Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 369 Little Mahjong (Fourth update)

Since Zhang Yu left, Yang Ying has been wondering, how can she lose money today?

After thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't figure out the reason. In Yang Ying's view, 18,000 yuan is nothing to her now. You have a lot of money in your bank card and you can’t carry it around with you.

At this time, a customer came to the door, consulted for a while, and expressed that he wanted to see the house. Chen Xue and Zhou Qi went together with customers.

As soon as they left, another person came in from outside. The girl with glasses quickly said hello, but that person went straight to Yang Ying.

Yang Ying also saw the person coming, it was Liu Qiang. It had only been a day since he had no money, but Liu Qiang looked inhumane. His eyes were bloodshot and had black circles, as if he hadn't slept all day.

Yang Ying frowned and thought to herself, why is he here again.

"Xiao Ying." Liu Qiang sat down on the chair opposite Yang Ying, with an ugly smile on his face.

"What's the matter with you?" Yang Ying really lost her temper this time, especially today when Zhang Yu said that she was going to lose money, so she was particularly worried.

"I, my, my car crashed, and I urgently need some money for compensation. Can you lend me 50,000 yuan?" Liu Qiang said with some embarrassment.

Yang Ying raised her eyebrows and said, "No!"

"Xiaoying, this money is life-saving, please." Liu Qiang said pitifully.

"I lent you 30,000 yuan last time, and you took another 20,000 yuan the day before yesterday, and now I'm here to borrow it again. I owe you! One and two, not over and over again. My money didn't come from the strong wind! No! You If there's nothing else, just leave quickly!" Yang Ying said sharply this time.

When Zhu Dafei heard that Yang Ying was angry, he immediately stood up and came to Yang Ying's side in a few steps. Not to mention, he really looked like a protector.

Liu Qiang hit a wall this time. See what it means, it is impossible to borrow money. But he still said bravely: "Xiaoying, this is the last time, you can't just ignore death."

"Get out! The last time is not the last time! I don't believe what you say!" Yang Ying shouted directly.

Zhu Dafei said from the side: "We, Mr. Yang, ask you to get out. If you don't leave, I can report the case and ask the police to come!"

"Okay, then," Liu Qiang stood up helplessly and walked outside.

After leaving the agency, the guy gritted his teeth and clenched his fists together, "You bitch, you're the only one who's awesome! You forced me to do it!"

Immediately afterwards, he took a car and headed to Jindu Flower Mansion.

Arriving at the door of Yang Ying's house, he smashed the door angrily several times.

"Who is it?" Yang Xiaodong's even more annoyed voice soon sounded inside.

"I, Liu Qiang."

"Why are you here again?" Yang Xiaodong reluctantly opened the door.

"You still don't welcome me." Liu Qiang said.

"I'm busy, come in." Yang Xiaodong said, turned around and ran back to the bedroom to continue his fight.

Liu Qiang changed his shoes and came to Yang Xiaodong's room. Yang Xiaodong ignored him and just fought hard.

"You just play this all day long?" Liu Qiang said with a frown.

"This is my career, I want to be a king." Yang Xiaodong said without looking back.

"You don't want to find a girlfriend like Fang Tong anymore?" Liu Qiang asked.

"I found it." Yang Xiaodong said directly.

"Found it?" Liu Qiang was shocked and said, "You do this every day, how can you still find a girlfriend?"

"She is my girlfriend." Yang Xiaodong pointed to a heroine on the screen.

"That's it?" Liu Qiang almost fell off his chair.

"What do you know? We play ranked together every day. She is so beautiful, she even sent me photos, and said that as long as I have the ability to reach Diamond 1 before her, she will treat me to dinner." Yang Xiaodong was very happy. He said proudly.

His words almost choked Liu Qiang to death, "You"

Liu Qiang was so angry that his hands were shaking. After a long time, he said: "What do you mean by staying at home every day? Come with me and I will take you to a fun and exciting place."

