Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3718 Recognition

Qi Wuyao had been prepared for a long time, but he couldn't say it directly. He followed Hua Yulong's instructions and deliberately thought about it for a while, then said: "Grandpa... In my opinion, although our Qi family has lost its momentum, it is still strong. Today, it is still a giant in the shopping mall... Therefore, it is not difficult to get rid of the decline and regain its glory... First of all..."

At the moment, he explained it slowly according to the plan Hua Yulong gave him.

He spoke very slowly, pausing from time to time as if thinking. It gave people the impression that what he said was thought up on the spot and was not prepared in advance.

While saying this, Qi Wuyao still showed confidence on his face, as if if he followed his method, it would definitely work. It has to be said that Hua Yulong really did all his homework in order to let Qi Wuyao get the Qi family's property and then take it into his own hands. It can be said that as long as Qi Wuyao is not a fool and has some brains, he can get away with it.

Naturally, Qi Guang was not that easy to fool. He listened carefully and stared directly at Qi Wuyao, as if he wanted to see through Qi Wuyao's heart. However, when listening to Qi Wuyao's statement, he would nod from time to time. Seeing the old man nodding, Qi Wuyao was secretly happy, but he didn't show it.

It has to be said that he does treat Hua Yulong like a god, and he will do whatever Hua Yulong asks him to do.

Qi Wuyao started with the securities market, and then talked about the development route of Qihu Motors, "Qihu Motors' current reputation has been hit hard, and there should be no sales in the short term. Although we cooperated with the Guard Corps before, we can continue to In my opinion, the Guard Corps will most likely cancel the cooperation and cooperate with Dahe Motors instead. Wu Xuan raised questions about Dahe Motors immediately after the game. In my opinion, it is an extremely Stupid approach. This will not only make the Chinese people dissatisfied with Qihu Automobile, but will even make some federal high-level officials dissatisfied with Qihu Automobile. As an important pillar of the Qi family, Qihu Automobile will continue to develop The old way won’t work, we must innovate and re-establish our image.”

Qi Guang nodded slightly and said, "In your opinion, how should we innovate and re-establish our image?"

"In terms of establishing an image, I think our Qi family must have an attitude. This is not because I am jealous of Wu Xuan, because the situation cannot help our Qi family not to take action against Wu Xuan. You think, the people and senior officials will question Dahe Motors about Wu Xuan, and The active provocation is obviously dissatisfaction, and in terms of public opinion, it is also very unfavorable to Wu Xuan. For the outside world, the dissatisfaction with Qihu Motors is actually mainly dissatisfaction with Wu Xuan. After all, he is the one who raises questions and provokes .If Wu Xuan continues to be the chairman of Qihu Automobile, the impact on Qihu Automobile will be very far-reaching. At least Qihu Automobile will not be able to recover from this within three years. Therefore, Qihu Automobile Group must first What we have to do is to win over Wuxuan. Next, Qihu Motors must create advertising effects. In the past, Wuxuan’s policy was to develop domestically produced cars and build domestic brands. This concept is correct, but under the current circumstances, it is obviously It no longer works. Whether it is the mid-to-high-end market or the mid-to-low-end market, it is impossible to have any sales in the short term. You know, once the market share is taken away, it is not that easy to get it back. Already..."

Qi Wuyao spoke slowly, then pretended to think, and then said: "Therefore, Qihu Motors must not lose its current market share. It must maintain its market share and then expand. We hope that Qihu Motors will be better now." It is impossible to maintain market share in automobiles, so there is only one way, and that is to form a joint venture with a foreign brand. Wu Xuan has never advocated joint ventures in the past and only developed his own brand. This idea is right, but now we cannot watch the market be lost. , we must turn the tide. Joint ventures with foreign brands are the best way, and the fastest way to maintain market share. Everything about Qihu Automobile is mature, and its factories, equipment, and assembly lines are all top-notch configurations in the country. Basically, it can be said that it is better than any brand. Any cooperation can be done immediately without wasting time and re-building infrastructure. After retaining the market, Qihu Automobile's reputation will gradually improve. At this time, if we enter the domestic car market, we will definitely be able to expand our market share. ."

"Yes." Qi Guang nodded after listening and said: "What Wu Xuan did has a great impact on the reputation of Qihu Automobile. As you said, Qihu Automobile will definitely be lost in the short term. We must not sit idly by and maintain our previous market share. Joint ventures with foreign brands are currently the best option."

Seeing that his grandfather agreed with his words, Qi Wuyao was secretly happy, but he suppressed his excitement and managed to remain calm on his face.

He said nothing, just waiting for the old man to continue.

Soon, Qi Guang said again: "Now, Zhang Yu has fully fledged, and it is difficult for our Qi family to shake him. However, Zhang Yu's accounts with our family are too many, and it is difficult to swallow this breath. .Wu Yao, Zhang Yu is your old enemy, what do you think about him?"

If Qi Wuxuan were to answer this matter, he would definitely avoid his provocation, avoid provoking Zhang Yu for the time being, and rest and recuperate. After all, Zhang Yu has fallen into trouble several times, and anyone with a little bit of mind would not dare to go against Zhang Yu easily.

However, Hua Yulong had long expected that the old man of the Qi family might mention Zhang Yu, so he had told Qi Wuyao the plan long before that.

Qi Wuyao still deliberated for a while and then said: "Grandpa, although Zhang Yu has become a climate and seems unshakable, since he dared to be an enemy of our Qi family, we still cannot let him go. We must Let the world see what it will be like to offend our Qi family. My point of view is this. Although Zhang Yu has unlimited fame, he is very popular and is very jealous. His enemies are not just our family. Our family can unite Other families have formed an anti-Zhang Yu alliance. He is currently in the limelight. When the limelight passes, we can first slander the Wudang Group based on word of mouth, and then secretly contact people within the Wudang Group. Although the top management is now monolithic, Not necessarily the middle level. Even though many middle levels have limited power, they are the actual controllers of many things... If these people do something wrong, then the Wudang Group will have to take the blame..."

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