Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3737: Acting for heaven?

"I took a case of Yuyang Group. The deceased was the accountant of Yuyang Group. Because the accountant had embezzled public funds to reward the anchors. After being discovered, he was fired by Han Guang, the boss of Yuyang Group. Some time ago, he committed suicide by taking sleeping pills. But he left a will at home, saying that Han Guang killed him. Since there is no evidence to prove that Han Guang killed him, the case is naturally trivial. Even if it was suicide, the family of the deceased believed that it was related to Han Guang and said that if If I don’t get fired, I won’t commit suicide, and I want financial compensation. Han Guang’s request is that he won’t pay a penny. If I were to fight this case, the custody would win in terms of civil liability.” When it comes to the lawsuit. , Bao Jiayin's face showed confidence.

After listening to her story, Zhang Yu and Song Feng couldn't help but look at each other, with surprise on their faces.

You know, before this, Zhang Yu had troubled Song Feng to help investigate this case, but nothing was found.

As a barrister, Bao Jiayin is also a character who is good at observing words and emotions. She immediately noticed the difference in their expressions and asked immediately: "What's wrong? Do you two know about this case?"

Zhang Yu immediately smiled and said, "I know, and I also know that Leng Lingxue came to fight this case before."

" did you know..." This time, it was Bao Jiayin who was shocked.

"As far as I know, Leng Lingxue was threatened after her first lawsuit, so she dropped the lawsuit." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Ah?" Bao Jiayin was shocked and said: "It's actually like this... I said that for such a simple lawsuit, she stopped fighting in the middle and didn't make any money..."

She had ridiculed Leng Lingxue in her heart before, but she also knew Leng Lingxue's strength and should not be at all unsure. Now after listening to Zhang Yu's statement, I suddenly realized.

But her reaction was quick enough, and she immediately shouted: "No!"

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked puzzledly.

"How did you know that Leng Lingxue was threatened? Do you know her?" Bao Jiayin said seriously.

Her eyes were fixed on Zhang Yu.

Seeing this sign, Song Feng on the side couldn't help but be stunned. His reaction was also very quick, and then an idea came to his mind. Lawyer Leng seemed to like my brother, and Lawyer Bao also seemed to like me. The two lawyers should know each other. Looking at it this way, it seems like they are jealous. I still don't care about this kind of thing.

Zhang Yu also realized that he had lied. What was the relationship between Leng Lingxue and Bao Jiayin? How could he tell Bao Jiayin about Leng Lingxue? Doesn't this mean that he and Leng Lingxue had a different relationship? The relationship is good. Thinking of what Meng Xing'er said before, Zhang Yu couldn't help but frown secretly.

But he still bit the bullet and said: "Lawyer Leng once helped me when I was dealing with Qi Wuxuan. That's how I got to know her."

"Just knowing each other is so simple..." Bao Jiayin said seriously: "She should have told you this. If there is no friendship, how could she tell you!"

"After we met... we didn't have much contact... But she knew that I had some abilities... So after this incident, she told me... I suggested to her not to continue taking on this lawsuit... "Zhang Yu explained.

"You told her not to take this lawsuit, why didn't you tell me!" Bao Jiayin immediately shouted dissatisfied.

"I didn't know you took over this lawsuit..." Zhang Yu said with a bitter face.

"Leng Lingxue and I are in the same company. If she wanted to know who took over the lawsuit she rejected, she would definitely know it soon. It's not been a day or two since I took over the lawsuit, how could she not know!" Bao Jiayin was angry! He said loudly.

"Uh..." Zhang Yu was choked up. Normally, he would have asked Leng Lingxue to pay attention to the lawsuit and wait and see what happens. Leng Lingxue probably knew who took over the lawsuit, but she didn't tell Zhang Yu. Of course, considering the lawsuit between Leng Lingxue and Bao Jiayin, and Leng Lingxue knowing that Zhang Yu and Bao Jiayin were friends, she might have deliberately not told Zhang Yu.

Although he could guess what was going on, Zhang Yu couldn't say that. In this case, the relationship between the two women would become even worse. Zhang Yu said bravely: "This... now is not the time to study this. Instead, we should first find out the person who kidnapped you through the connection between the two..."

This time, Song Feng also had to help, and he quickly said: "That's right, that's right...finding the kidnapper is the first priority...Since there is a connection here, let's study it quickly...what kind of connection is there? …”

Zhang Yu immediately used Po Xia Donkey to change the topic, "In my opinion, this kidnapper is most likely the one who threatened Lawyer Leng. Think about it..."

He then wanted to say that the person who threatened Leng Lingxue quietly climbed the wall and entered Leng Lingxue's home when Leng Lingxue was at home. However, when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back, because it seemed that he knew more clearly. Bao Jiayin probably had to get to the bottom of it again. It was better not to cause trouble, as long as he knew better.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu then came up with another thought, that is, the person who threatened Leng Lingxue was quite capable. In this case, it would not be a problem to hide Bao Jiayin in the warehouse without anyone noticing. A particularly difficult thing.

While he was pondering this, Bao Jiayin next to him saw that he suddenly stopped moving and couldn't help but said: "You are very good at changing the topic... Think about it... What are you thinking about? Tell me... you If you can't explain why, I'm not done with you..."

Zhang Yu quickly said: "That's it... think about it... you and Lawyer Leng have both experienced the same case... Lawyer Leng was intimidated, and you were directly kidnapped... but the kidnapper did not To hurt you, I just hid you in a smuggling warehouse and deliberately left you a mobile phone... I think it is even possible that even the nails on the chair were deliberately left for you so that you could save yourself..."

He was thinking as he spoke, so he spoke very slowly.

After hearing what he said, Song Feng nodded slightly and said: "This possibility does not exist... But, as we said before, the kidnappers must be very familiar with the warehouse, otherwise, it would be impossible to hide Lawyer Leng in the warehouse Inside the basement... Since the kidnapper knows that there is a basement here, he should also know what is hidden in the warehouse... Then what is his purpose of doing this? It can't be to teach Lawyer Bao a lesson and let the police beat him. Get rid of this smuggling den... If so, I suspect that he is a little evil..."

"Kidnapping me is just a way of doing justice to God..." Bao Jiayin immediately said dissatisfied: "He deliberately taught me a lesson, what did he teach me, and told me not to continue the lawsuit... Even if I reject the lawsuit, Yuyang Group is so powerful Money, it’s impossible to find a lawyer to continue the lawsuit..."

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