"I don't have time." Yang Xiaodong said.

"It's much more fun than this. Otherwise, you can go with me once. If you don't think it's fun, you'll never go there again." Liu Qiang advised.

"Then wait until I finish this game. I can't cheat my teammates." Yang Xiaodong said seriously.

"Okay okay okay"

Naturally, Yang Ying, the agent, didn't know that Liu Qiang came to the house to seduce Yang Xiaodong.

After Liu Qiang left, she frowned very depressedly and kept complaining to Yang Xiaodong, telling this guy where the intermediary was doing.

This Liu Qiang is even more terrible, shameless and shameless.

A Baolv car suddenly stopped in front of the agency door, followed closely by a pretty young woman.

The young woman is about thirty years old, dressed dignified, fashionable, and with a hint of charm.

After she came in, the girl with glasses immediately greeted her, "Welcome. Are you buying a house or renting a house?"

"I have a villa that I want to sell." The young woman said with a smile.

"Where is it and how big is it?" the girl with glasses asked enthusiastically.

"It's the Huajing Shanshui Villa District, with an area of ​​400 square meters. If you have time, you can go to see the house with me now." The young woman said directly.

"What a villa with beautiful scenery," Zhu Dafei and the girl with glasses couldn't help but admired it.

The girl with glasses took out the registration book and asked Zhu Dafei to register the young woman. She walked to Yang Ying and whispered: "She is in the Huajing Shanshui Villa area. Can we go see the house?"

This kind of high-end villa area is not close. When you go there, you can use the customer's car. But when you come back, if the customer doesn't send it, you won't be able to come back.

Everyone knows that only one large villa house can be sold compared to several ordinary houses. Definitely a big deal.

Yang Ying thought for a while and said, "Let's do it. Zhu Dafei and I will go there, and you can look after the store at home."

"Yeah." The girl with glasses nodded in agreement.

After the young woman's registration was completed, Yang Ying took Zhu Dafei and left with the young woman to check out the house.

The name of the villa area is Huajing Shanshui, which naturally has mountains and waters, as beautiful as a painting.

The car drove into the villa area and came to a villa compound.

The three of them entered the villa. The decoration inside was grand. In the words of the young woman, she and her husband were planning to immigrate to Canada. The villa was planned to be sold for 30 million.

In the large living room, there are three women and one man playing mahjong around the mahjong table. The man is the husband of the young woman, and the others are their friends.

After saying hello to each other, the young woman took Yang Ying and Zhu Dafei to look at the house. Zhu Dafei had never been in such a magnificent villa, and he was taking pictures upstairs and downstairs with his mobile phone.

The villa has three floors, and it is really hot inside. In the small living room on the third floor, the woman took out three cans from the refrigerator and invited Yang Ying and Zhu Dafei to drink. Of course the two refused, not wanting the woman to pull away directly.

In this way, it would be bad if you didn't drink it, so Yang Ying and Zhu Dafei had no choice but to take a few sips. The drinks were ice cold and really quenched your thirst.

According to the process, you must see the real estate certificate. The young woman searched around but couldn't find it. She had to take Yang Ying to the lobby on the first floor and shouted to her husband: "Where did you put the real estate certificate?"

"Isn't it in the study on the third floor?" the man said carelessly.

"I searched around and couldn't find it," the young woman said.

"You are so stupid, okay, I'll go look for you." The man stood up.

I didn't want to, but a woman next to me said: "This fight is not over yet. Who will fight you if you leave?"

"I don't know how." The young woman frowned, looked at Yang Ying, and said, "Help me beat him up. He will go up and look for the real estate certificate. He will come down immediately."

"I" Yang Ying showed hesitation.

The young woman directly pulled Yang Ying to the seat and sat down. The man also said: "We are just playing, it is five yuan. It doesn't cost money, I have chips in it, and I will basically get off after a few hits."

After saying that, he quickly went upstairs.

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