Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3665 Sparks

Speaking of the race, it seems to last a long time, but this operation does not last long on the track.

Qi Wuxuan just hung up the phone and returned to the stage to sit down.

He then saw the performances of several high-end drivers. After watching it, he was not as excited as others. Instead, he secretly said in his heart, "What kind of stupid operation is this? With this operation, anyone can see it." If you want to hit someone, how can they not be prepared in advance? How can they wait for you to hit them! One by one, you can't have some brains!"

But despite the criticism, the game has to continue with these people. Sitting on the stage, he had to suppress his anger to avoid losing his composure and losing his identity.

In the command car of Qihu Motors, Tian Hairong had just hung up the phone and was watching the live broadcast on the screen.

Like Qi Wuxuan, she was not shocked by the superb driving skills of these few people, but was also angry at their fierce maneuvers.

Even though she was angry, she didn't scold Gao Meng. After all, she still expected Gao Meng to do his job. Hairong Tian immediately shouted on the walkie-talkie: "Go strong, go strong! It doesn't matter if you don't succeed in blocking Hamilton this time. You keep driving. There will be a new mission for you later!"

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Tian." Gao Meng was relieved to see that he did not receive criticism from Tian Hairong.

The game continued. There were several screens on Tian Hairong's side, and he had been paying attention to everything on the screens.

The rest of the game was orderly, but there were no more exciting moments.

Among the first cars to enter the track, except for Hidei Nakata of the Mita Racing Team who still maintains the first place, the rankings around him have changed. Currently running in second place is Raikkonen in a Jeep Wrangler.

The distance between Raikkonen's car and Hidei Nakata's car is only a few hundred meters. For cars running at high speed, this distance can be reached in the blink of an eye. Hidei Nakata had obviously gotten the news that the car behind him belonged to Raikkonen, so he didn't dare to be careless at all.

In a blink of an eye, the car arrived at the particularly large basin. Nakata Hidei couldn't help but speed up, and Mita domineeringly rushed down.

On the way downhill, there were really bumps and bumps, rocks, and potholes. Hidei Nakata is worthy of being one of the top ten riders in the world. Otherwise, it would not have been possible for him to be such a number one when Hairong Tian handed over the task.

After rushing down, he already knew the track well, and he went back and forth to the sideline, avoiding big rocks and relatively deep pits.

Raikkonen didn't show any weakness and rushed down at high speed. The two cars seemed to be drawing dragons below, moving around. The distance between the two was already close, and at a glance, Nakata Hidei could already see that Raikkonen's car was about to rush past him on the right side.

Nakata Hidei hurriedly accelerated. Before he could get anxious, he saw another 10cm hole in front of him. The speed was also too fast, and Hidei Nakata's car was directly shaken and almost turned over. Fortunately, Mita was overbearing enough, and Nakata Hidei stepped on the brakes hard again, and then stabilized the car. But he stabilized and Raikkonen passed. When he started again, three more cars passed by his car.

"Hidei Nakata was also too careless. He was so focused on not letting Raikkonen overtake him that he forgot about the pitfalls ahead. This is great. Not only did he let Raikkonen overtake him, but he also had to start over again. He lost everything all of a sudden. It's a pity, it's a pity." The voice of the commentator Huang Moumou rang.

"Hey hey hey..." Zhang Moumou used his signature voice again. As he spoke, the picture on the big screen changed again.

This time, it was a Dahe car.

Dahe Motors only sent one driver, and that was Brother BOSS. On the screen, in addition to the current position of the driver, there was also the total time spent by the driver.

Seeing the distance and time the Dahe car ran, Zhang Moumou followed and said: "Don't mention it, the speed of the Dahe car is okay. This Lu Jianqi has run 85 kilometers, and the total time is thirty minutes, so Moving forward at a speed of over 160 miles per hour. And his time ranks among the top six among all drivers."

"I really can't believe that in this competition, such a dark horse has appeared in China. At present, Hamilton is in first place with the shortest time. Alonso's time is the same as Hamilton's, and Schumann is third. Maz, Raikkonen is in fourth place, and Mac Jones is in fifth place. Hidei Nakata was fourth before, but because of the mistake just now, he has now fallen to 13th. It can be seen that a mistake has a huge impact on the ranking. How big the impact will be." Huang Moumou said slowly.

"Look, the Qihu car appears on the screen again." Zhang Moumou suddenly said.

"The results of Qihu Automobile are quite good, with Schmaz and Mac Jones both in the top five. However, the results of the others are not very good, and they seem to be a bit of a foil. I don't know what Qihu will do this time. When cars see Dahe cars, will there be any sparks?" Huang Moumou said.

This guy's vision is quite vicious. He knows very well that the Dahe car has hit the Qihu car before. In this encounter, Qihu Motors might take revenge on its companions.

"You'll find out if you don't see it...hehehehe..." Zhang Moumou said.

Qi Wuxuan, who was sitting on the stage, listened to the conversation between the two and couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart, "What do you two mean? How come my car has to hit someone else's car when it sees it... Of course, you guys Even if you see it, do you need to say it..."

The audience at the scene, after being reminded by the commentator, immediately became energetic and stared at the big screen together. Racing is like this, what you see is speed and passion, but speed and passion alone are sometimes not enough. Such gorgeous sparks are what many people yearn for more. Because moments like this are the most exciting.

As Huang Moumou expected, just before, Tian Hairong in the command car had discovered that BOSS's Dahe car was about to catch up with their Qihu car. She hurriedly ordered the driver of the Dahe car to stop Brother BOSS.

The driver of this Dahe car was none other than Brother Wiesen.

Brother Weisen had previously learned through the earphone that Brother BOSS had seriously injured Brother Adu. He was muttering in his heart at that time, Adu is really a waste, he can't even defeat the BOSS brother in a Qihu car, how can he still be around, don't drive in the future.

He also knew that if Brother BOSS caught up with him, Tian Hairong would ask him to deal with Brother BOSS if he couldn't protect Qi. For a moment, this made Brother Weizen look forward to and worried at the same time.

His worry was nothing else. The reason was that he was running out of the fourth row and was ten seconds ahead of Brother BOSS. If this means Brother BOSS is trying to catch up with him, then he shouldn't mess around.

Unexpectedly, Brother BOSS really caught up with me. Now that he's here, he's no longer conflicted, so let's do it.

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