Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3641 Flag Tiger

Zhang Yu and the others arrived at Xinghe Mountain at nine o'clock in the morning, and Brother BOSS entered the track at ten o'clock. They were waiting at the exit, and it was already noon. Brother BOSS would definitely not be able to come back at this time. Fortunately, lunch was prepared when everyone came.

After all, we have business, and lunch is very simple, just dumplings. The guys ate the dumplings and sat there to continue waiting. As time passed, they could see off-road vehicles and SUVs driving out of the mountain.

There were many brands of cars coming down from the mountain. Some of them Zhang Yu even recognized the logos, while some did not recognize them at all. However, the cars that came down were basically dusty. After all, the mountains were dusty and the cars were driving fast.

Zhang Yu and others looked at it and found that many cars were more or less damaged. Some of the bumpers were damaged, and some of the headlights were scratched, but none of them were major damages, they were all minor.

After half past two in the afternoon, almost three o'clock, a black, very majestic-looking SUV drove out of the exit. Zhang Yu and the others could recognize it at a glance. It was the Dahe car driven by Brother BOSS.

Black cars are not resistant to dirt. A little bit of dust can be seen at a glance. At this moment, the Dahe car was also in a state of disgrace. Not only that, the front bumper was crooked, the left headlight was smashed, and there were dents on the body. It can be seen that the difficulty of this track is really not low, and it can even make BOSS hit like this.

Brother BOSS saw the flag of Dahe Motors, and the car drove directly over and stopped in front of Zhang Yu and the others.

The car door opened and Brother BOSS came out of the car. Everyone now sees the bear-like shape of the Dahe car after it was hit. Although other cars had minor injuries, the damage to the Dahe car was the most serious.

Fang Tong looked at Dahe Auto, then at Brother BOSS, and said, "This car of ours can hit really hard... If we go to a competition, will it be possible..."

She didn't know that Zhang Yu and Brother BOSS were deliberately hiding their clumsiness, and they were just using ordinary cars to run around. The quality of the car is not good, and it is inevitable to crash like this.

Therefore, Zhang Yu didn't wait for Brother BOSS to speak, and then said: "Brother BOSS, how is the situation on this track? Is it particularly complicated?"

Brother BOSS nodded and said: "The track is very difficult. Sometimes, you even have to hit hard to pass. Because it was my first time driving, I drove carefully enough, but the car also crashed like this. . Fortunately, the car did not overturn. If you drive very fast, the track will be dangerous."

There are dangers on the track, but they are also normal. The racing itself is about speed and passion. The so-called passion, of course, is dangerous. If there is no danger, how can there be passion?

"Hard collision..." When the little girl Fang Tong heard this, she immediately pursed her lips and said, "We also saw other people's cars just now. Although they were a little injured, they were not serious. Our car only ran away once. The injury is so severe...will it be possible by then..."

The little girl was very proud of this competition, but when she saw the extent of the damage to the car, she immediately became worried. After all, looking at this posture, it is very likely that he will lose.

"Tongtong, we don't necessarily have to win the championship in this competition. The purpose is just to increase the popularity of Dahe Motors. In fact, being able to complete this trip is already considered a success. Ranking is not what we are pursuing, as long as we can borrow I think this is enough to increase sales." It was Jiang Yulin who spoke this time.

He had no hope for this competition at all, especially after seeing the damage to Dahe Motors at the moment.

Fortunately, Dahe Automobile's models are good and can make people's eyes shine. But Jiang Yulin was still puzzled, and that was where Zhang Yu had the courage to price Dahe Automobile at 521,000. With this quality, it's not that hard to grab money. Could it be that they are planning to have a big price reduction promotion after the competition. Although it is also a solution, how much does it have to be reduced?

Jiang Yulin said: "Brother BOSS, if our car can run like this, I think it's pretty good. In fact, to be honest, I really want to learn driving skills from you... You see, or else when I go up next time, I will bring you with me I'm going for a walk..."

This guy has always liked cars, just like other dandy boys, and is also very keen on racing. It's just that Mr. Jiang's tutoring is too strict, so he doesn't dare to go too far. He had seen Brother BOSS's driving skills last time, so he wanted to learn from them. Although there are definitely dangers on this track, I expect that if I drive slowly, it should be fine.

Especially when there are beautiful women around you, of course you have to put on a show. Now that Brother BOSS has explored the way, there should be no danger if you follow him.

Sure enough, when the beautiful girl next to Jiang Yuting heard this, she immediately became energetic and her eyes shone with hope. She really wanted to go to the track with him and have fun, and when the time came, she would post on WeChat Moments and pretend to be 13.

But before Brother BOSS could express his stance, he saw five SUVs roaring down the mountain. These five SUVs have the same style, and they are all white, with a golden tiger logo on the front of the car.

Zhang Yu and the others knew this logo and knew it was the logo of Qihu Motors. Not only that, there is also a flag hanging on the car, and there is also a golden tiger logo on the flag, which looks very flamboyant and cool.

The Qihu car running at the front came directly towards Zhang Yu and the others. When they were about to reach the place, it drifted on the ground and the car was firmly lying next to the BOSS brother's car.

This action is very handsome, and others are okay. Jiang Yuting and the girl next to him are all bright-eyed, and Jiang Yuting even said, "Awesome!"

In just three or four seconds, the other four cars also came over. They all drifted together, and the five cars actually formed an arc, surrounding Brother BOSS in the middle.

Even though they were all drifting and the distance was extremely close, there was no collision between these five cars, and the distance between them was just right. To be honest, even ordinary experienced drivers don't have this skill. Only experts in drag racing can do this.

After the five cars stopped, Zhang Yu and the others could see very clearly. These five cars had slight scratches on their front bumpers, but other than that, they were completely undamaged. After seeing what Dahe cars look like after they come off, and then looking at other people's cars, the huge gap in quality can be fully reflected.

"Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!" "Click!"

The doors of the five cars opened almost at the same time, and soon after, five men walked out of the cars. As soon as he saw the people who came down, Zhang Yu immediately recognized them. They were Brother Weisen, Brother Adu, Brother Ku, Brother Crab and Brother Prawn who were racing in Xiaoqiu Mingshan that day.

These people all drove Qihu cars, and Zhang Yu naturally understood that Brother Weisen must have bribed these people to join the Qihu car club and participate in this competition.

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