Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3808 Farmhouse

Song Feng, Tai Wannian, Lu Dai and others were watching from the side. Song Feng and Tai Wannian knew Zhang Yu's abilities, so they both believed that with Zhang Yu's strength, the dog he raised must be unusual. This little pug may not look like much, but it must have something special about it.

Especially the scene just now is still fresh in my memory. The four big wolf dogs were so frightened by such a little pug that they didn't dare to move. Moreover, after the dog handler arrived, he was still lying there, motionless, obviously shocked.

As the saying goes, dogs rely on human strength. As long as their master is by their side, dogs dare to face any enemy, even if the enemy is stronger than themselves. Especially since they were four dogs, and even though their owners were here, they were so frightened that they remained motionless, which shows the intimidating power of this little pug.

Lu Dai and the other policemen who followed were puzzled and kept muttering. They all had the same idea. Did the detective become anxious because of the order from above to solve the case within a time limit? Now he was getting sick and seeking medical attention. How could he allow such a little pug to look for clues? This puppy is of no use. All the detection dogs we patrol are well-trained, so it’s useless, let alone this little guy.

But when they thought of the well-trained hunting dogs, they unconsciously turned their heads to look at the four hunting dogs lying behind.

One by one, they murmured in their hearts, "These four hunting dogs don't look like they are well-trained." "Why do they have such virtues? Do they look like hunting dogs?" "Who trained these dogs? Why? They are trained like this." "They look like they are scared. Who is scaring them? It can't be this little pug... This is too exaggerated. How can a little pug bark twice and scare four? The sniffing dogs were all frightened and fell down." "I think these four sniffing dogs should be retired. They are too timid. They can be frightened like this by a little pug roaring twice. Don't call them sniffing dogs in the future. , It’s simply embarrassing, and it also disgraces the face of our patrol officers.”

How could these police officers believe that the docile and lovely Agou was a dangerous animal? At the moment, Agou just hasn't transformed. If he transformed, he would be able to scare people.

The weak dog is absolutely harmless in the eyes of humans. However, the smell emanating from the dog's body cannot escape the animal's nose. When they heard Agou's threatening voice and smelled the bloody smell emanating from Agou's body, the four hunting dogs were paralyzed on the spot. Just like many animals, when they hear the tiger's roar and smell the tiger's blood, their legs become weak with fear and they can't run.

It is said that when a tiger hunts its prey, it needs to be chased. In fact, it is very rare. Most animals are paralyzed with fear when they see a tiger. They are simply waiting to be eaten and have no strength to even run. . It's like the part of the mountain where you fight a tiger. Lao Yang's horse is a BMW horse. When it encounters the tiger, it immediately falls down in fear and doesn't even have the courage to run away with Lao Yang on its back. Relying on Lao Yang's accurate shooting skills, otherwise there would be no need to go up the mountain.

Agou's current intimidation power and the smell of blood on his body are even worse than that of a tiger. There were only four hunting dogs in front of it, but it still dared to move. Besides, Agou can definitely be said to be the legendary dog ​​king now.

After a short while, Agou jumped out of the van. It looked up at Zhang Yu, barked twice, and then ran slowly towards the depths of the woods.

As soon as Zhang Yu saw it like this, he immediately said: "Agou has found it, let's go!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and took the lead in chasing Agou.

"Let's go!" Seeing Zhang Yu say this, Song Feng immediately gave the order and followed Zhang Yu.

Tai Wannian followed closely behind. Although Lu Dai and others did not have much confidence in Ah Gou, they just had to follow the detective immediately after he had spoken.

This forest is not particularly deep, only about fifty meters away.

Passing through the woods, there is another field of corn in front, but it can be seen that most of the corn has been harvested, and there is not much left.

Agou just led the way. After passing the corn field, several farmhouses appeared. The yards of these houses were very large, and the sound of people's footsteps seemed to arouse the vigilance of the farm dogs. For a moment, the barking of dogs could be heard in the yards of several houses, "Woof, woof, woof..." "Woof, woof, woof..." …” “Woof woof woof…”…

When he heard the barking of the dog, Agou was obviously very unhappy and immediately started barking, "Woof woof woof..."

As soon as its cry stopped, the surrounding area instantly became silent.

"Holy crap!" "No way!" "This little can he be so powerful..." "What kind of dog is this..."... At this moment, the patrols following behind couldn't help but exclaim in surprise. sound.

Because they know that once the farmer's watchdog barks in alarm, it will never stop easily. And Agou's barking clearly frightened all these watchdogs.

Hearing the voice from behind, Song Feng immediately turned his head and said seriously: "No sound is allowed."

Several patrolmen quickly shut up, no one dared to make any sound.

Seeing that these watchdogs didn't dare to bark, Agou sniffed again and then walked forward.

Zhang Yu, Song Feng and others followed behind, and they subconsciously began to raise their legs and step down lightly. Because at this moment, almost everyone has trusted Agou, and many people now have an intuition that if they follow Agou this time, they will most likely be able to gain something.

Not only them, but also Agou's speed has slowed down now. It seems that after chasing here, the smell is no longer so strong, and it needs to carefully identify the direction.

After a while, the dog finally came to the gate of a farmhouse. It barked softly, "Woof..."

Seeing it barking at this farmer's house, Zhang Yu was absolutely sure that the people in the car must have been to this house. As for whether the person ran away, that's not certain.

Zhang Yu turned to look at Song Feng and said in a very low voice: "People should have been here before, but I don't know if they are still here now. I don't think it's better than this. I'll go in first with Agou, and you guys spread out and clear the outside Surround them so no one can escape."

"Okay." Song Feng nodded, then turned around and made a gesture to surround Lu Dai and others.

Lu Dai and others understood immediately. He ordered three patrolmen to go to the left. Then he ordered the remaining two patrolmen and led them from the right.

The six of them left quickly, leaving Zhang Yu, Song Feng and Tai Wannian alone at the door. Seeing that they hadn't left, Zhang Yu said softly: "You two go too, I can go in by myself."

Tai Wannian quickly whispered: "How can this be possible? Someone has to take care of you. I know you are very capable, but if there are any traps or something inside, you also need someone to take care of you. I think this way, I will go in with you, Detective Song The chief will answer you at the door."

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