Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3802 My family has a dog

"Detective, this is the situation in Chengjue. Now I will report to you about the investigation of the case." Lu Dai said.

"Yes." Song Feng nodded and said, "Is there any progress?"

"Our people called in street surveillance and conducted detailed investigations of suspicious vehicles around several crime scenes. The suspect vehicles were found near the homes of the first two deceased people, which was the residence of the deceased Yu Lan and the young anchor Tian Shasha. Already found." Lu Dai said.

"Where did you find it, and what's the harvest?" Song Feng said.

"They were all found in the suburbs. There was no one in the car, but some fingerprints were extracted from the car. We are using these fingerprints to compare the fingerprints of all the people with criminal records in Zhenhai, hoping to gain something. In addition, there were some fingerprints in the car. There will definitely be people to pick up the suspect, but there is relatively little surveillance in the suburbs, and the vehicle that picks up the suspect cannot be found yet," Lu Dai said.

"There are few surveillance cameras in the suburbs, but there are also few passing vehicles. Lu Dai, this is a major case, so don't let go of any vehicles that come and go during the suspected period. You must know that the higher-ups have ordered a one-week deadline. Solve the case!" Song Feng said seriously.

"One week! So short..." Although Lu Dai had expected to solve the case within a time limit, he did not expect that he would only be given one week. Even so, Lu Dai said seriously: "Yes, Inspector, I will have people find all the passing vehicles. I'm afraid that the murderer has escaped Zhenhai now. In this case, if you want to arrest him It’ll be troublesome when we arrive.”

"Let alone escaping from Zhenhai, even if you escape to heaven, you still have to find the person. The other party committed the crime in a gang. If you want to find it, it is much easier than a person committing the crime alone. As long as you crack it a little, you can let them We'll catch them all. Now, it's best for us to confirm the suspect's second ride location after getting off the bus. In this case, it will be much easier. By the way, have sniffer dogs been dispatched to conduct the search?" Song Feng said seriously. said.

"It has been dispatched, but...the sniffing dogs did not find the suspect's must have been too long..." Lu Dai said.

Zhang Yu was listening on the sidelines, and when he heard the mention of hunting dogs, he couldn't help but feel excited. Let the dog follow the scent to find the person. My big black dog will recognize the second person, but probably no dog will dare to recognize the first person.

Just as he was about to speak, Song Feng next to him said first: "Since we can't find anyone by following the smell, we can only check all the vehicles and record all the vehicles that appeared on the surveillance camera at the suspicious time, one by one. Check."

"Yes, Detective." Lu Dai agreed immediately.

After they finished speaking, Zhang Yu said: "Inspector Song, you just mentioned the hunting dog, that... I have a dog at home, and it usually has a good sense of smell. Otherwise, I will bring it over and let's try... …”

When Lu Dai heard this, he was somewhat disapproving. The patrol dogs were useless. What could a dog at home do? It had not been formally trained.

Song Feng, on the other hand, was immediately happy after hearing this, because he knew Zhang Yu's strength, so even the dog raised by Zhang Yu's family should be good enough. Especially if Zhang Yu dares to say this, he is somewhat confident. Song Feng said immediately: "That would be troublesome."

"Okay, I'll call right now and have someone bring the dog." Zhang Yu said.

After saying this, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Wang Jie's phone number.

The call was quickly connected, and Fatty Wang's voice rang out, "Infinite Heavenly Lord, is this your uncle?"

"It's me." Zhang Yu said bluntly: "Go to my residence now, take my dog ​​out, and send it to the main patrol room in the south of the town."

"What are you doing?" Wang Jie said in confusion.

"Why do you care so much? Hurry up." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay...I'll go right away..." Wang Jie agreed immediately.

"Well, come on, come on. When you're outside the main patrol room, call me and I'll go downstairs to pick you up." Zhang Yu said.

"No problem." Wang Jie said.

"Ring ring ring..."

While Zhang Yu was talking to Wang Jie, the office phone on Song Feng's desk rang.

When he heard the phone ringing, Song Feng quickly stood up and went to answer it. At this time, Zhang Yu also finished talking to Wang Jie and hung up the phone.

Song Feng walked to his desk, reached for the phone, and answered it directly, "Hello, hello."

"Xiao Song, it's me." The voice of a man in his fifties rang on the phone.

"Chief Inspector Lin, what's going on?" Song Feng said politely.

"It's like this. I just received a notification that this tape murder case has happened in Hongdu before. It is said to be exactly the same as the case here. At present, the Hongdu Patrol Office has sent people to bring the files from that year. Go to Zhenhai and provide assistance. It is estimated that we will arrive at the airport at nine o'clock in the evening. The person's pseudonym is Jiang Sheng. When you pick him up at the airport, just write this name on the pick-up board." Chief Inspector Lin said.

"It's great that there is such a thing. Okay, I will arrange for someone to pick up the plane." Song Feng said.

"After so many years, the murderer committed the crime again. There must be some conspiracy. They also went to Zhenhai to commit the crime, which shows how courageous they are. Song Feng, we must not let them escape, we must catch them Captured!" Chief Inspector Lin said solemnly.

"Chief Inspector, please rest assured, I will definitely capture them all and bring them to justice!" Song Feng said firmly.

"Okay, I can rest assured that you can do things, and you don't need to give me any more instructions. You know what to do. If you need anything, please report to me at any time. If your case team doesn't have enough manpower, I'll provide reinforcements at any time." Inspector Lin Said gently.

"Thank you, Chief Inspector." Song Feng said.

The two exchanged a few more polite words before hanging up the phone.

Song Feng returned to the sofa and sat down, then looked at Zhang Yu and said, "I can't believe that this case has happened in Hongdu."

"What?"... Hearing this, Zhang Yu and Lu Dai were startled and shouted in unison.

Later, Lu Dai said: "It happened in Hongdu. Did the murderer be caught that year?"

"Obviously not. After hearing the news, the Hongdu patrol has rushed to Zhenhai with the files from that year to assist. The higher-ups suspect that the perpetrators of these two cases are most likely to be a group of people, so the order must not be Let them escape like this!" Song Feng said seriously.

"Since it's the same method, it's really possible that it's a group of people. There should be some valuable things in the files in Hongdu. We can learn from them, and maybe we can avoid some detours." Lu Dai said .

"Yes, I think so too. Lu Dai, Chief Inspector Lin said that the visitor from Hongdu will be able to get off the plane at nine o'clock in the evening. The visitor's pseudonym is Jiang Sheng. Go and arrange the pick-up immediately." Song Song Feng said.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Lu Dai said.

"No, no..." After Lu Dai agreed, Song Feng suddenly shook his head and said: "The files on Hongdu are very important and there must be no mistakes. I don't think it's better than this. I will go to pick them up in person. "

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