Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3725 A superior move

"Did Wu Xuan agree?" Qi Guang asked again.

"He... still didn't agree... and even quarreled with me... He said that I was in such a hurry to go to Nandu. I was just taking advantage of the situation and adding insult to injury... I... I couldn't be persuaded by what he said... ...When he got angry, he left after him, saying that he wanted to see you in person in Zhenhai... I couldn't stop him, so I could only let him go..." Qi Wuyao continued to say very aggrievedly.

"Alas..." Qi Guang sighed and said, "You are in such a hurry to go to Nandu, not to mention him, in fact, even I think so too... Okay, now that we have gone to Nandu, let's get down to business...etc. When Wu Xuan comes, I will tell him..."

"Grandpa, after Wu Xuan left, I convened a meeting with the senior management of the group to study and implement a detailed plan to solve the current crisis. It has now been summarized." Qi Wuyao said.

"Oh... so quickly... tell me..." Qi Guang said.

"The plan is like this..." Qi Wuyao immediately told the old man exactly what Qian Changyou told him before.

After listening to this, Qi Guang said with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad... If we follow this plan, Qihu Motors should be able to recover quickly... You did a good job..."

"Thank you for the compliment, grandpa... By the way, I also heard that many dealers had paid deposits for Qihu Automobile before, but now they want to break the contract and even get the deposit back... This is simply not good for us. The family is in serious trouble..." Qi Wuyao said.

"Yes, I know this too. Wu Xuan wants to retain the market, so he plans to refund the deposit to them. But according to my wishes, how can it be refunded to them. Wu Yao, what do you think about this matter?" Qi Guang asked.

"Grandpa, I think... if this matter... is withdrawn, where will our Qi family's face be put... But if we don't withdraw, the impact on our connections is indeed not small..." Qi Wuyao said slowly: " I've thought about it for a while...otherwise I'll get it wrong..."

" to talk about it?" Qi Guang asked curiously.

"That is, we will not directly refund the money to those dealers. But it is not that we will not give it away. In the future, if these dealers continue to purchase from Qihu Automobile, they will not need to pay a deposit and use this money directly. The deposit will be used as an offset." Qi Wuyao said.

"What a way! What a way!" After hearing this, Qi Guang immediately said happily: "Wu Yao, I really can't believe that you can come up with such a good way! That's right, this will not only let them know that our Qi family We are so awesome, we also saved each other's face, and we tied these people together. We can't even think about taking the car from us! People who have experienced troughs and setbacks are really different. Wu Xuan was too smooth before. Well, this setback can be regarded as a lesson to him. I hope he can be like you in the future, becoming more courageous with every setback!"

"Thank you grandpa for the compliment..." Qi Wuyao said modestly.

"Hurry up and get to work now. Don't worry about anything else. Follow the plan and lead Qihu Motors out of trouble." Qi Guang said.

"Yes, grandpa... By the way, grandpa, I have one more thing I want to discuss with you..." Qi Wuyao said.

"Say it." Qi Guang said.

"That father and my mother are still in Switzerland..." Qi Wuyao said carefully.

"They must have heard about you in the news... If they want to come back, let them come back... Your father still has strength in the securities market, and he should be able to help..." Qi Guang said.

"Thank you, grandpa." Qi Wuyao said happily.

This time when I returned home in fine clothes, I couldn't leave my parents behind in Switzerland. It's not that he is very filial, it's mainly that he knows in his heart that he is a junior after all in front of Qi Tonghui. You can't face Qi Tonghui with the same attitude you used to face Qi Wuxuan. However, it was different when his father came forward. His father was Qi Tonghui's eldest brother and had the upper hand in terms of seniority.

In addition, letting parents return to China also makes them happy. You know, his father often said that he was a prodigal son. This time I also let my father see how powerful he is.

After chatting with Qi Guang for a few more words, Qi Wuyao hung up the phone.

Now, he looked high-spirited and proud. After a while, he dialed the phone number of his father, Qin Tongwei.

The call was quickly connected, and a middle-aged man's voice rang, "Hello."

"Dad, please stop speaking English, it's me..." Qi Wuyao said directly with a smile.

"Wu Yao..." The person on the other side of the phone was Qi Tongwei. When he heard his son's voice, he became excited and said, "I'm looking for you right now. What happened? I saw on the news that you yesterday You actually acquired Jufeng Industrial and Tianmu Real Estate. How did you do it... Your mother and I went to the hospital to find you, saying that you were cured and then taken out of the hospital... What's going on... "

Qi Tongwei was well aware of his son's importance. It was really surprising that such a change occurred suddenly. It can be said that when he saw the news, he couldn't believe his eyes. But the person in the photo is indeed his son.

Since there was no phone number for Qi Wuyao, Qi Tongwei couldn't contact him even if he wanted to. He was planning to go back to China today to find his son, but his son's phone number came first.

"It's a long story... Let's talk about it after you return to China... Dad, guess where I am now..." Qi Wuyao said proudly.

"Where..." Hearing his son's proud voice, Qi Tongwei hesitated for a moment and then said excitedly: "Is it at Longhu Villa..."

"I returned to Longfor Villa last night, and now I am in the office of the chairman of Qihu Automobile Group in Nandu." Qi Wuyao said proudly.

"Why did you go there?" Qi Tongwei said in confusion.

"My grandpa has handed over all the power of the family to me. Qi Wuxuan lost to Zhang Yu one after another, which made grandpa dissatisfied and ordered him to be hidden. Now, I am the chairman of Qihu Motors!" Qi Wuyao said proudly.

"Really! Is this true?" Qi Tongwei said in disbelief.

He originally thought that since he lost to Zhang Yu last time and his son went crazy, and his whole family went to Switzerland, the big house would be completely finished. It was truly unimaginable that my son could suddenly take back everything.

"Of course it's true. How can such a thing be false? Dad, I just told grandpa that he has agreed to your return. You should book a flight back to China now. Come to Nandu first, and then we will meet in Zhenhai together. Grandpa." Qi Wuyao said.

"Okay, okay... Your mother and I originally booked air tickets to Zhenhai. Now we will change our tickets to Nandu. See you in Nandu..." Qi Tonghui also said excitedly.

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