Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3655: Retaliation is inevitable

As soon as they entered the track, Hairong Tian took the walkie-talkie and gave Yang Guang and Gao Meng the order to hit Raikkonen and Newcastle Brown.

According to the original plan, even if it was a collision, it could not be hit immediately. In the middle of the game, no one is paying attention to you, so you just get bumped. This was just the beginning of the game, and it was so blatant to hit each other as soon as we got up.

Unfortunately, this arrangement forced Tian Hairong to do this again. Because both Raikkonen and Newcastle Brown are masters, if they don't collide now, they won't be able to catch up after a while, and they won't even have a chance to collide.

Gao Meng and Yang Guang, as well as Raikkonen and Newcastle Brown entered the track in the second wave. The current order is that Raikkonen is ranked first, a Baolu SUV is ranked second, Gao Meng is third, Newcastle Brawn is fourth, a Porsche Macan is ranked fifth, and Yang Guang is ranked third. in sixth place.

If you want to catch up with Raikkonen, you have to catch up and hit him. However, the Jeep Wrangler driven by Raikkonen was extremely fast. When it entered the track and reached a place full of rocks, Raikkonen's Baolu SUV, which was already in second place, was more than 20 meters away. Gao Meng is still in third place, and it is extremely difficult to catch up with Raikkonen. Fa stepped on the accelerator hard, hoping to pass Baolv in front of him first.

He has to surpass Bao Donkey, and Newcastle Brown, who is ranked fourth, has to surpass him.

Newcastle Brown also stepped on the accelerator, and the Land Rover he was driving was on par with Gao Meng in an instant, almost surpassing Gao Meng.

Gao Meng saw that it was Newcastle Brown, and he couldn't help but feel happy, because according to Tian Hairong's order, he hit Raikkonen and Newcastle Brown. He didn't say who was responsible for hitting whom. After all, they received temporary orders. .

It is obviously too difficult to overtake and catch up with Raikkonen. Newcastle Brown is right next to him, so the difficulty is obviously much lower. Therefore, Gao Meng stopped chasing Raikkonen. His car suddenly turned to the right, and the car directly hit Newcastle Brown's Land Rover.

Anyone who participates in this kind of racing must be cautious, because everyone knows that the track is ruthless. If you don't hit others, they will hit you. Of course, at this high speed, if you want to avoid it, you will definitely not be able to avoid it.

With a "chi" sound, the tall body suddenly hit the Land Rover's body. However, because Newcastle Brown drove straight forward and Gao Meng wheeled to the right, there was a small gap in speed. As a result, the front half of the Qihu car hit the rear half of the Land Rover.

The Land Rover inevitably deviated and almost went sideways. Fortunately, Newcastle Brown was always cautious and his skills were there. He drifted along with the trend, and the car immediately rushed forward.

Although it didn't seem to have any impact, in terms of ranking, it had been surpassed by the Porsche Macan behind, Yang Guang's car, and even a Kida SUV in front, which suddenly put Newcastle Brown behind by several places.

He cursed in his mind, but stepped on the accelerator and continued forward.

In their second wave, Raikkonen took the lead and was already hundreds of meters ahead of the second-placed driver. As for Yang Guang, it was impossible to chase him. Gao Meng behind him was even more impossible to catch up with.

Yang Guang was anxious because Gao Meng had already blocked Newcastle Brown. What would he do if he failed to complete the task? While he was anxious, the sequence behind him had changed.

The Land Rover driven by Newcastle Brown had already caught up with the Kida SUV in front, passed the Porsche Macan, and was about to overtake Yang Guang in the blink of an eye. Yang Guang is also an experienced driver. When racing, he not only has to look ahead, but also has to listen in all directions.

He immediately saw Newcastle Brown catching up through the rearview mirror. At this moment, Yang Guang's heart moved. He would definitely not be able to catch up with Raikkonen. Now it seemed that he could only make do with Newcastle Brown. .

While driving, Yang Guang stared at Newcastle Brown behind him, waiting for Newcastle Brown to catch up. Soon he realized that Newcastle Brown was coming towards him from the left, and he was ready to spin to the left. As soon as the Land Rover behind him came up, he would hit him.


Yang Guang was well prepared, but before he could wait for Newcastle Brown to overtake him, there was a loud noise from the rear corner of the car, which was obviously a collision. Yang Guang's mind was waiting for Newcastle Brown to come up so that he could hit someone. He never thought that such a thing would happen.

Under the impact of this high-speed driving, the Qihu car driven by Yang Guang went sideways. The car that hit Yang Guang was naturally none other than the Land Rover driven by Newcastle Brown.

Newcastle Brown was not a fool. He had just been hit by Gao Meng once, and he had already guessed that Qihu Motors must be targeting him intentionally. As long as he dared to rush over, Yang Guang would most likely hit him. Moreover, not only Qihu Motors has command vehicles, but Land Rover Motors also has command vehicles.

The analysts at Land Rover immediately analyzed that Yang Guang had bad intentions. Therefore, the people in the command car immediately informed Newcastle Brown that they must hit Yang Guang's car first.

As for Newcastle Brown, since your Qihu car hit me first, I can't be polite anymore. The command car's order was the same as Newcastle Brown's judgment, so Newcastle Brown was not polite. He directly hit the left corner of Yang Guang's rear rear with the right corner of the front of the car.

He was prepared for the collision. After the impact, his car first tilted, then deflected, then stabilized the direction of the car, and the car immediately sped forward again.

As for the Qihu car that was hit by him and had gone sideways, it was really unlucky. Because there was a Porsche Macan behind Newcastle Brown. He was driving very fast, and he never expected that the Qihu car would suddenly cross the road. It was too late to get around it. Hearing a loud "clang", the Qihu car driven by Yang Guang was immediately knocked out.

One is driving at high speed, and the other is crossing the road. It is obviously obvious which one is more unlucky. After the powerful car was hit and flew out, it kept rolling on the ground. It rolled for seven or eight times before it stopped. Of course, this Porsche Macan was not much better. After a heavy collision, the airbags deployed, making it almost impossible to drive normally.

At this time, other vehicles also passed by one after another.

Everything that happens on the track is captured by aerial photography and displayed on the big screen.

Huang Moumou and Zhang Moumou have been explaining that when Huang Moumou saw the powerful car hitting Newcastle Brown first, he couldn't help but said: "The driver of this Qihu car is really fierce. It makes no sense to hit Newcastle Brown's car just after entering the track."

"Hey hey hey..." Zhang Moumou just made his signature sound.

Immediately afterwards, another scene of Newcastle Brown hitting Yang Guang appeared on the screen. Huang Moumou even said: "Just now, the Qihu car hit Newcastle Brown first, and Newcastle Brown followed up with a tit-for-tat response. It seems really It’s a punishment that must be repaid... this, this... bumped into... the Porsche Macan hit the Qihu car... it was so exciting from the beginning... is this good..."

"Hehehe..." Zhang Moumou still just smiled.

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