As soon as Brother BOSS saw Brother Weisen and Brother Daxia coming over, he knew that these people were not well-intentioned. As soon as he heard what Brother Weisen said, Brother BOSS smiled and said: "I'm just representing the car brand I produce. What do I need so many people to do? Besides, the competition depends on the strength of the individual. What's the use of having more. In the past when we were on the track, I was still alone."

"The past was before, and now is now... Boss, I know what you mean. It means that all of us together are no match for you... But today, it's one moment and another moment. I, Weisen, will do it today." I will completely defeat you on the track." Brother Weizen said arrogantly.

Everyone knows the situation of Dahe Motors, so Brother Weisen is very confident that he can defeat Brother BOSS today. After all, this is his mission. Moreover, in his opinion, this is still a very simple task. Even if he doesn't take action and lets the BOSS brother run it by himself, it will be in vain given the quality of Dahe Automobile.

"It's up to you!" Brother BOSS had a look of disdain on his face.

"What's wrong with me..." Brother Weizen said arrogantly: "BOSS, I recognize your skills. If we two drive the same car, I may not be your opponent. But just because of your skills today If I can't beat you, I'll buy you a piece of tofu and kill you."

"Okay, then I'll wait and see, waiting for you to buy a piece of tofu. However, it would be better if you find a stone." Brother BOSS said without showing any signs of weakness.

By this time, there is no need to be particularly low-key. Because the competition is approaching, the time to show the strength of Dahe Motors has arrived.

"You're still stubborn so far... Then we'll see you on the track, but you'd better drive more steadily and don't drive your car apart first..." Brother Weisen said arrogantly.

"You wish for your own good..." Brother BOSS said coldly.

"Still so confident..." Brother Weisen curled his lips and wanted to continue to provoke, but at this time, the radio suddenly rang.

"All participating drivers, get on the car immediately and prepare. The re-signing results have come out. No. 1, 9, 13, 15, 22, 37, 38, 55, 68 and 94 are the first. List……"

The broadcaster kept announcing the serial numbers, because according to the rules, the participating vehicles must be arranged in an array, and they cannot just run around.

The rules of this event are that there are 10 cars in each row, and so on. At the beginning, the 10 cars in the first row set off first; 10 seconds later, the 10 cars in the second row set off together; and after another 10 seconds, the 10 cars in the third row set off together.

The entrance to the track is only so big, so if we start together, there will be no chaos. Of course, there is no problem with the time gap. Each car will be equipped with a timer, and the time will be recorded even on the big screen.

10 seconds seems very short, but on the track, one second may determine the outcome. Therefore, the recording of time must be accurate.

In addition, it is difficult to say whether the car behind can catch up with the car in front. The track is so long and it takes several hours to run down. In 10 minutes, sometimes it is really difficult to run on a long track. What kind of. Especially in a race three years ago, Hamilton started from the fifth row and caught up with all the cars in front, and was the first to break out of the track and create glory. The second place finisher that year was Schmaz, who started in the sixth row. He lost to Hamilton by two seconds. Schmaz has been brooding about this contest and wants to regain his place.

In addition, all racers are equipped with communication equipment to ensure safety. Moreover, this communication instrument can also keep in touch with the outside world so that everything on the track can be fully understood. For example, the time gap between your opponent and yourself. Where does one's own speed in time rank?

Not only that, there will also be twenty helicopters hovering over Xinghe Mountain. Ten of them are responsible for aerial photography and ten are responsible for rescue.

The drivers have long known the rules of the competition. Even so, the officials need to announce them before the competition.

The race is about to start, and the situation on the track and the situation of the cars at the entrance are already displayed on the scene and on the TV and computer screens.

Such an important racing car has attracted countless car enthusiasts to watch. Not only were the live auditoriums packed, but there were also tens of millions of viewers watching on computers and TVs.

In addition to waiting for the game, the audience will also go to the online forum to express their opinions.

On the Haijiao Forum, I don’t know who it was, and posted a post. On this post, there are photos of Dahe Automobile Factory, as well as photos of Dahe Automobile after a test drive on the track. Dahe Automobile Factory looks like a small workshop. The yard is very old, and the office buildings and factory buildings are all old. The Dahe cars that finished running on the track, including Jiang Yuting's car, had an awkward collision, and I don't know who took the photo.

The title of the post is - This is Dahe Automobile Factory and Dahe Automobile. The models look good, but they are full of gold and jade. With such a broken car, I still have the nerve to participate in the World Automobile Obstacle Rally. Isn't it afraid of embarrassment?

There are also a lot of comments below.

Second floor: I have never heard of Dahe Motors before. I only heard about Dahe Motors this time when it participated in the World Automobile Obstacle Rally. The model looks good, quite stylish, a bit like the Mercedes-Benz Big G. Now that I see the quality of the factory and the car, I wonder what kind of junk car this is. I won’t buy it anyway. When it comes to this car participating in competitions, I don’t think it’s shameful enough.

Third floor: I won’t buy this junk car either. Is this considered a car? It is no different from those other brand cars.

Fourth floor: I guess they can’t keep up with other brand-name cars. At least they are self-aware and won’t sign up for such a competition. But Dahe Automobile has a face as thick as a city wall.

Fifth Floor: Let’s put it this way, by the time the game is over, Dahe Motors will probably be smashed to pieces. Think about it, when he was familiar with the track, he was like a bear. The speed of the race must be fast, and he would probably fall apart.

Sixth Floor: I'm not worried about falling apart in a collision. The main thing is that after this game is over, Dahe Motors will definitely become a joke. Moreover, it will even be nailed to the pillar of shame for domestically produced cars. Even domestically produced cars will become a laughing stock.

Seventh Floor: What you said above makes sense. It will really become a joke.

Eighth Floor: There is also a saying that the price of Dahe Motors is 521,000. The numbers are quite auspicious, but a broken domestic car still dares to sell it at this price and steal money. I really think I am a Mercedes-Benz!

Ninth Floor: I still need 521,000 yuan. I don’t think I can sell it even for 200,000 yuan.

Tenth floor: Sells cigarettes, melon seeds, and grilled fish fillets.

Eleventh Floor: Passing by to make soy sauce.

Twelfth Floor: Is there any fifteen words that are more standard than mine?

Thirteenth Floor: The math teacher upstairs must be teaching me math. It’s obviously fourteen characters.

Fourteenth Floor: How much blame has the physical education teacher given to you illiterate people? Mathematics, Chinese, and English are all taught by the physical education teacher. However, during the physical education class, the physical education teacher is often not in school, or has something to do, so the physical education class is changed to a cultural class.

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