Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3687 Dangerous Driving

Jiang Yuting and the little model were immediately surrounded by reporters as soon as they left the traffic patrol room. Some people held spotlights, some held cameras, and some held microphones. The sound was extremely powerful.

When the little model saw this formation, she was startled at first, but then she reacted and began to deliberately show off her figure. However, even though she was just showing off her figure, she didn't dare to pose deliberately.

Compared with the little model, Jiang Yuting was much calmer. He smiled and said: "As you said, I got up late this morning and drove to Xinghe Mountain to watch the game in a hurry. But halfway through, I drove I was in a hurry and collided with a large truck. To be honest, I was scared to death at the time. I never dreamed that it would be okay."

"Mr. Jiang, I am a reporter from Sina News. Listening to your statement, could it be said that before this, you did not know that the quality of Dahe Motors was so excellent." Another reporter said.

Jiang Yuting shook his head and said: "I am not an employee of Dahe Automobile, I just followed my brother here to help cheer. I really have no idea that Dahe Automobile can have such quality. Otherwise, when a collision occurs, I can’t be shocked on the spot... But to be honest, it’s really unexpected that Dahe Automobile can have such quality... It’s too, too unexpected..."

When he said this, he deliberately used an exaggerated tone to make it appear that he was still immersed in the panic of the crash, as if he had lingering fears.

"Mr. Jiang, I am a reporter from Nandu Evening News. Have you heard about Dahe Motors winning the world obstacle rally championship this time?" Another reporter asked.

"I just heard about it," Jiang Yuting said.

"How do you feel?" a reporter from Nandu Evening News immediately asked.

"Impressions... First of all, of course I am happy... Dahe Automobile's ability to achieve such results is also a proof for domestically produced cars... I believe that after this competition, our country's automobile industry will definitely make a qualitative leap. In the future The foreign automobile industry no longer dares to underestimate our domestically produced automobiles..." Jiang Yuting said seriously.

The reporter from Nandu Evening News wanted to ask a question, but before he could speak, a reporter immediately rushed to say: "Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am a reporter from Fashion Weekly. I don't know who this beautiful beauty next to you is to you. relation?"

As soon as this question was asked, the little model immediately became energetic and deliberately put up two POSS. The photographer immediately took the photo, but Jiang Yuting frowned slightly and said bravely: "She is...she is my...girlfriend..."

Because this guy also knows that when two people go out together, they crash into a car together. If he didn't say she was his girlfriend, these people would have to hunt her down and get to the bottom of it. Therefore, the best thing to say is to accept it for the time being. This is also the best way to reduce unnecessary trouble.

However, the female model did not know that this was Jiang Yuting's delaying strategy, and she was even more excited.

The Nandu Evening News reporter who wanted to ask a question just now got the opportunity and immediately asked: "Mr. Jiang, there are rumors that you have already known about the quality of Dahe Motors. This car crash was actually just a gimmick. To enhance the advertising effect of Dahe Motors. I don’t know, is this true?”

"Of course not." Jiang Yuting said immediately.

He is not a fool, so he naturally knows that there is something in what the reporter said.

Sure enough, a reporter from Nandu Evening News followed up and said: "But normally, everyone knows that changing lanes to overtake when going uphill is an extremely dangerous thing. And this kind of lane changing and overtaking with only two lanes is... It’s even more dangerous. After all, Mr. Jiang is a noble person. If he had no confidence in his heart, he would probably not do such a stupid thing."

"I was anxious, so I changed lanes to overtake. Who would have thought that there would be a big truck rushing down from above. If I knew, beat me to death, and I wouldn't even take overtake with me." Jiang Yuting realized the hostility of the other party, He said angrily.

His voice also rose.

"Why did Mr. Jiang suddenly get angry? Could it be that my question has gone into Mr. Jiang's heart?" The reporter from Nandu Evening News said with a smile.

The little model standing next to Jiang Yuting has now seen that this reporter has evil intentions.

Jiang Yuting had just admitted that she was his girlfriend, and the little model realized that at this time, she should stand up and protect Jiang Yuting. Because only in this way can you get a good impression. Otherwise, he might not be able to survive for a while, or he might be kicked by Jiang Yuting.

The little model hesitated for a moment and said directly: "Reporter, what you said is wrong. What you said are all subjective guesses without any evidence. According to you, Yu Ting crashed the car on purpose. Dangerous driving... You have to know that dangerous driving is illegal, and this is the traffic patrol room. If you suspect Yu Ting of dangerous driving, we can go to the traffic patrol room and make it clear!"

This does not mean that any young model is a flower vase. After all, those who can be young models must have gone to school. This little model happens to be a law major. Although his studies are not very good and cannot be compared with Bao Jiayin and Leng Lingxue, he still knows the basic common sense.

After hearing this, the reporter was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said: "That's not what I meant. What I meant was that Mr. Jiang knew the quality of Dahe Motors in advance. This traffic accident was actually directed and acted by Mr. Jiang. Purpose Just to promote Dahe Motors.”

This time, the reporter's words were even more stark.

"You can pull it off, I think you can write detective novels. What? Reporters can be irresponsible when they speak... Moreover, according to your statement, it is Yu Ting who is suspected of dangerous driving. No matter how he directed and acted , isn't it dangerous to drive like this on the road... Come on, let's go to the traffic police room and talk... Bring out all the evidence that you suspect Yu Ting of dangerous driving..." The little model didn't let herself choke this time. He went up and grabbed the Nandu Evening News reporter's arm, grabbed him and dragged him into the traffic patrol room.

Seeing the performance of the female model, Jiang Yuting was very satisfied. I have to say that this girl is not only good at bed, but also has the ability to adapt to changes.

You know, this question raised by the reporter is obviously to put a blame on Jiang Yuting and Dahe Motors, and to ruin the reputation of Dahe Motors. If this incident happened to him, his father would not be able to point the finger at him.

So, he struck while the iron was hot and said: "Reporter, my girlfriend is right. Since you suspect that I am driving dangerously, let's go to the traffic patrol room and talk. I, Jiang Yuting, am not afraid of slanted shadows, so I can't let him It’s up to you to slander me! Come on, let’s go into the traffic patrol room!”

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