Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3637 I’m not afraid, what else are you afraid of?

Brother BOSS just entered the corridor, closed the door, and disappeared from Qi Wuxuan's sight.

Seeing him leave like this, Qi Wuxuan gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Xinyi! Bullshit Xinyi..." Qi Wuxuan said bitterly in his heart: "I think you are more afraid of Zhang Yu, so you chose to follow him!"

Qi Wuxuan is so shrewd. Brother BOSS's previous hesitation was obviously an inner struggle, weighing the choice between the two. This is not a matter of faith at all, but a comparison of the strength of the two.

Therefore, Qi Wuxuan can be sure that Brother BOSS chose Zhang Yu because Brother BOSS believed that following Zhang Yu would lead to the final victory. And if you follow Qi Wuxuan, you may lose.

"Asshole... Lu, I know what you are thinking... Don't worry, I will definitely make you regret it... At least, in the automobile industry, I am the overlord... Zhang Yu is just a boy who has become a monk halfway. , he wants to fight with me in this industry, he is simply asking for humiliation... Come on, let's all come over..." Qi Wuxuan gritted his teeth and said with hatred in his heart.

After saying this, he turned around and got into his Maybach. He only brought a driver with him. After getting in the car, he immediately ordered the driver to drive and headed to Nandu.

The next day, Brother BOSS went to work in the factory early in the morning as usual. As soon as today's production is completed, it will meet the standards for participation in the World Rallycross Championship.

This is an important moment for Brother BOSS. After all, it is his dream to participate in this event. He never thought that this day would come so soon.

Today's production went very smoothly, with an extra two hours of work and 50 cars rolled off the production line. However, the weather tonight was not very good, and it started to rain heavily in the evening. Fortunately, the factory has commuter buses that can ensure that all workers are sent home.

But Brother BOSS didn't leave in a hurry. His car was driven away by a new inspector. Because of the rain, no one could tell who was driving in the car.

Brother BOSS has been waiting in the factory. At nearly ten o'clock in the evening, he left the factory in a newly produced Dahe SUV and headed all the way to Masi Town.

In Masi Town, many properties are owned by Wudang Taoist Temple, or they are engineering projects of Wudang Group.

The construction is continuing, but tonight, the construction site is very deserted. Although it is raining here at Dahe Automobile Factory, it is sunny here at Masi Town.

Brother BOSS drove the car into the construction site. To be honest, the construction site was really messy, with bricks and tiles everywhere. After all, it was a place where construction work was done, and it couldn't be expected to be as neat as the main road.

Brother BOSS was very confused at this moment. He came according to the location sent to him by Zhang Yu. As I kept moving forward in the construction site, I finally saw a figure standing in front of me.

He could quickly tell that the person standing there was none other than Zhang Yu. The car drove over and stopped next to Zhang Yu. Brother BOSS got out of the car and said directly: "Chairman, I'm here."

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Let's take a test drive here to see how the car performs."

With that said, he waved to Brother BOSS, walked to the car and got into the passenger seat.

Brother BOSS was obviously stunned when he heard about the test drive here, but he got in the car immediately.

When we came from the road, Brother BOSS had already taken a test drive. The performance of the car was very good. Although it was not as good as foreign engines, it was easy to operate. This is also due to the weight of the car. The materials have not changed, so it is lighter.

After sitting in the driver's seat, Brother BOSS said, "Let's try it here?"

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "That's right..."

Then, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and said: "Keep going forward, and go faster!"

"Okay!" Brother BOSS agreed, then started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the car rushed forward.

It's said to be "rushing", but actually the speed is not particularly fast. The construction site is full of potholes, which can cause serious damage to vehicles. Even if the SUV has a high chassis, you still have to pay attention.

Zhang Yu saw that Brother BOSS was not driving particularly fast, and immediately said: "Hurry up, we are going to participate in a competition, so why not drive so slowly when we can't compete?"

"Sure!" Brother BOSS responded and immediately accelerated.

The car immediately became very fast and reached 100 miles. The reason why Brother BOSS drives at this speed is because he has an extreme understanding of the car's performance. Because according to his prediction, driving at a speed of 100 miles on this kind of road is basically the limit. Even on the highway, the car cannot exceed 120 mph, otherwise the car will definitely vibrate, which is dangerous.

However, after Zhang Yu took a look at the mileage watch, he said: "The speed is a bit slow. If it is this speed, there is no way to participate in the competition. You must be fast!"

"But... if you go faster, I'm afraid the car won't be able to hold on..." Brother BOSS said.

"Try it and then talk about it!" Zhang Yu said bluntly.

Seeing what he said, Brother BOSS could only continue to step on the accelerator, and the speed skyrocketed, reaching 130 mph in one fell swoop.

Immediately afterwards, something unexpected happened to Brother BOSS. The car was driving at such a high speed and it didn't even shake, just like normal. Seeing this, Brother BOSS simply continued to accelerate, wanting to see how much speed this car could increase.

As the speed increased, the car reached 180 mph, and the car never shook. However, this has reached the limit of the engine. If you want to speed up again, the engine will not allow it.

Even so, Brother BOSS also said in amazement: "180 is fine..."

"Can't it go any faster?" Zhang Yu asked from the side.

"This is the limit of the engine..." Brother BOSS said.

"Okay, let's keep it at this speed..." Zhang Yu said, took out a divine talisman from his pocket, and then stuffed it into Brother BOSS's collar.

Brother BOSS was immediately stunned and said in confusion: "Chairman, what are you doing?"

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "I will give you a guarantee..."

As he spoke, he pointed to a large pit in front of him. In this pit, there was the foundation of the new building.

The pit was at least several meters deep. Zhang Yu pointed at the pit and said decisively: "Drive down!"

"Come...down..." BOSS was immediately startled and said, "This...Chairman...are you kidding..."

At this speed, if you rush directly into the foundation pit, you will inevitably hit the foundation. The foundation is made of reinforced concrete. If it hits it, the car will be destroyed and people will be killed.

"I'm not kidding!" Zhang Yu said seriously: "Don't be afraid, just hit it at this speed! Don't worry, I'm sitting in the car too, I'm not afraid, so what are you afraid of!"

Upon hearing this, Brother BOSS also felt that it made sense. It was indeed true. Zhang Yu was worth more than him. Zhang Yu was not afraid, so what was he afraid of? However, this was too dangerous after all. Brother BOSS drove his car around the pit, but still did not dare to rush down. He said carefully: " this are also in danger..."

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