Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 3628 Limelight

The next day, Longhu Villa.

The Longhu Villa is a bustling place right now. All major media outlets in Zhenhai, including reporters from major news websites, are all gathered in the large banquet hall of Longhu Villa.

There were three to four hundred reporters present, and a press conference of this scale was rare no matter where it was.

The protagonist of the press conference was naturally Qi Wuxuan, and beside him sat the military press officer. The contract had been signed before the press conference, but the colonel did not appear in public.

As soon as the host came up and said a few opening remarks, he asked Qi Wuxuan to speak.

Qi Wuxuan made a few polite remarks and then introduced the topic, announcing in a high profile that Qihu Motors would cooperate with the Supreme People's Office Guard Corps on special vehicles. And took out the signed contract for the media to take pictures.

"Pah-pah-pah-pah..." "Pap-pah-pah-pah..." "Pap-pah-pah-pah..."...

The reporters at the scene not only applauded, but also took photos, which was quite a lively event.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Wuxuan asked the press officer of the escort corps to speak. What the press officer said was just a few words, such as being able to cooperate with Qihu Automobile is a revitalization of the national industry. I hope I can have a happy cooperation with Qihu Automobile.

After the speech is over, it is time for reporters to ask questions. Which reporter the host chooses will initiate the question. Because there are too many reporters and time is limited, each reporter can only ask one question.

The reporters present had prepared questions beforehand. When the first reporter was called by the host, she immediately stood up and asked questions.

The question asked by this reporter was about the cooperation between Qihu Motors and the Guard Corps. He asked when the two parties started negotiations and finalized the matter.

Regarding this question, Qi Wuxuan's answer was very straightforward. He said gently: "This cooperation is actually very sudden. As we all know, our Qihu Motors will participate in the World Automobile Obstacle Rally. Unexpectedly, yesterday, the escort team suddenly asked to visit the company's Participating vehicles. They didn’t say the reason at the time. Just after they finished the visit, they approached me directly and wanted to cooperate with our Qihu Automobile. It is our Qihu Automobile’s honor to be able to cooperate with the Guard Corps on special vehicles. After I read the contract, I immediately agreed!”

"I don't know what the Guard Corps thinks of Qihu cars?" the reporter then asked.

However, without Qi Wuxuan answering, the host immediately said: "This reporter, I'm sorry, because there are too many people, each person can only ask one question. Now, please take a seat and ask this reporter to ask questions..."

With that said, the host pointed to another reporter.

The reporter just now could only sit down angrily. The reporter who was pointed out immediately stood up and asked happily: "I heard that Qihu Motors is determined to win this World Automobile Obstacle Rally. But as we all know, this competition held in Nandu has brought together thousands of people from all over the world. It is an unprecedented event with hundreds of automobile manufacturers, including many world-famous automobile manufacturers. I would like to ask Mr. Qi, do you have confidence in this competition, and what is the target ranking of Qihu Motors?"

Qi Wuxuan said with a smile: "Let me answer the supplementary question of the previous reporter first, and then I will answer your question. After visiting Qihu Motors, the Guard Corps did not make any evaluation of the quality of the car. But , I think anyone can be sure that if the Guard Corps is not satisfied with the quality of Qihu cars, they will never propose cooperation. It is definitely an honor to be able to cooperate with the Guard Corps on special vehicles, and it is also a great honor for the Guard Corps. Qihu Motors' affirmation, I am confident in this... Now let me come back to this reporter's question, regarding this World Automobile Obstacle Rally, even though the opponents are extremely strong, I am confident that Qihu Motors will definitely be able to stand out. Achieve excellent results! If I were to set a goal for this competition, my goal is to be in the top three!"

"Top three!" "Such a loud tone!" "This... this is too exaggerated..." "Such a high-profile..." "The cars participating this time include Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, etc. Brand... No one dares to say that it will definitely get the top three... Qihu Automobile, this is a bit too confident..."... After listening to Qi Wuxuan's goal, the reporters present had faces. Everyone looked surprised.

Because everyone knows how a domestic brand car can stand out and win the top three in such a large-scale competition. This kind of competition has always been the ultimate competition for world automobile brands to showcase new models. Even those big German brands dare not say that they will definitely achieve the top three.

It can even be said that the champion of this competition is not retained for a second time every year. This competition not only has high requirements for cars, but also has high technical requirements for drivers. In addition, there are various obstacles on the road, which means there is a lot of chance.

Qi Wuxuan praised Haikou as soon as he came up, isn't he afraid of being slapped in the face?

Next, the reporters asked questions one by one, and the questions raised were different. Some are about the development of Qihu Motors, some are about competitions, and even about the confrontation between the Qi family and Wudang Group in the securities market.

It can be said that Qi Wuxuan answered all other questions fluently. But when he heard the question about his contest with Zhang Yu, his expression immediately changed, and he cursed in his heart, you idiot!

However, Qi Wuxuan was not someone to take things for granted after all. His displeasure flashed away and he immediately answered the question. His answer was simple, it was just a normal investment operation, no big deal.

The press conference lasted all morning. After the press conference, the Qi family entertained reporters for dinner. The banquet was naturally filled with delicacies from the mountains and the sea, and everything was available. Moreover, each reporter was given a thick red envelope.

This is already breaking news. Even if no benefits are given, reporters must write it well. Now that I have benefited from the Qi family, I will inevitably boast about the Qihu car. According to reporters, Qihu Motors is simply the pride of domestic automobile brands. In the near future, it will surely create the glory of domestic automobiles and even compete with foreign automobiles. Some also say that Qihu Motors will definitely occupy a large share of the domestic market in the next few years, and will definitely be able to achieve "wherever there is a road, there will be Qihu vehicles."

Journalists carried out propaganda, and the Qi family also hired a large number of trolls to brag in various forums, forums, and news commentaries.

The sailors even helped the Qi family to sing a high-key tone, saying that the quality, performance, and cost-effectiveness of Qihu cars are only available in heaven and rarely seen on earth. There are also those trolls who even talk about patriotism, saying that they must support domestic brands. If they buy foreign cars, they are betraying the country's assets to the enemy. Some people said that in the past, they only bought foreign cars because of their good quality. Now the quality of Qihu cars is the same as that of foreign cars. What other reason do you have to buy foreign cars instead of domestically produced cars? Even the military uses Qihu cars, so it goes without saying how good they are.

For a time, Qihu Automobile's popularity was unprecedented!

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