Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3804 An old case

Zhang Yu and Tai Wannian joked for a while, and everyone walked outside. After all, everyone knows that this is not the place to talk about business.

After leaving the airport, Lu Dai's car had already been waiting here. Although it is a stop-and-go situation outside the airport, otherwise you will definitely be fined for taking photos. But the Major Crime Squad handles cases, and the car picks people up here, so even if they are photographed, it’s not a big deal.

Tai Wannian got into Zhang Yu and Song Feng's car, and the two middle-aged men who accompanied Tai Wannian got into Lu Dai's car. They immediately set off and rushed back to the patrol headquarters.

Zhang Yu and Tai Wannian were sitting in the back seat of the car, and Song Feng was driving in front.

It can be seen that Zhang Yu and Tai Wannian are still a little excited now. Tai Wannian said: "Brother, thank you so much. Without you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to be reinstated now, let alone have the chance to handle such a case. Let me tell you, this case that happened in Zhenhai is different from the one that happened in Hongdu back then. They are almost exactly the same, and I seriously suspect that it was done by a group of people."

"Approximately how many years does it last?" Zhang Yu asked.

"It was twelve years ago..." When Tai Wannian said this, he seemed to think of the past and said: "My father died because of this case. Others said that he died of fatigue and was a normal death. But neither my mother nor I I believe that, so my mother took me to Zhenhai to go to school, worried that the murderer would come to harm me again. When you told me my fortune, you said that my father died violently, which strengthened my judgment. I have always been looking for opportunities to help me Father's revenge, I really didn't expect that these people would dare to commit crimes! This time, I will never let them go!"

In the end, he was worth the grit.

"Twelve years ago..." Song Feng, who was sitting in the front and responsible for driving, couldn't help but groan after hearing this, and then said: "There has been such a long time between the two cases. The current case in Zhenhai seems to have It's really weird, and you can't tell the purpose of the other party at all. If you say that he is a perverted murderer, committing some unreasonable crimes, it would make sense. But... this is obviously a gang crime... The whole gang can't commit crimes without any reason... ...What are they planning... By the way, what are the records in your previous files? Since your father was killed by people from this gang, it means that your father must be close to the truth..."

Regarding Song Feng's identity, Zhang Yu didn't have time to introduce him. He got in the car and started talking about the case as soon as he got on the car, so Tai Wannian didn't know Song Feng's identity yet.

But Tai Wannian knew that anyone who could sit in the same car with Zhang Yu could definitely be trusted.

Tai Wannian followed and said: "I didn't know much about this case before. This time I took the initiative to ask for help. The Hongdu Patrol Chief also sent two uncles who worked on the case with my father. The file is , there were not many valuable things. According to the above records, the bodies discovered that year were all young and all were under thirty years old. The Hongdu patrol was fully engaged in investigating the case. Unexpectedly, within two days, another There was a case of missing children. Some were said to be lost, but some were simply robbed on the street, causing great panic. At that time, it was suspected that a trafficking gang was committing the crime, and the pressure on patrols was also great, so the crime team The two cases were investigated together. As you know, although there were surveillance cameras on the streets at that time, the surveillance methods were far from as advanced as they are now, and many roads were still without surveillance cameras. My father led his people to investigate with all their strength. Finally, by tracking the whereabouts of a van, we found an abandoned warehouse and found it in the warehouse. My father arrested all the people and interrogated them with all his strength. The other party's answer was that the child was going to be sold to the countryside. These people all said that they were not How could my father give up without knowing the other gangs? During the interrogation, the leader of the six men suddenly foamed at the mouth and died. Since someone died during the interrogation, my father was somewhat responsible. Yes, the higher-ups also knew that my father was under a lot of pressure and was too exhausted these days. They gave my father two days off so that he could go home and have a good sleep and rest. I never thought that after my father came home and fell asleep, I never woke up again..."

Having said this, Tai Wannian paused and then said: "If I haven't seen your ability, although I have always thought that my father was killed by someone, I can't be sure of this. But after seeing you After that, I had a feeling that not only my father, but also the criminal who was foaming at the mouth and died in the interrogation room must have been killed by the other party. As for the means used, I don’t know. Clear."

"So that's it..." Zhang Yu took a deep breath and said, "What happens after that? Did you find anything else?"

"The patrol did not make any more gains. There were families with children all over Hong Kong, and the children were afraid to go out. But soon, the trend passed, and no more cases occurred. In the end, both cases became unsolved. Public case." Tai Wannian said helplessly.

"It seems that your father was indeed close to the truth at that time. Based on my years of experience in handling cases, as long as your father can defeat that person, he can find out everything. It's a pity... it's really a pity..." Song Feng was driving. Said with some emotion.

But at this moment, Zhang Yu was muttering quietly...

Immediately, Zhang Yu looked at Tai Wannian and said, "What happened in the end? Have their bodies been found?"

"The body was not found... By the way, there is such a record at the end of the file. Half a year after the whole turmoil subsided, a family with a missing child suddenly reported the crime, saying that two hundred thousand yuan appeared inexplicably at home, like It was thrown in through the window, but there was no one at home at the time... The patrol suspected that it might be funded by well-meaning people. Because the case was too important at the time, this detail was included in the file..." Tai Wannian said.

"Twelve years ago, two hundred thousand is not a small number anymore..." Song Feng said from the front.

Zhang Yu, on the other hand, his eyes lit up and asked directly: "Do you know if other families who lost their children have received any money?"

"This... I really don't know... because I was still young at the time and I was not on patrol... The file only records this report..." Tai Wannian said.

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