Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3695: Become famous

"I..." Jiang Yuting was shocked when he heard this, and quickly explained: "'t get me wrong...just ordinary friends..."

"I have seen the news and the video of the interview. I feel that this girl is pretty good... Well, when you come back, bring it home and let me have a look..." Jiang Xianzhang said gently on the phone.

"Take it home..." Jiang Yuting was shocked again.

"Of course I am concerned about your matter. That's it, you can continue drinking." After Jiang Xianzhang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Dad..." Jiang Yuting originally wanted to explain to his father, but after only saying one word, he found that the other party had hung up.

He could only put down the phone helplessly. The little model and Jiang Yulin sitting next to him were looking at him.

The little model could vaguely feel that what Jiang Yuting said on the phone seemed to involve her, but she did not dare to ask more questions.

Or Jiang Yulin asked curiously: "Lao San, what did father say?"

"This..." Jiang Yuting was a little embarrassed. He subconsciously glanced at the little model sitting on the other side.

"'s still about her..." Jiang Yulin was so shrewd that he could guess right away.

"About me..." The little model opened her eyes wide and stared at Jiang Yuting closely.

Jiang Yuting nodded and said, "Father... asked me to take her home to see..."

"Really!" After hearing this, the little model was so happy that she almost jumped up from the chair.

You know, she followed Jiang Yuting and naturally dreamed of marrying into a wealthy family. But it is obviously not easy to marry into a wealthy family. Considering his own background, it is probably not easy for the old man of the Jiang family to like him. I didn't expect that I would have to meet my parents so soon.

Jiang Yuting nodded helplessly and said, "Really."

Jiang Yulin smiled and said: "Lao San, she is actually not bad. She is not only beautiful, but also very well-behaved. I think my father will be satisfied when he sees it."

When the little model heard this, her heart beat even faster. Unconsciously, she began to think about what kind of clothes she should wear when she went to Jiang's house. I even started to look forward to what the scene would be like.

Jiang Yuting's attitude towards the little model was just for fun, and he had no intention of taking it home. But if his father spoke, he would definitely not dare not take it. And now, in front of so many people, with the little model also present, it's hard for me to say what's on my mind. For a moment, he was just embarrassed.

Everyone at the same table heard what he and Jiang Yulin said. Xiao Jiejie immediately smiled and said: "Jiang Yuting, I think your friend is quite good, and you two are quite suitable. Since Uncle Jiang asked you to take him home, then Just take it back and ask Uncle Jiang to help you check it. It's time for you, the eldest, to start a family."

"I..." Jiang Yuting frowned and said, "I... my eldest brother hasn't gotten married yet..."

"I haven't met the right one. If you find the right one, just hurry up and get married. No matter what I do. Our family didn't tell me that I have to get married first before my second son can get married to you." Jiang Yulin immediately said.

"Yes...also...that's what I said..." Jiang Yuting stammered.

"Okay, when we return to Zhenhai, we will take him home to show his father... Look how much our dad cares about your affairs..." Jiang Yulin said with a smile.

"It's...that...let's let father take a look..." Jiang Yuting could only nod his head.

This was just a small episode at the dinner table. Soon everyone continued eating, drinking, talking and laughing.

They have basically been able to conclude that the competition Qi Wuxuan mentioned before is probably empty talk and does not need to be taken seriously at all.

However, the very next day, Qi Wuxuan held a press conference in the auditorium of Qihu Automobile Group.

The content of the press conference was very simple, which was to confirm that Qihu Motors was going to have a head-on collision with Dahe Motors. He also stated that since Zhang Yu had accepted the challenge yesterday, as agreed, the two sides would still collide at the foot of Xinghe Mountain at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

The reporters were full of expectations for Qi Wuxuan's challenge to Dahe Motors yesterday. They were all worried that Qi Wuxuan would not mention this issue again. At this moment, Qi Wuxuan has publicly confirmed this, which means that the competition will definitely continue.

This press conference was very brief, and Qi Wuxuan only gave five reporters the opportunity to ask questions. These five reporters were all arranged before, and the questions they asked were all biased towards Qihu Motors. After all, Qi Wuxuan promised his father on the phone not to cause trouble again. Now that he still wants to cause trouble, he can only find a suitable reason. This is just like fighting in ancient times. Although it is clear that the purpose is to seize territory, you still have to find an excuse to make your attack famous.

Qi Wuxuan's so-called suitable reason was, firstly, to shift the cause of the competition to Zhang Yu, and secondly, to wrap himself in a sacred coat, saying that he was to revitalize the national industry. If Dahe Automobile really has no quality, The horses can be the same as the vehicles in the competition. That is really a great blessing for the domestic automobile industry. I will study hard in the future.

He looked very humble, but everyone knew Sima Zhao's heart. However, there were only five reporters interviewing them, and the questions they asked were all prepared in advance. The other reporters were interested in interviewing, but it was a pity that Qi Wuxuan did not give these reporters a chance and ended the meeting directly.

Qihu Motors has always been generous in this kind of thing. Although the meeting was dismissed, it also gave red envelopes to every reporter present. Using other people's methods, reporters benefited from Qi Wuxuan, and of course it was inconvenient to write negative things.

After leaving Qihu Automobile Group, the reporters immediately sent the contents of the press conference back to the headquarters, preparing to release the news as soon as possible. But they did not sit idle, but rushed to the hotel where Zhang Yu and the others were staying.

Last night, Zhang Yu held a grand celebration banquet and drank a lot of wine. Especially this small cup of one liang, it tastes like a lot. Because I am so happy, I basically drink half a catty. Everyone got up late and went to the restaurant for breakfast at around ten o'clock. Basically, breakfast and lunch were eaten together.

While they were eating, they saw a group of people pouring in from outside. The hotel had been booked by Zhang Yu, so the sudden appearance of so many people inevitably stunned Zhang Yu and others.

But soon after, everyone saw that the people who came in seemed to be reporters.

"Is Mr. Zhang Yu here?" "Is Mr. Zhang Yu here?" "Is Mr. Zhang Yu here?"...

After the reporters came in swarm, they all started shouting like this. They moved forward quickly and kept scanning the faces of everyone in the restaurant. Finally, a reporter discovered that Zhang Yu was sitting at a large table eating with Xiao Jiejie, Fang Tong, Luo Chen, Jiang Yulin, Da Biao and others.

The reporter almost rushed to Zhang Yu's side and followed him: "Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am a reporter from Penguin News. Mr. Qi from Qihu Automobile Group just held a press conference and announced that tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at Xinghe Mountain At your feet, there will be a head-on collision with the Dahe car. I wonder if Mr. Zhang, are you ready?"

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