Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 380 Luxurious VIP Suite

It is impossible for Zhang Yu not to make money, this is 130 million!

"Okay, then 130 million." Zhang Yu said cheerfully.

Among the jadeite, I won’t mention the best ones such as emerald and crane crown red. If you throw out these, the most valuable ones are naturally the glass ones. Below the glass species are ice species, and good ice species, with a water head of 1.5, are called high ice species, which are equivalent to glass species.

The water head of Zhang Yu's piece of ice jade reached 1, but it was less than 1.5, so it was not worth so much money. But this is an ice-type double-floating flower. It contains common orchids and extremely rare green flowers. The value is too high at once.

Transacting with Longmen Shishi was naturally very easy. The two parties signed a sales contract, and the 130 million was quickly received.

Zhang Yu was excited, and Yang Ying was so excited that she couldn't walk.

How much money did Zhang Yu make today? It was almost 200 million.

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon, and both of them were hungry. They had almost made enough money today, so they went to eat first.

When walking towards Dapeng Wings Hotel, Zhang Yu felt Yang Ying's body trembling, and he whispered: "What's wrong?"

"I, I, I was a little too excited and couldn't accept it for a while." Yang Ying's legs were not only trembling, but her voice was trembling as she spoke.

"Didn't I say what I said last time? First, set a small goal for yourself and earn him 100 million. Today's goal is achieved, and next time we will have to go for 1 billion." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Just counting one billion dollars makes my hands cramp." Yang Ying pouted her mouth and said happily.

Entering the hotel where Dapeng spreads its wings, you will find everything, including dining, entertainment and guest rooms.

The two of them went to a Western restaurant to order food. Now that they had plenty of money, they couldn't spend it freely.

Zhang Yu said softly: "I didn't even eat well yesterday. Now that there are so many cars coming back, my little aunt's appetite should be better."

"Of course! I'm going to make you poor today! You'll starve me to death!" Yang Ying's face burst into laughter.

The waiter brought the menu, and Yang Ying was not polite this time. She ordered several dishes, and Zhang Yu also ordered several dishes, as well as sweet wine, and the two of them ate and drank together.

Because Zhang Yu planned to do another job tomorrow, he planned to stay here that night, so Yang Ying naturally had no objection. But when I asked at the front desk, all the ordinary suites and double-bed rooms were booked, leaving only the two-bed standard room and the most expensive deluxe VIP suite.

The reason is that a large number of Pagang gambling stones will be shipped tonight, and there will be a large-scale stone gambling summit tomorrow. Therefore, there are so many people coming from other places that only the highest-end and lowest-end rooms are left.

Zhang Yu is already a man with a net worth of over 100 million. Can he sleep in an ordinary standard room? He immediately said: "Then the luxury VIP suite!"

"38,800 per night, please show your ID to register." The waiter said politely.

Yang Ying was shocked when she heard that it was nearly 40,000 yuan a night. No wonder, this room is empty.

"Is it so expensive?"

In her opinion, what kind of room could be worth so much money per night.

"It's okay, we're not short of money either." Zhang Yu counted the money directly.

In fact, the waiter could also tell that these two people were not short of money, but they had never seen it before.

The waiter then said: "The VIP suite has the services of a VIP suite, which will definitely make you feel it is worth your money."

At that moment, she took out a waiter project list and showed it to Yang Ying.

There are photos of the room on the project list. It is a luxury, especially the big round bed in the big bedroom, which is simply a model of romance. Yang Ying had always dreamed of having such a bed, and now she finally had the chance to sleep on it.

In addition, there are various free drinks in the room. Four bottles of red wine, all costing thousands of yuan each, can be drank for free. Four bottles of liquor are at least five or six hundred bottles, and you can drink them casually. Needless to say, there are all kinds of mineral water and drinks. If you eat and drink everything inside, you can make back the cost of 10,000 yuan. Of course, the people who can live here are not greedy for this small advantage.

When guests stay at the hotel, some may not necessarily bring spare clothes. The hotel has also taken this into consideration and provides each guest with a brand new set of their own style for free.

Free luxurious breakfast, free luxurious late night snack, just make a phone call and we will be there immediately.

A variety of bathing services, the suite is equipped with an oversized round bathtub, and various packages such as rose bath, fragrance bath, and bubble bath are provided. These are also free.

Looking at this big bathtub, Yang Ying was a little greedy. It would be great to have one like this at home.

After Zhang Yu paid and registered, a waiter led him to the luxury guest room department on the seventh floor.

As soon as she entered the room, Yang Ying ordered a rose bath first. When the waiter arranged it, she and Zhang Yu observed the large suite. There is an oversized living room, a dining room, and a study room. Not to mention all the facilities, the noble decoration gives people a feeling of sublimation when they are there.

A single bedroom is divided into two parts. The front is decorated in a European and elegant style, with a dressing table, wardrobe, etc., a viewing terrace, a large floor-to-ceiling window, and rattan chairs and round tables.

Behind the screen, there is another style, warm and romantic, with a large pink round water bed and a pink curtain next to it, which is similar to the treatment enjoyed by princesses in ancient times.

There is a faint fragrance in the room, so comfortable and intoxicating.

Yang Ying suddenly threw herself on the bed, feeling the dreamlike feeling. Zhang Yu lay down next to her. Seeing that Yang Ying liked this bed, he said softly: "Little aunt, seeing that you like it so much, I will buy you one later."

Yang Ying looked at her head and said softly: "Just lie down once. We don't have such a big place at home."

This big bed can accommodate four people. If it were placed in Yang Ying's bedroom, there would probably be no room to set foot even if the dresser was moved out.

"Then we can change to a bigger house. Anyway, we will have money." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"You make money quickly...I'm scared when I look at such a big number..." Yang Ying said with a flat mouth.

"What are you afraid of?" Zhang Yu asked softly.

"I can't explain...actually, I also hope to be rich...but...but...I suddenly have so much money, I can't bear it...You know, when I heard that person offer 100 million...I My heart almost jumped out of my chest..."

In the past, if she could have tens of millions, she would feel that it was a lot. Now there are hundreds of millions of people all of a sudden. How can people with poor psychological quality be able to withstand it?

It's like someone suddenly wins five million by buying lottery tickets. At this time, the psychology can't bear it, and he will become very low-key, as if he is afraid that others will know that he is rich.

She said worriedly again: "After what happened last time... I'm a little scared now..."

Zhang Yu held her hand tenderly and said softly: "Don't go to see the house in person in the future. If the agency's manpower is not enough, we can hire a few more. If it doesn't work, I will hire someone else for you." A bodyguard, I see those bosses have bodyguards."

After saying that, he smiled mischievously.

"Bodyguard, aren't you my bodyguard..." Yang Ying said proudly.

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