"The income is guaranteed." "And it will also increase by 50 million on the basis of the original income." "This is not a small gesture." "Nonsense, you forgot Zhang Zhenren's other identity, Wudang Group Chairman." "That's right. , this amount of money is nothing in other people’s eyes.” “Even if it’s nothing, what’s the point of him doing this?” “Then I don’t know, it’s just good for it anyway.”…

The people in the audience started talking in low voices again. In their opinion, Zhang Yu basically gave them money for free. Of course, they all know that Zhang Yu is a wealthy person. In Zhang Yu's eyes, this small amount of money is simply child's play. What they couldn't figure out was what Zhang Yu's purpose was.

Master Yuan turned his head and looked at Zhang Yu, and whispered: "My dear nephew, are you so sure? If you don't make money, you will lose a lot in one year..."

"Uncle, the disciple is doing this mainly because he wants to benefit the Taoist Association. I have also seen the industries under the Taoist Association. They are distributed throughout Zhenhai, which is very beneficial to the development of the automobile industry. Therefore, the disciple decided to do this If you do it, you can guarantee that you will make money when the time comes." Zhang Yu said confidently.

"That's it...that's good...as long as you don't suffer losses, I will never have any objection..." Yuan Zhenren said calmly.

Naturally, she didn't know Zhang Yu's true purpose, but she just thought that the reason why Zhang Yu did this was that he might want to use some resources of the Taoist Association. But no matter what, as long as you make money, it's a good thing. As for whether it will happen or not, Zhang Yu has a promise anyway, so he is not afraid of Zhang Yu running away.

"Thank you for your support, uncle." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Then, he said loudly: "I wonder if everyone here supports or opposes Pindao's proposal!"

"support!" When the other disciples saw the abbot and the abbot speaking, what are they waiting for? They all started shouting loudly.

There was unanimous support throughout the entire venue, and no one raised any objection.

Because everyone knows that the additional 50 million proposed by Zhang Yu is not a small number. If the divided family has one million, they can definitely get it. Moreover, this seems to be the starting price. If not, you can get higher income.

However, at this moment, the abbot of Qiu Zu Temple said loudly: "I object!"

"Brother Dao... Everyone else supports it, why are you the only one who opposes it..." Zhang Yu turned his head and looked over.

"That... Daoyou Zhang... the rental time of each Taoist temple property is different, but without exception, the rent is collected first. For many Taoist sects, their rent has already been collected. But As for Qiu Zumiao... it happens to be the right time to collect rent... If you do this now, what will happen to the rent of the factory..." said the abbot of Qiu Zumiao.

The reason why he said this is very simple. Money is only money when it goes into your own pocket. If it goes into other people's pockets, you have to wait. Although Zhang Yu said it nicely, it took so long, it lasted a year.

Jiangnan Axle Factory's annual rent is quite large. It can be said that it is definitely the main income of Qiu Zumiao's temple property, higher than the income of other temple properties. If the rent of ten million yuan is put into the pocket first, it is one concept. If it is paid next year, it is another concept.

"It is said that it is under unified management. The factory building belongs to your Qiu Ancestral Temple. In terms of income, it will naturally be liquidated together at the end of the year." Zhang Yu said straightforwardly.

"That's what you say... But the rent for other temple properties has already been collected, so what should we do... We can't let each sect pay out the rent..." the abbot of Qiu Zumiao continued.

"It's simple... there are cycles in rent matters... I already knew it clearly when I checked the accounts before... As for the rent that has been collected, it is recorded in the account, and will be deducted by itself when the accounts are divided at the end of the year... ...and those that have not yet been collected are jointly earned by the Taoist Association and the Taoist temple, and then fall into the accounts of the Taoist Association... As for investment with temple property, the income from the temple property will of course be distributed as dividends at the end of the year Alright..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

"What about our Qiu Zu Temple?" the abbot of Qiu Zu Temple said immediately.

"The rent of Qiu Zu Temple has not been collected yet, so it is natural to use the temple property for investment, and it will be distributed as dividend income at the end of the year." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"This..." The abbot of Qiu Zumiao frowned. He originally planned to take advantage of the change of boss of Jiangnan Axle Factory to increase the rent and make a fortune. The result is now good, the boss behind Jiangnan Axle Factory is actually Zhang Yu, and he has done such a good job. I'm afraid I won't be able to get the 15 million I got. More importantly, maybe according to the previous contract, the price increase will not be mentioned at all.

"Brother Taoist, in fact, you are the only one to object, so I think it is of no use. Our Taoist Association has always been that the minority obeys the majority. As long as the majority agrees, there will be no problem. Also, you said that the rent of Jiangnan Axle Factory It hasn't been collected yet. According to the new rules of the Taoist Association, it seems that the rent collection cannot be done by you, Qiu Zumiao and his family. The Taoist Association must send someone to collect the rent together with the people of Qiu Zumiao, and then Leave it to the financial custody of the Taoist Association. Brother Taoist, are you not taking the new rules of the Taoist Association seriously..." Zhang Yu said with a faint smile.

"I...I..." The abbot of Qiu Zumiao originally wanted to make a time lag and collect the rent first, but then it would be a daydream for him to spit out the money. The result was good, Zhang Yu now directly brought out the new charter of the Taoist Association to suppress him, directly choking him, making him not know what to say for a while.

"Brother Dao, everyone knows what you are thinking about. But the rules are the rules. We have all signed them before. We can't take advantage of them, right? Besides, I, Zhang Yu, are the ones making the investment. I can guarantee that you will never suffer a loss." Zhang Yu said calmly.

He was trying to intimidate the other party first, and then comfort him. It was just a slap in the face and then a sweet date.

Having said that, the abbot of Qiu Zumiao also knew that it was absolutely impossible to put this money into his pocket. Regardless of investment or not, even if there is no such thing as investment, the Taoist Association will take the money away, and it will never go into Qiu Zumiao's account now.

The abbot of Qiu Zumiao could only nod and said: "What Daoyou Zhang said makes sense. I have thought about it. Since there is a promise about investment, there will definitely be no loss. In this case, why not do it? ."

"Brother Taoist is wise." Zhang Yu nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Brother Taoist's people must be collecting rent. I think it's better for Brother Taoist to make a call right now to avoid really breaking the rules."

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