Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3671 The biggest winner

Zhang Yu, who was in the guest seat in the audience, was relieved for Brother BOSS at this moment. Although he had given Brother BOSS a divine talisman to protect his body, Zhang Yu was still a little worried that no one would suffer a concussion after such a heavy collision.

Since Brother BOSS should be able to continue driving, I guess it won't be a serious problem. Zhang Yu then turned around and looked towards the stage. What he was looking at was Qi Wuxuan. However, the distance between the two people was too far, and Zhang Yu could not see Qi Wuxuan's appearance.

However, even so, Zhang Yu could imagine that Qi Wuxuan's face should be very ugly at this moment.

"Qi Wuxuan, I think you should have lost this game again. You should also know that the current ranking in the competition is no longer important to Dahe Automobile. The heavy collision just now has declared that the quality of Dahe Automobile is unparalleled. The car with the best quality in the entire event. As for it, if you can get a good ranking, it is naturally the best. If you can't get it, it doesn't matter. After all, the eyes of the audience are sharp." Zhang Yu muttered slowly in his heart.

Yes, the car was still able to continue driving after being so severely damaged, unlike the other three, who were probably all confused now.

Sure enough, the commentator Huang Moumou's voice rang again, "Director Zhang, after this collision, Dahe Motors' current time ranking has dropped from fifth to twentieth. If you want to get a good ranking, I'm afraid It’s not easy.”

Don't look at this collision, it doesn't look like it lasted long, but there are so many vehicles in the race, not just in front but also in the back. Everyone sets off at different times, but the statistics of the time are consistent. Those who run first will not take advantage, and those who run later will not suffer.

Zhang Moumou immediately said: "Actually, for Dahe Motors in this competition, the ranking is no longer that important. In the collision just now, four cars were heavy, and the most damaged one was Dahe Motors, which was hit twice in total. . However, the other three cars are dead, and only the Dahe car can continue to drive, and it seems to be intact. Therefore, I think the biggest winner of this competition can be announced, and that is the Dahe car! "

This is a live broadcast in China. It is normal for the commentator to say something biased towards domestic car brands. You can't praise someone from a foreign country instead of your own country when competing on the same field. Then you won't be spitted to death by netizens.

Especially in this competition, the strength displayed by Dahe Motors is truly unparalleled. We did not invite world-famous racing drivers, we relied entirely on our own quality to complete the race.

"That's right, I can also conclude that the real winner of this competition is Dahe Motors." Commentator Huang Moumou also said: "After all, the first thing to display in this World Automobile Obstacle Rally is not speed, but quality and performance. , the speed is only part of the performance. If you purely pursue speed, then why buy off-road vehicles and SUVs, just buy a sports car. Judging from the current competition situation, Dahe Automobile not only follows the quality, but also the performance. Compared with other brands of cars, there is no gap at all. Especially in terms of quality, it is unparalleled and of absolute high quality. Dahe Motors is another pride of domestically produced cars. Perhaps in the near future, Dahe Motors may really become a domestically produced car. Maybe the leader in the automobile industry." Commentator Huang Moumou said.

"Hey hey hey..." Zhang Moumou made his signature voice again.

The emotions of the audience were once again ignited by the two commentators. They once again shouted collectively, "Come on Dahe Motors!" "Come on Dahe Motors!" "Come on Dahe Motors!" "Come on Dahe Motors!"...

Inside the accident handling office of the Traffic Patrol Room.

The female patrol officer just let out a scream, and those watching nearby, including Jiang Yuting, felt a thump in their hearts.

When the other police officers and female models heard the female patrol officer's cry, they all came over and surrounded the position behind the female patrol officer. They all wanted to see what happened.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a series of collisions, and the Dahe car was hit hard again. Seeing this, the female patrolman was so frightened that she covered her mouth, as if worried, and screamed again.

When all four cars stopped, the deputy section chief said: "Oh my god, you were driving so fast and hit so hard. I guess these four cars, as well as the drivers inside, must be about the same..." Especially Dahe cars, which have been hit hard one after another, I'm afraid they will die..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Dahe Auto drive away quickly and continue to the next track.

When Jiang Yuting saw this, he immediately became energetic and said, "This little collision is nothing. I had a head-on collision with a large truck before, and even the big truck was fine, let alone this."

"That's right." "Looking at it this way, there's nothing wrong with it." "It was really scary just now."... The patrol officers in the office all nodded and said this.

The deputy section chief looked at Jiang Yuting and said, "Mr. Jiang, what kind of material is your Dahe car made of? Why is it so strong? The collision at such a fast speed broke the stone pillars. It seems like nothing happened. This, this...what kind of material is's really comparable to an armored vehicle..."

After hearing this, the other patrolmen also looked at Jiang Yuting. Everyone was curious about what kind of material this was made of, and could it really look like an armored vehicle. Moreover. They also specially inspected the car, and the car shell didn't look very thick, just like a normal car. And the glass of the car won't break no matter how hard it is hit?

"This material... must be a special material... This is a high-end secret in the industry... Naturally, it cannot be leaked... Also, I am not responsible for the work of the car factory, let alone know. What kind of material is it..." Jiang Yuting said slowly.

"That's right. This kind of secret will not be leaked. But I really can't understand how this car can be so strong." said the deputy section chief.

"It's normal, technology is advancing." Jiang Yuting opened his mouth.

This sentence made the deputy section chief nod his head repeatedly.

While they were talking, the female patrol officer's cell phone kept ringing with the voice of the commentator and the shouts of the audience.

The audience was all shouting the name "Dahe Motors" and cheering for Dahe Motors.

Jiang Yuting saw it and couldn't help but feel excited, because he understood that this game would definitely be a sensational advertising effect for Dahe Motors. It is estimated that by the time the competition is over, the sales of this Dahe car will explode.

The mobile phone screen switched from the track to the auditorium at the venue, and then switched from the auditorium to the track again.

But this time, the director did not switch to the Dahe car again, but to the JEEP car running at the front.

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