Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3794 Seven Apertures

"Yes, Detective." The middle-aged patrolman agreed immediately.

"Also, go and notify Deputy Inspector Hai and ask him to come to my office." Song Feng said.

"Yes." The middle-aged patrolman nodded.

"Nothing happens anymore..." Song Feng waved his hand gently, indicating that the middle-aged patrol officer could go out.

At this stall, there was another knock on the door, "Dang Dang Dang..."

"Please come in." Song Feng said loudly.

With a click, the door opened and a young policeman walked in.

After the young patrolman entered the door, he closed the door first, then walked to the sofa and said politely: "Inspector."

"What's the matter?" Song Feng said.

"That's right, the Public Security Department just came to hand over the murder case." The young patrol officer said.

Song Feng said: "Just go through the formalities. There have been a lot of cases recently. Let's leave them to the third team..."

At this point, he added, "What kind of murder was it?"

"This murder case is the same as the murder case handed over to us from the street patrol room not long ago..." the young patrolman said with a frown.

"What! Say it again!" Song Feng said loudly immediately.

"This murder case is the same as the previous murder case handed over to us from the street patrol room. The deceased was a woman, and she was covered with tape..." the young patrolman said hurriedly.

But he just said this. Before he finished, Song Feng stood up suddenly and shouted: "Tape! You said it was tape!"

"Yes, it's tape... The deceased woman was suffocated to death with tape..." the young patrolman whispered.

"Where was the body found?" Song Feng asked again.

"It was at the home of the deceased... According to the information handed over by the Public Security Department, the deceased was a single woman, a foreigner, working in Zhenhai. The house she rented was shared with others, and her roommate was an anchor in a media company. I got off work at six o'clock in the morning and didn't get home until about eight o'clock. According to my roommate, the deceased seemed not to have returned home the day before yesterday, but the roommate didn't care. When he came home in the morning, he saw that the door of the deceased's room was open and he went to the house. I took a look inside and saw the deceased lying on the bed. I thought he was sleeping. He didn't look carefully and went back to his room to sleep. At noon, my roommate got up and went to the bathroom and saw the deceased still lying on the bed. This was the deceased. During normal working hours, my roommate was very puzzled, so he called out to say hello, but got no response from the deceased. When the roommate entered the room, he found that the deceased’s face was covered with tape and he was already dead, so he hurriedly reported the crime.” The young patrolman said.

"This is happening again!" After hearing this, Song Feng couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Zhang Yu couldn't help but change his face after hearing this. There was one such murder case on Pan Yun's side. Unexpectedly, two murder cases were discovered one after another on Song Feng's side. Moreover, in terms of time, these three murders are almost the same.

The middle-aged patrol officer who had previously reported to Song Feng was also a little confused and said quickly: "Inspector, this... this murderer is really too rampant... This approach is simply a challenge to our patrol..."

Song Feng said secretly: "This is really a wave of unrest. Before Han Guanghe's smuggling case was solved, such a big case happened again!"

You know, if only one person dies, it is enough to let the people below investigate. There is no need for him, the detective, to personally handle all cases. After all, there are so many people on patrol. But now, two are dead, including Pan Yun's side, there are three.

Song Feng hesitated for a moment, then looked at the middle-aged patrol officer and said: "You go to Deputy Inspector Hai right now. You go with Deputy Inspector Hai to the Zhendong Patrol Main Room, and go to the Crime Unit to find Deputy Pan Yun." Detective, discuss the case with her."

"Inspector, what are you doing to discuss the case with Inspector Pan..." the middle-aged patrolman said with some confusion.

"As far as I know, a similar murder occurred over there." Song Feng said.

"Ah?" After hearing this, the middle-aged patrolman couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"Okay, go now!" Song Feng said seriously.

"Yes!" the middle-aged patrolman agreed and hurried out of Song Feng's office.

Song Feng looked at the young patrolman again and said, "Go to Lu Dai and tell him to hand over the Han Guanghe smuggling case to the second team and be fully responsible for investigating this case."

"Yes, Detective." The young patrolman agreed and then left the office.

After the two patrolmen went out one after another, Song Feng slowly sat down. He looked at Zhang Yu and said: "Such a case happened again... one night, three in a row... who could the murderer be? Such people..."

"I don't know who the murderer is now. However, I am basically certain that the murderer is not just one person, but most likely a gang..." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"A gang..." Song Feng pondered, nodded deeply, and said, "That's right! One person can't handle such a case at all, unless it's a group of people..."

Having said this, Song Feng paused, and then said: "Brother, if one person committed the crime, it is easy to say that the deceased may have encountered a perverted murderer. If a gang committed the crime, what would be their purpose... They can't all be perverted murderers..."

"Purpose...Purpose..." Zhang Yu frowned and thought about it. Song Feng was right. If this kind of case was handled by one person, it might just be the murderer's psychological problem, which was a bit abnormal. However, one person simply cannot handle such a big case. If he wants to send back three corpses in one night, and he is not Sun Wukong, he will not have enough time. It is certain that a group of people commit crimes, so it cannot be that a group of people are all perverts.

While he was thinking about it, his eyes unconsciously glanced at the stack of photos on the coffee table. Seeing the photo of the deceased woman with her face wrapped in tape, Zhang Yu suddenly felt something in his heart and shouted: "This must be some kind of evil magic!"

"Evil magic?" When Song Feng heard this, he quickly asked: "What evil magic? Why do you say that?"

"I don't know what kind of evil magic it is, but I have a feeling that the murderer's method and motive for killing was not just killing, but deliberately sealing the seven orifices of the deceased!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Seven orifices..." Song Feng looked at the photo unconsciously, and then said: "You mean, ears, nose, eyes and mouth..."

"Yes, these are exactly the seven orifices of human beings..." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

"Sealing a person's seven orifices can completely suffocate people to death. What kind of evil magic is this..." Song Feng said curiously.

"I don't know what kind of evil magic this is, it's just a feeling I have. Because in my opinion, if you want to suffocate someone to death, you don't need to seal the person's seven orifices at all, you only need to seal the mouth And the nose is fine. Besides, if you kill someone, what's the point of sending him back to his residence..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"I have been handling cases for so many years, and I have never seen anything like this. People are kidnapped, killed, and then returned to their residence..." Song Feng frowned and leaned on the sofa with his back weakly.

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