action. , will ask the second boss to take action. As long as he takes action, the other party will disappear immediately. Just like this time, some of us are opposed to letting us guys run away collectively to do this kind of thing. The second boss killed He Song on the spot, and even dismembered He Song’s body in front of us. The cruel look scared us half to death. How could we not dare to disobey him?" Lin Wu. He said very aggrievedly.

After hearing this, Zhang Yu understood that the reason why Lin Wu and all Han Guang's men ran away collectively was not Han Guang and Bai Xuemei's intention, but the second boss's driving.

Song Feng had previously suspected who could make Han Guang's men run away en masse. After all, the situation at that time was that Han Guang might not be in trouble. There must be something wrong with these people running away so early.

Knowing this, Zhang Yu continued: "So, your second boss is also a master?"

"Absolute master..." Lin Wu said with emotion.

"How about comparing with me?" Zhang Yu asked deliberately.

"It's definitely not as good as you, hero. You, you, you don't have to come out in person, your pet alone can probably kill him..." Lin Wu quickly flattered.

"Can we find him?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"Hero... I've said it before... He has always been like a dragon that never sees its end..." Lin Wu said with a sad face.

"Can't find him..." Zhang Yu gritted his teeth deliberately and continued: "By the way, you just said that your actions were planned and premeditated. Even your escape here was discussed in advance. .As far as I know, Han Guang has a lot of people, so where are the other people hiding?"

"This..." Lin Wu showed hesitation.

"Since you don't know where your second boss is, but there are so many of you, someone must know..." Zhang Yu stared at him and said in a deep voice: "Lin Wu, I must avenge my sister... ... As the saying goes, since you are not the rightful owner, I don't want to embarrass you. However, if you are ignorant and want to remember the murder of my sister, then I will help you. Let Dahei eat the four of you on the spot, and then go find your second boss!"

"Hero... don't, don't, don't..." Lin Wu heard this, glanced at Agou subconsciously, and then said in a panic: "I said, I said it's not okay..."

"Then let's talk?" Zhang Yu said indifferently.

"When we were having a meeting and assigning tasks, the second boss sent us a map, which specifically marked the location of the person to be handed in, the location to pick up the body, and the escape route after returning the body. We all went to the suburbs. Run, just like this point in Feng Zhong’s house. We had arranged it in advance for us to run away and avoid the limelight. There are many dens like this in Zhenhai. Before, we didn’t understand why Han Guang had to build so many dens. Come on, now, all of them have been used..." Lin Wu said quickly.

"It seems that Han Guang and your second boss have already planned it... Then tell me, where are the other dens?" Zhang Yu asked coldly.

"For the moment, I couldn't explain everything clearly. If there was a map, I could mark them all... In my impression, Wang Xiaoyong went to the farmhouse on the Dujiaji National Highway... Qu Damin went to the farmhouse on the Nankailing National Highway. ...No matter how much, I really can't say everything..." Lin Wu said carefully.

After listening to Lin Wu's statement, Zhang Yu was secretly happy. As long as Lin Wu could reveal the hiding places of Han Guang's gang members, the patrol could definitely catch them all.

In this way, all of Han Guang's charges will be confirmed. Moreover, as Zhang Yu said, although Lin Wu did not know the whereabouts of the second boss, there were so many people, someone should know where the second boss was hiding.

Zhang Yu nodded with satisfaction and said, "According to you, do these dens also have cellars like this one?"

"Yes, there are cellars." Lin Wu said honestly.

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