Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3800 Working Overtime

"If so many people die at once, it will definitely cause an uproar...Who did it..." Song Feng gritted his teeth in hatred again.

Zhang Yu also gritted his teeth, but he quickly calmed down, turned to look at Cheng Jue, and said: "Master, you still know something about the murderer's methods in this case, and I wonder if you are willing to help the crime team to solve the case together. "

"Amitabha." Cheng Jue immediately clasped his palms together and said sternly: "It is my duty as a Buddhist to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, and it is naturally my duty as a poor monk!"

"With the help of the master, I believe the case will be solved as soon as possible!" Song Feng said excitedly when he saw Cheng Jue agreeing to help.

"Ring ring ring... ring ring ring..."

It was at this stall that the cell phone in Song Feng's hand rang again.

Song Feng glanced at the caller ID, his face became solemn, and then he immediately answered, "Hello, Chief Inspector?"

Inspector Lin's voice rang on the phone, "Song Feng, how is the investigation going on the tape murder case? Do you have any clues?"

Song Feng knew that Chief Inspector Lin's call must be for this reason. He quickly said: "At present, it seems that a gang committed the crime. I am organizing people here to pursue the clues with all our strength."

"Now that the media has come to the main patrol room for interviews, I have suppressed it and asked not to report it to avoid causing panic. However, there are so many online posts about this case that I can't even delete them. This case The matter has alarmed the superiors, and our superiors have asked us to solve the case within a week." Chief Inspector Lin's voice was very serious this time.

Lu Dai had already said on the phone just now that this case would definitely alarm the higher-ups, and it would be inevitable to solve the case within a time limit.

Therefore, Song Feng said calmly: "Chief Inspector, please rest assured, I promise to solve this case within a week!"

"Okay! I'm very relieved that you're handling the case. This time it's all up to you." Chief Inspector Lin said.

Song Feng and Inspector Lin spoke a few more words, then hung up the phone.

He shook his head and smiled, looked at Zhang Yu, and said, "The superiors have requested a deadline to solve the case, and the time is one week..."

"One week..." Zhang Yu frowned. It was too difficult to solve the case in such a short period of time. Of course, it is precisely because of the seriousness of the case that this is the case.

Hongdu patrol chief room.

In the office of the Second Action Team of the Crime Unit, Tai Wannian and his team members were all filled with joyful smiles.

After solving Zhu Jiuzhen's case, Tai Wannian was reinstated and returned to the serious crime team, continuing to be the captain of his second action team.

Just today, he led the second team of patrolmen to solve a kidnapping case, successfully captured four criminals, and rescued the hostages, leaving two hostages unharmed.

"Brother Wannian, we have to celebrate tonight." "Yes, yes, we must celebrate." "That's right, we haven't had a dinner together for a while. Just last time when Brother Wannian resumed his job, we had a drink We had a meal during the Chinese New Year because we were rushing to catch robbers, so we didn’t even get to eat the New Year’s Eve dinner, let alone have a party. Tonight, no matter what, we have to have a good party.”… The patrol officers of the second team all laughed. said.

"No problem, let's go to Yipinju tonight, I'll treat you!" Tai Wannian immediately said with a smile.

As long as the case can be solved, it is a good thing and everyone is happy. After all, the case was solved, which showed that his efforts were not in vain. Serious crime patrol is a hard job. Once there is a case, you have to go all out to solve it. It is common for you to work overtime.

But even so, each team is rushing to take over the task and does not want the case to be assigned to another team. Especially for major cases, several captains can take the lead.

As soon as everyone heard about Tai Wannian's treat, everyone cheered excitedly.

When their voices stopped, Tai Wannian said, "I'm going to call a few friends for tonight's celebration, and let's go together."

"Who is it?" a female patrolman asked immediately.

"Didn't I work for the netizens before? There are a few people who have a good relationship with me. This time we celebrate, I thought about bringing them with me." Tai Wannian said with a smile.

"We are all our own people, it would be nice to have a drink together." "Isn't that right? The little Liu caught in the net is pretty good." ... None of the big guys objected to Tai Wannian's statement.

Tai Wannian immediately took out his cell phone and dialed a phone number. The call was quickly connected, and a young man's voice rang out, "Hello, brother Wannian."

"Xiao Liu, it's me." Tai Wannian said.

"Brother Wannian, what do you want from me?" Xiao Liu said.

"This is not a kidnapping case our team has just solved. We are thinking of getting together tonight. Call Xiao Zhao and Xiao Song, and let's go to Yipinju." Tai Wannian said with a smile.

"Tonight...I'm afraid it won't work..." Xiao Liu said bitterly.

"What's wrong?" Tai Wannian asked.

"There was a tape murder case in Zhenhai. It said that the news should be blocked to avoid causing panic. Let's work overtime tonight, keep an eye on the local Tieba forum, and delete every one we see." Xiao Liu said.

"The tape murder case..." Tai Wannian said curiously: "How does the tape kill people?'s just a murder case. As for it being like this..."

"We have all seen the comments on the Internet, saying that the deceased were all women, their faces were covered with tape, and they died of suffocation. The murderer was not only cruel, but also sent the bodies of the deceased back home. What has been discovered so far There seem to be ten dead bodies." Xiao Liu said truthfully.

"What!" Tai Wannian heard this and rushed towards the office door.

He rushed out of the office in a few steps, followed downstairs, and went straight to the floor where the net was located.

"Captain!" "Brother Wannian!" "Brother Wannian!"... The patrolmen in the office were all stunned when they saw Tai Wannian suddenly rush out of the room. They really couldn't imagine what would happen if Tai Wannian made a phone call. It's over.

Everyone looked at each other and said curiously: "What's going on?" "What happened?" "Brother Wannian, why are you in such a hurry?" "Where are you going?" "I don't know."...

Tai Wannian rushed to the network monitoring center in one breath. After entering, he saw several patrol officers facing the computer.

When the patrolmen heard the sound of the door opening, they turned around one by one. When they saw Tai Wannian coming in, they quickly said hello, "Brother Wannian!" "Brother Wannian!" "Brother Wannian!"...

Tai Wannian nodded and took a few steps to a young patrolman. He followed and said, "Xiao Liu, what's going on? If there are any online posts, show me. It's best if there are photos."

Xiao Liu was very puzzled. He didn't know why Tai Wannian was so anxious, but Tai Wannian said so. He quickly followed the instructions and said, "It seems that only one photo has leaked out. I will find it for you to see."

Soon, he found a photo of a dead woman lying in the grass, her face covered with tape.

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